Reward in Many Forms

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Third Person's POV

"We should have checked the weather!" Dawn yells over the pouring rain. She's running along the muddy path with her backpack over top of her.

Meanwhile Piplup is practically dancing along with her.

"There wasn't a cloud in sight yesterday!" Ash yells back with Shinx in his arms. The electric type kitty isn't too fond of getting his shiny coat dirty.

"There it is!" Dawn points to the towering windmills.

Luckily Ash and Dawn didn't get too far last night and were able to retrace their steps back to the Valley Windworks. Their last visit here was just as bright as the storm.

The two run through the front doors, shivering in the front lobby. "Hello?" Someone walks up before noticing who they were. "I'll be right back with some towels!" They state and run off.

The two look at each other with puzzled looks before starting to move again. They pile their bags and respective hats in a corner, where they'll hopefully dry. Ash also was able to take off his drenched jacket and hang it on a chair.

Ash and Dawn minded their own business before realizing that every scientist in the building was staring at them. Not in a judgemental way or anything, almost as if they were mesmerized.

"Our heroes," A voice booms from the balcony that Ash has some not so fond memories of.

"Uhh," Ash tries to protest but the man doesn't allow.

"Don't sell yourself short young ones," He disappears and comes from the downstairs stairwell. "The damage could have been catastrophic."

"My dad is right," A young woman comes out of the main laboratory where the Galactic battery once was. Looks like they still haven't fixed the broken window. "I'm Yellow, nice to meet you."

"Dawn and Ash," Dawn introduces themselves to the blonde girl.

"And I'm Ben," The older man shakes their hands. "Since I run this place I get called Big Ben."

"That could also be because of your eating habits," Yellow puts her hands on her hips. Ash and Dawn try not to laugh but couldn't hold back a smile.

"Now now dear," Ben hushes her. "Back to welcoming our guests."

"We just need a place to stay until the storm stops," Ash says. "If that's okay?"

"Okay?" Ben starts to laugh. "We owe a lot to you. A broken window and a few other minor damages was nothing compared to blowing up the place like they wanted. I am sorry that it took you two, sixteen-seventeen year olds maybe, to save us."

"Sixteen," Dawn answers. "And it was the right thing to do... Also there was no way I was going to be able to stop Ash."

"Yea, didn't exactly think everything through," Ash rubs the back of his wet hair while everyone laughs.

"I don't think words are enough to show how thankful we are though," Ben guides them through the building. The girl from earlier got the two towels so they aren't dripping water anymore.

"It was really no big deal," Dawn blushes in embarrassment but nothing is going to change his mind.

"We supply a lot of electricity each day," Ben informs them. "Pokémon Centers, Hospitals, you name it. In a world that relies on electricity, one second without it can be a tragedy."

"Let alone a night," Yellow adds. She's younger than Ash and Dawn originally thought. She seems to have a high role at the place and she may be twenty at the oldest. Her athletic figure does help convince though.

Yellow has a pretty energetic personality. You can tell part of her wants to shove the two together and cause some awkward romantic moment. Not yet at least.

"Team Galactic was smart to come here," Ben admits. "No big city force to protect us and our plant produces electricity fast enough that people may not notice before getting away."

"I wonder what it was for," Ash thinks out loud.

"A machine that needed upwards of 2764 Volts of potential difference," Ben says but it wasn't like they could understand that.

"Very powerful," Yellow translates. "I may have tried to fight them so I was thrown into a room and locked up. So I was able to overhear their talks in the hallways about using the power of three."

"Power of three?" Dawn questions.

"Think of things you know come in threes," Yellow suggests.

"Three Malamars, three strikes, three little cake things in a—" Ash lists.

"Pokémon related," Yellow rolls her eyes.

"Ohh," Ash laughs. "Umm the three legendary birds of Kanto?"

"You thought of cake before legendary Pokémon," Dawn sighs and Yellow looks at her in sympathy.

"Right my boy," Ben leads them into a room. "Sinnoh has their own trio."

"You think Team Galactic is trying to capture legendary Pokémon for a machine?" Dawn asks and he nods, eyebrows furrowed.

"The power of it would be great, but not as great as the destruction it will cause," Ben stares. "But since their headquarters in unknown, there's nothing anyone can do."

"Not yet," Yellow nudges Dawn. "You two think you can stop them?"

"I- I don't know," Dawn stutters. A few weeks into their journey and they're being told the fate of Sinnoh could rely on them.

"I'm just joking with you," Yellow giggles. "Let's hope our champion can solve the problem when the time comes."

"Here we are," Ben ends the conversation. "Our windmills create excess electricity when we work them in overdrive like we are currently."

"These Jolteon love this place so we built a safe pen for them to live in," Yellow smiles. "You'll never find a stronger one since they are almost always at full power."

The electric type eeveelution run around the place. Their yellow coats are almost a blur in the dimly lit area, their white manes spiking out intimidatingly. Their fur represents the lightening that is said to give them their speed.

"Like an electric shower," Dawn says.

"Very similar to," Ben smiles. "I was wondering if you guys would both like one."

"But they're one big family," Ash states.

"Jolteon are lovers of battle Ash," Yellow says. "They are wild at heart and I'm sure any one of these would love to join you guys. Also their speed can be unmatchable if trained correctly."

A smaller Jolteon sees them and runs up to the glass window that separates the inside area from the pen. Ben opens the door and the group walks in. The pen isn't completely enclosed so one half of the ground is pretty much flooded.

"It's getting bad out there," Yellow looks at the dark sky while clouds roar past. "You guys should all come in."

The older Jolteon and few Manectric herd the younger ones inside. "Feel free to roam," Ben tells them. "And behave better than last time please."

The bright yellow Jolteon run out excitedly while the older and tougher Jolteon keep a close eye behind them. All left except for one that runs around Ash and Dawn excitedly.

Yellow picks him up and he licks her cheek. "This one loves to make new friends," Yellow giggles.

"He's so cute," Dawn says and the thankfully smaller than average Jolteon jumps in her arms. Piplup frowns at the Pokémon taking his spot.

Ash smiles at the moment before realizing Shinx isn't in his arms now. He looks around for him before seeing Shinx dancing in the electric field. Suddenly a roar of thunder crashes through the sky, causing Shinx's fur to stick straight up.

He runs back inside and jumps back into Ash's arms. "An electric type afraid of a thunderstorm," Ash jokes and Shinx lets a few shocks scatter along his fur in warming.

"How would you like to join them Jolteon?" Yellow smiles. "You would be able to battle and train all the time with more Pokémon than you can imagine."

"Jooooool!" He ruffs happily.

"Ash my hands are full so you catch him," Dawn giggles and Ash does just that.

The pokeball shook pretty vigorously but that's probably because Jolteon is always bouncing with energy. The capsule stops and turns dormant. "You have more than six pokemon," Ben observes. "We have phones if you want to exchange Pokémon."

"We're catching so many Pokémon," Dawn smiles. "It's hard to send someone to the Professor after each one."

"At least we can exchange in almost every city," Ash shrugs and Ben shows them a room with trade machines, phones, and a few other high-tech hunks of metal.

"Eterna Forest is a very confusing place," Ben warns them. "Some researchers think the tree lines can alter themselves, as crazy as that sounds."

"You want to make sure you're prepared," Yellow adds. "Including checking the weather."

"Oops," Ash sweat drops. "What twelve should we take Dawn?"

"Wait a minute," Yellow begins to smirk. "Do you guys share Pokémon?"

"Yea," Ash smiles. "We're going to complete the Pokedex together."

"Really?" Yellow looks at Dawn who's red face shows she understands Yellow's point. "Very interesting."

"Ash, Dawn," Professor Rowan greets. "And is that Big Ben in the background."

The man steps forward and the two older men start talking like they had breakfast together this morning. "They go way back," Yellow whispers. "This could take awhile."

"Sorry," Ben looks back. "We'll have to catch up later because two of your trainers have some business to do."

"You gave them a Jolteon didn't you," Professor Rowan can be heard laughing. "I remember when you tried to get me to take all them home."

"For research," Ben reminds him. "Anyway I'll talk to you later Row Row Row Your Boat."

"That nickname is too long!" Rowan yells and Ben backs away laughing.

"Hey professor," Ash chuckles. "We're going through Eterna Forest tomorrow."

"That will be a challenge," Professor Rowan nods approvingly. "Remember to stay on the main path. Eterna Forest is used to hide things because of its sheer size, you don't want to get lost."

"We know Professor," Dawn smiles. "We'll be right through in no time, never have to go through again."

"Very well," Rowan nods. "So would you like to exchange for Jolteon or any other Pokémon? Preferably someone who isn't going to destroy the fence I had to replace."

"Cranidos," Ash laughs. The professor wasn't as amused.

"We'll send you Kricketune for Jolteon," Dawn decides. "Maybe he can calm down things."

"Alright," Rowan boots up his side of the transfer machine and Kricketune is safely transported many kilometres.

"Thanks professor," Dawn smiles and ends the call.

"Come on out!" Ash brings out Jolteon. The Pokémon barks happily, running around the room to stretch his legs. Shinx soon joins him in an electric type race.

"They're going to be really good friends," Yellow smiles. "And battle partners."

"Found it!" Ben exclaims and brings their attention towards a cluttered corner of the room. He pulls out a strange device with many cords and a magnet maybe.

"You still have those?" Yellow questions.

"Uh what is it?" Ash asks.

"An electrilizer," Ben holds up the item like it's the holy grail. Staring at the strange device in awe.

"In the older days they were used to jumpstart machines, devices, etc," Yellow explains.

"But they have an alternate use that you're forgetting Yellow," Ben smiles widely.

"I was getting there," Yellow pouts. "Electrilizers are also used to evolve a Pokémon called Electabuzz."

"And I bet it'll come in handy with your two's challenge," Big Ben hands them the device.

"Wow," Ash smiles. "Thanks a lot."

"Anything for our saviours," Yellow winks.


Deep in a forest a modest ranch house sits hidden in the trees.

A few Miltank and Tauros roam around a small bare patch of land.

Fields of various crops are spread out and growing plentifully,

A small wooden porch surrounds the door to the brown panelled house.

A young child, six maybe? Is swinging peacefully on a bench.

Giggling and pointing at all the wild Pokémon pushing through the trees to watch her.

If only the inside of the house was as sweet.

Some drama to end a slight filler chapter.

Hope you enjoyed and see you next chapter!

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