A brother returns and another watch?!

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In Metropolis we see Dimitri and Ashton at the park as they both then look at the watches.

Ashton: Let's see what other aliens we got.

Then dimitri moved the dial on his watch and saw a hologram of a dragon.

Dimitri: Woah, is that a dragon?

Then Ashton's watch showed a hologram of a humongous dinosaur.

Ashton: And there's a dinosaur.

Then Dimitri moved the dial and saw a hologram of a knight.

Dimitri: Cool knight.

Ashton's watch showed a tiger man.

Ashton: There's a tiger man.

Then they both saw holograms of the same figure as it looked like a frog.

Dimitri: Cool, he looks tough. Hey Ash you thinking what I'm thinking?

Ashton: We should try it out?

Dimitri: Yup, let's go with the bruiser.

Then they both slammed the watches as they both turned into frog aliens as dimitri's had on a green, black and white suit as Ashton's had on a black and white suit as their badges were on their right shoulders

at another part of the park we see Jess and Zee as they saw the flash of light.

Jessica: Why do I have a feeling that was Ashton and Dimitri?

Zee: Probably because it is them.

Then they went to where the light came from and saw the two.

Dimitri: Who's the man? Not you because you're an alien. Who's the alien?

Ashton: *sees Jessica and Zee* Ah crud. Dimitri we have company.

Dimitri: *sees them* Uh oh. *He and Ashton hid behind trees as they both were still seen and waved at them.*

Jessica: What are you two doing?

Ashton: We were seeing what other aliens the watches have and we saw this one and we both turned into him.

Zee: Are you two crazy? You could have been caught.

Dimitri: But we didn't. Time to give this guy a test drive. We bet he's really strong. *goes to a big rock and tries to lift it* maybe.. stronger than supergirl... Ashton... a little help... please.

Ashton: *comes over and helps grabs the rock* got it.

Then they both lost their footing and came falling down at Jess and Zee as they hit their backs as they glowed and became smaller and were both two of them

Ashton: Whoa! There's two of me!

Then one of Dimitri's other self grabbed the rock like it was light.

Jesica: Guys your halves are like twice as strong now.

Then as Ashton got on a tree he then broke it.

Ashton: And double heavy by the looks of it.

Dimitri double : There's something I don't get. Are you two us or are we us?

Ashton: I think we're all us.

Dimitri: You guys thinking what I'm thinking?

Dimitri double: we wear trench coats to get into R-rated movies?

Dimitri: Uh..

Then we see the two as they sent their doubles into the air as on then hit a tree as it then fell on them as they then threw it off of them and were now four of themselves each.

Jessica: Guys can you at least control your Slapbacks?

Ashton: Slapback?

Zee: You know, you both duplicate every time you both get slapped on the back.

Dimitri: I like it.

Then they got their doubles all together and became one again.

Dimitri: Is there some kind of way to switch aliens even if we are alien?

Ashton: Maybe. I wonder what happens if we hit the badge?

Then he tried reaching for the badge on his back and then he finally hit it as he then became an alien that was red and had four arms.

Dimitri: Woah, hey let me have a try.

Then he reached for the badge and hit it as he then became an alien that looked like a flying mobula ray.

Dimitri: Woah, it's... Wingy alien guy. Hmmm probably needs a better name. Rocket bat! Dino wing!

Jessica: You look like a fast Mobula ray. How about....

Dimitri and Jessica: Jetray!

Dimitri: Also is a Mobula like a stingray? Is there a difference?

Ashton: I don't think so. But look at me I'm built like Arnold Schwarzenegger!

Dimitri: Plus you look like you got two pairs of arms, how about...

Dimitri and Ashton: Four arms!

Zee: So you both can switch aliens?

Ashton: Guess so

Dimitri: Yeah, you guys wanna head to the store?

Ashton: Yeah. i wonder if we can... *Hits the badge and changes back*

Dimitri: *hits the badge and changes back* Ok so what should we get?

Ashton: Ice cream.

Dimitri: That'll do.

Then they were in the store as they looked around then they saw a boy in a leather jacket walking by as he knocked down a tower of cans.

Jessica: Hey, he just knocked down that tower.

Zee: He's being a real jerk.

Dimitri: That "jerk" is... My brother.

Jessica: Wait, what?

Dimitri: That's elliotte he does stuff like this for fun. *Looks at the watch* Let's see how he likes it when he becomes the joke. You with me Ashton?

Ashton: Yeah.

Then they used the watches as Dimitri became a bug alien that can fly as Ashton became an alien that looked like a blue moth as they went to see Elliotte as he made a mannequin look like it was picking its nose.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Elliotte: Never gets old.

As he went to some pillows we see Dimiti and Ashton as they were on a shelf near elliotte.

Dimitri: Ok Elliotte, let's see if you think this is funny.

Then he fired goo at Elliotte as Elliotte then blocked it with a pillow and looked at them.

Elliotte: Well well well, how ya doin big bro? Love the new look, especially the designer.

Elliotte then showed his wrist as it had a watch on it as it was like Dimitri and Ashton's only the face plate showed half of the watch's symbol looking like a K.

Dimitri and Ashton: Another watch?

Then Elliotte used the watch as he then turn into an alien that was able to curl into a ball with spikes and roll as he faced Dimitri and Ashton.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Elliotte: This thing is made for fun, let's dance!

Then he ran to the shelf and hit it making Dimitri and Ashton fall as they then flew in the air.

Elliotte: Oh come on you big chickens or whatever you are!

Ashton: The name is Big Chill.

Dimitri: And the name's Stinkfly.

Elliotte: What? Seriously? Stinkfly?

Ashton: Like you could come up with anything better!

Then Elliotte began to laugh as dimitri then launched goo in his mouth as he looked like he was gonna puke.

Dimitri: I guess I can call myself Barf-fly.

Then Elliotte spat out the goo that was shot in his mouth.

Elliotte: *chuckles* You got me pretty good there. My turn!

Then he launched at them as they dodged him as he crashed into a sign and another and crashed into a ball pit.

Dimitri: Seriously how long have you had a watch? Cause you seem a little out of practice.

Ashton: Yeah, cause crashing into a ball pit is pretty obvious.

Elliotte: Ok I'll admit, I haven't had it long. A few nights ago I had this crazy dream, it was so vivid.


We see Elliotte tossing and turning in bed as he woke up and got up.

Elliotte's voice: I had to jog down what it showed me.

We then see him going to a desk and he writes on a piece of paper that was the blueprints for his watch.

Elliotte's voice: They were designs, blueprints, no way I could have built this on my own. I wasn't sure what it was for but it did take long to figure it out.

We then see him building his watch as he is finished and puts it on.

Flashback ends

Elliotte: And with a few minor modifications of my own, I got something pretty awesome.

Dimitri: What do you mean a few minor modifications?

Ashton: Mutations! You gave your forms more power by mutating them!

Elliotte: How about I show you!

Then he kicked a ball at them.

Dimitri: Real mature.

Then they both got tackled by Elliotte as they crashed into a shelf as Elliotte lifted the shelf and then curled up as the shelf fell on him.

Dimitri: Your modifications seem a bit glitchy.

Ashton: You should probably fix that.

Elliotte: Whatever! I know better than some stupid dream! I just need time to get used to the upgrades!

Then he threw the shelf at them as they heard their badges beeping as they then flew off as they changed back as dimitri and Ashton saw Zee and Jessica.

Dimitri: Girls, my brother has his own watch and he's after us.

Ashton: And his aliens are bigger and meaner.

Then we see Elliotte come in still in alien form.

Elliotte: looks like someone's powers went bye-bye. And I see you both got your girlfriends to protect you two.

Then Zee and Jessica began to blush at being called their girlfriends.

Zee and Jessica: We aren't their girlfriends!

Then Elliotte began to roll their way to them as they ran as he tried to turn but slipped and crashed as he ran to the spot they ran and saw they weren't around and rolls off as we see the others come out from a changing room.

Dimitri: He's gone for now. *Sees the watch times in and saw the hologram of the dragon*

Ashton: *sees the hologram of the dinosaur* Ready to try these guys out partner?

Dimitri: Ready.

Then they slammed their watches as dimitri turned into a red dragon with a black and green vest and green and white belt with his badge on it as Ashton was now a huge dinosaur as his tail had a club that looked like a ball with three spikes on it

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Ashton: Whoa! Talk about Dino Thunder!

Dimitri: These are awesome! We'll call them Space lizard and gigantigeko! No that's not good *gasps* Red dragon and iguana monster! No that's weak. Roar thing and plasma drago. Hmmm. maybe galaxy wyvern and mega steggo dude.

Then we see a little kid was standing next to them.

Kid: Scarlgon and Humungosaur.

Ashton: Works for us. Thanks kid!

Dimitri: Let's go!

Then they ran as dimitri and Ashton were being careful about their new size and Dimitri's wings in the store as Dimitri's tail knocked down a grill

Dimitri: Oops

Ashton: Now your brother is sure to find us!*his tail knocked down a shelf* Ah crap.

Then they heard Elliotte screaming as he was rolling at them.

Dimitri: Batter up!

Then He and Ashton used their tails and hit Elliotte sending him through shelves.

Dimitri: Ok the tails can stay.

Then they ran as they saw Elliotte went pretty far.

Ashton: How far did he go?

Dimitri: Alright Elliotte, where are you at buddy?

Elliotte: Coming at ya!

Then he tackled the two giants sending them out through the store as a man came to a mic.

Man: Clean up on aisles 16, 17, 18. *Then the three aliens crashed into more aisles* And aisles 29, 30, and 31.

Then we see the two crash into a freezer as Elliotte got up and rolled at them as Dimitri and Ashton got up and saw their tails had tubs of ice cream on them.

Dimitri: Ew.

Ashton: Gross!

They both threw them as Elliotte then slipped on it and crashed to a wall as the two then tackled them and crushed the wall of the store as Jess and Zee saw it.

Jessica: Guys!

Then they ran after them as an employee saw the hole.

Employee: I quit.

Then the three were rolling down the hill as they were then sent to the air as dimitri and Ashton grabbed the cliff and tried to climb up but Elliotte grabbed the two by the tail and began to pull them.

Elliotte: If I'm going down, you two are coming with me!

Ashton: Let go of my tail you quack!

Then Jess and Zee saw the two as dimitri and Ashton tried to climb up.

Elliotte: Not so fast freaks!

Ashton: Look who's talking!

Then he pulled them down as they both were hanging on with one hand as they heard their badges beeping.

Dimitri: Not now! We need the muscle!

Ashton: We gotta beat him before we time out!

Then the two started to swing their tails making Elliotte hit the cliff as Jessica and Zee saw the part the two were holding on were breaking and about to break.

Zee: Guys let them time out!

Dimitri: But we can't beat him without our powers.

Jessica: Trust us!

Then they looked at each other and looked at Elliotte.

Elliotte: Come on guys, I'm just getting started having my fun!

Dimitri: Well we're done having fun!

Ashton: Playtime's over! *turns back into a human*

Then we see Elliotte fall into the river.

Elliotte: Not cool!!!

Then he was seen carried by the current of the river as dimitri and Ashton got up from the cliff as they walked to Jessica and Zee.

Dimitri: Thanks.

Ashton: Guess that's the last we'll see of Elliotte for now.

Dimitri: Yeah.

Meanwhile we see Elliotte come out from the river as he changed back to his human form

Elliotte: When I see those guys next time they're dead!

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