Two Rivals

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I watched it unfold. My two best competitors, falling in love for one another. They were once enemies, perfect rivals. So how did that happen. I sat down on the bench, and I could see them standing over there, behind a pole, thinking nobody could see them kissing.  But I could. The swimming finals were tomorrow, they were up against each other, but would they show up? They loved each other truly, but that interfered with everything already planned. I let out a sigh, and lifted my hand up to my forehead to wipe the sweat away. What on Earth could I do?

The next was here, the day of the finals, the day those two love birds would have to compete, against each other. Only one of them could win, would it crumble their relationship, or would they just not show up? They were both already late. I tapped my fingers on my lap impatiently, where were they? I peered over at the judges, who were beginning to look impatient themselves, huffing and puffing. I buried my face into my hands, I could feel my cheeks burning. Then I heard a door behind me open, I turned to look. It was them! "Where the hell have you two been!?" I demanded them, getting up from the bench. They didn't appear to care they were late, in fact they weren't even dressed into their swimwear. But what got me most was that they were holding hands again. "Go get your swimwear on please!" I ordered. They stood there a few seconds, looking at me, blankly. I let out a little scowl, and they turned around and headed back into the dressing room. I whipped around and started to go over to the judges to explain that they were finally here. One of the judges looked up at me as I headed over. "Coach Emily," He greeted, "are they even coming?" I nodded frantically. "Y-yes, sir." I replied "In fact they are here, but arrived not in their swimwear. They are changing into their swimwear now." He nodded once, and looked away. Something told me he doubted what I said. I could smell the chlorine, it burned my nostrils. I bowed my head to them and turned around to head back to the bench. I plopped down onto it, and lowered my head, looking at the tile floor. They'd better not disappoint me.

After waiting for about 30 minutes, I lost my patience. I rose from the bench, whipped around and glared at the dressing room door. 'Where are they!?' I wondered. I stormed over to the door, and pushed it open aggressively with all my strength,  nearly busting it off the hinges. There they were, in the middle of the room, on the bench, holding hands and staring at me with what I assumed was shocked expressions. Not even dressed into their swimwear yet. "What the hell are you two doing?" I demanded. They slowly turned and looked at each other. "We won't be competing Coach." Ella announced. Whitney nodded. "We just can't." Whitney told me "Only one of us could win, and that's not fair. We will not compete. We're sorry." I felt a drop in my gut. What would I tell the judges? I knew I had to accept that these two were in love, and I believe I already have, but what does that mean for me? I now look like a fool in front of the entire crowd, telling everyone that my swimmers won't be swimming today. I slowly nodded, my breathing frantic however. I turned around, slowly stepping away. Ready to face the judges and tell them what has happened. I set my hand on the wooden door, feeling its smoothness, before I pushed it gently open. I walked out, my head hung low. I could feel every eye in the room staring at me, it was one of those feelings that made your gut drop and cheeks burn. Worst of all was the judges stares. I walked over to their table. "I am so sorry." I explained "But my swimmers say they aren't swimming today, they refuse." I slowly looked up to meet the judges glares. I could see something twitching on their faces, despite them trying to keep their faces straight. But I could see that twitch of fury. "So we've been sitting here for what, two hours? For nothing?" One of them asked me. I nodded, feeling tears burning my eyes. "Yes, I'm sorry." I told them, almost a whisper. 

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