Chapter 6: Making Friends (unedited)

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Continuing his stride along the streets of Amity Park, Rin took in his unfamiliar surroundings ‘man I’m so bored...I wonder where Tucker and his friends are’. A few minutes past before he found himself walking by a school as the end of the day bell could be heard ringing. Seeing all of the students come rushing out of the doors of the school, he spotted three familiar faces of Tucker, Danny, and Sam within the swarm of teens. As they made there way through the clusters of people Rin decided to go approach them, making his way there he saw them discussing something that seemed to be important.

“ can’t keep hiding...from your…” he could hardly hear Sam say as Danny looked guilty before switching to annoyance.

“Yeah well I can’t just say ‘hey mom, dad gets what I’m half’’ “Danny! Could you be any louder I thought you are trying to keep a secret not announce it to the whole world” Sam interrupted before he could finish.

“But Sam I thought you wanted me to be truthful and tell people my secret!”

“You idiot! I said your parents not everyone!”

“Guys calm down, no one might have been listening before but I'm pretty sure they are now with all your screaming” Tucker tried to reason with the two, taking it as Rin’s que to join their conversation “hey guys! Whatcha doin” he greeted as he flashed a smile.

“AHH” the trio yelled jumping into the air and snapping their necks to Rin’s direction while he continued to smile innocently as he could before bursting out into laughter.

Danny Pov: few minutes before…

Danny making his way through the hallways of school,both best friends on either side of him looking completely exhausted “guys I can’t keep going on like this, it's getting to be too much”. Sam’s and Tucker’s expression turned to concern “we know danny that’s why were trying to help you as much as possible” Sam said, but Danny soon countered with “I know guys but for me it’s different with my parents, school, fighting, and everyone's opinion about phantom”. Finally reaching his locker he pulled it open after putting in his locker combination and switching his school books for his backpack.

Turning back to face his friends as he slams the locker door shut “it’s just all the secrets, lies, and the other crap going on in my twisted but messed up life, it’s getting to be too much”

“ Danny as your best friends I think I can speak for the both of us that we want the best for you, so if that means telling your parents the truth or whatever we can do to help we will” said Sam as she tries to console the halfa.

“Yeah Danny were with you a hundred percent bud!” Tucker agreed while patting Danny on the shoulder. Making their way through the school doors.

“I know guys, but I don't know how they will react if I tell them”

“but that's the thing Danny you don't know unless you tell them” Tucker tried to reason.

“but that's the thing Tuck, no one knows and that...scares me not knowing what they will do”

“oh Danny you can't just keep this a secret forever, you can't keep hiding this from your parents forever...there going to have to find out eventually” Sam said as the trio made there way to Danny’s house, while no one noticed the sneaking figure approaching. “Yeah well I can’t just say ‘hey mom, dad gets what I’m half’’ “Danny! Could you be any louder I thought you are trying to keep a secret not announce it to the whole world” Sam interrupted before he could finish.

“But Sam I thought you wanted me to be truthful and tell people my secret!”

“You idiot! I said your parents not everyone!” Sam yelled at Danny angrily.

“Guys calm down, no one might have been listening before but I'm pretty sure they are now with all your screaming” Tucker tried to reason with the two, but soon after the figure quickly interrupted the trios conversation “hey guys! Whatcha doin” he greeted as he flashed a grin.

“AHH” the trio yelled jumping into the air and snapping their necks to Rin’s direction while he continued to smile innocently as he could before bursting out into laughter. While Tucker, Danny, and Sam seemed surprised to see Rin "oh Rin what are you doing here, I didn't think we had any new students attending Casper High" Tucker said in astonishment.
"Haha no I'm...home schooled, I was just walking by when I noticed you guys walking out of the school" Rin tried to explain.
"Oooh well you didn't happen to hear what we were talking about right?"
"Umm nope I didn't hear a thing" Rin said as he lied to the trio.
" do you want to come with us to Danny's house" Tucker said as he gestured to his best friend. While Danny looked annoyed at Tucker " Tuck you can't just invite people to my house" Danny said before looking at the demon " but he's right Rin, wanna come over but just me warned my parents and sister are a bit of a... required taste.
"Oh well I don't want to be a bother then"
" what no that's not what I meant! Your our friend now Rin" Danny said while panicking, but Rin was too distracted.

Rin's POV:
'friend...he thinks of me as a friend' Rin thought as he let a warm smile envelope his face.
"Well then if that's the case I'll be happy to go then"
"Awesome" both Tucker and Danny said as the four began to walk along side each other to their destination. But Rin was trapped in his thoughts 'there only your friends because they don't know what you actually are...once the truth arises they will turn there backs like the others before them, their kindness will turn to hatred' Rin couldn't help to let his thoughts take over.
"Come on Rin your going to be left behind" Sam yelled as Rin's thoughts were interrupted. Shaking his head he smiled back at the three as they ran ahead, laughing he sprinted ahead to catch up.

'Until that time comes I'm gonna love having...friends' Rin thought sadly as he still couldn't help but smile at the trio of teens.

AAAAAH finally a chapter is out! And oh my glob people look at how many views this has got as well as the votes and not to forget to mention the amazing comments I get from you guys, thank you guys sooooooo much! Word count 1117

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