Bonus - Areli meets Nimona

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The small black monster, now disguised as a small human child, watched the TV about the "Queen Murderer" Ballister Boldheart, but they didn't believe he would do such a thing. They felt their stomach rumbling and looked for something to eat. They see a stall with apples and slowly approached it while the shopkeeper is busy selling some to a customer. They reach their monster arm towards the apples as the shopkeeper said to the customer that already finished paying, "Thank you. May Gloreth be with- Hey!" The disguised monster quickly snatched some apples and ran off as the shopkeeper yells out, "Stop! Thief!" The disguised monster bumped into two knights as they looked down as one said, "Aw, are you lost, little kid?"

The disguised monster was about to speak until the shopkeeper points at them, saying to the knights, "Stop that thief! She stole from me!" The disguised monster quickly threw apples at the knights and ran pat them with the knights running after them. It bumps into pedestrians, especially a familiar pink haired teen as the knights are getting close. Running into the alley and towards a dead end, it sees an empty box and quickly hid as the knights got to the alley. They looked for the kid as one knight said, "Come out, kid. There's nowhere for you to run." The disguised monster stayed quiet as they approached the box they were hiding as the knight was about to touch the box.

It closed its eyes as it was accepting its fate, until it hears grunts. It was confused until a shadow lurks above the box as a voice spoke, "Hey, kid." The disguised monster looked at the shadow until it kneeled down to its level, revealing the pink haired teen with a raised eyebrow and a smug smirk. It stayed quiet as the teen said, "Ah, don't worry. I didn't kill those guys, let's just say I took out the trash." The two knights are inside garbage bins as they groan from the pain. It stayed aware of the teen until the teen spoke, "The name's Nimona. What's yours?"

The disguised monster couldn't remember its name, nor was it given one but it did remember something from back at the labs. It saw a title from the labs that says "Project Areli", so it mustered up a child's voice and spoke, "A...A...Areli..." Nimona looked at the shadow and said, "Well, A...A...Areli, there's no one else here that wants your head. It's safe to get out of that box." Areli stayed in the box, still cautious before Nimona spoke softly, "Hey, it's okay. No one's gonna hurt you." Nimona held her hand out to Areli, as the disguised monster looks at the hand. Using a rag that covers their monster arm, Areli used its human arm to take Nimona's hand as they got out of the box. Nimona gives a small smile and said, "You were just hungry, were you?"

Areli nodded as Nimona tells the kid that they know somewhere to eat and Areli follows them, unaware that Nimona was taking Areli to see their new boss, the "Queen Killer".

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