Chapter 2

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"We should bring it back to its hideout as the other one said where it was located. We can force it to give us answers. If he doesn't,"

The man gestured and glared at me with hatred.

"Then we might just get a bit dirty."

He slid a finger across his neck to show that he meant killing me. I gave a genuine panicked look to the five, and just went limp. I basically gave up. The two that were holding me stumbled forward a bit, as they weren't using the strength they needed to support a 14 year old hybrid. After that they put some kind of fabric over my mouth so if I screamed again, it was muffled. That's what I thought it was. The fabric must've been soaked in a poison or liquid of some sort, because after a few breaths through the fabric I started to get light headed and drowsy.

"That's right... just calm down and take some deep breaths."

After a couple more minutes of me trying to fight the drowsiness, I finally fell asleep.
I woke up laying on the ground. The first thing I saw was the clear, dawn sky. The color was a mix of daytime and night. I shuffled my head down to look down at myself, and I was covered in dirt. I sat up, and out of reflex, I tried to use my arms to help myself get up off the ground. Emphasis on the word tried. My arms were tied behind my back with rope, and I somehow managed to pull myself up with my core and tail strength. I looked around, and everything came back to me. I remembered what had happened. I had been knocked out with the soaked fabric, and Cozmo and Vercon escaped. Cozmo had told the humans where our whole species was located. I felt the rage and hate grow within me. I looked around to see a group of humans standing around before something. One of them in the back must've heard me shuffling around, and turned around to look at me. It then announced to the rest of the group,

"The young one is awakened!"

All of them then looked back at me, and it made me feel pretty uncomfortable. The same human that I met last night then walked up to me, and he started speaking to me.

"Look who's awake! I guess your friend wasn't as loyal as you thought, eh? He told us where you all were hiding out, just to save their own lives for a night."

Him and the rest of the group moved to the sides to reveal something.

"And it paid off."

Behind them, with their hands tied behind their backs, were my parents and many other hybrids I knew personally. I wanted to yell to them saying I was there, and I almost did! A single syllable came out of my mouth before a hand was slapped across it.


That was enough to be noticed. My parents' gazes shot over to me, and my mother yelled,


Her once gentle face was now tense, negative, and covered in tears. My father was the same way. They both looked terrified, in fact, all of them did. Each hybrid was either trying to escape, was bawling, or asleep. All of them were either hushed or smacked with sticks if it came to it. My mother was hushed immediately after shouting my name, and seeing this connection, the human that was speaking to me added on.

"Then I guess we should make you watch the torture begin."

I then was forced to stand up with help from the humans, and they hauled my mother up to her feet. It was quite hard as she would not let go of my father, and my father was using his tails to hold onto her. He shouted then and there,

"If Victoria goes, I go with her!"

This can't be how it goes down. Not like this. We said we would be together, and happy. Not dead.

They were brought over to the Grand Survivor, and were lined up right next to each other. Two 'guards' were lined up on either side, each holding some sort of weapon be it a spear, knife, or sharpened bull horn. I heard my father whisper and beg to one of the humans,

"Please, if you kill us, just don't let Blaze watch. He doesn't need to see his own parents get killed."

"Well, now I will make him. I'm grateful for the reminder."

They shoved me over about 10 feet away from them, and two humans held onto my shoulders so I couldn't run away. I wanted to do so so very badly.

"Please.. don't kill my parents."

"Who said we would just kill them? We'll make you monsters suffer until the very end."

He then said that they could start when they were ready. They started out scratching and cutting their flesh with the knifes and horns. Both of my parents could barely stand from the pain. They were holding eachother's hands the entire time, and their tails were intertwined. I felt my eyes start to water, and soon after I whirled my body the other direction. I was then turned back to my original position by the humans that were standing next to me. The one that had been talking creepily stated to me,

"We wouldn't want you to miss this, now would we? We'll force you to watch no matter what."

I was forced to watch my parents get beaten. After about 5 minutes..

They decided to use the spears.

I couldn't hold it in anymore. I screamed and cried as loud as I could.


Both my mom and my dad gave me the sweetest, genuine, smile I had ever seen. It said, "I love you with all of my heart. Don't you forget that." And then.. they were gone. They both got stabbed and skewered with the spears right through the chest. It went all the way through them. It was gruesome, gory, and it was the hardest thing to watch and hear. I heard their flesh get cut in half. It made a disgusting, revolting snapping noise. All of my memories came flooding back into my mind. The bad, the sad, the happy, the upsetting, all of it. Every single one of those memories, all led up to this. I just stared. Stared at what my parents were now. Just corpses.

I then don't know what came over me, but I used my tails to grab the heads of the two on either side of me, and smashed them together as hard as I could. This either knocked them out or killed them; all I knew is that they both collapsed to the ground afterwards. This is how angry I was. I then felt a weird feeling in my back, and then it turned into excruciating pain. I was screeching as loud as I could into the cornflower blue sky, but the pain just faded away. Four slimy, black, tentacles then came into my view, and I figured out I could control them. I grabbed two of the humans that were standing on the sides of my parents' corpses, and dragged them over to me. I then started talking in a deep, demonic voice.

"It's an eye for an eye in this world, so now it's your turn."

They looked terrified, and that made me feel good for some reason. I then crushed their necks with almost no effort whatsoever. I let go, and they dropped dead on the ground with the other two. I just stared at what I just did, and I had no regrets. I felt something roll down my face, and to go along with it another weird feeling in my back. I looked and I had demon wings, just like my mother. I itched my cheek to see that it was a black liquid of some sort.

So I have tentacles, wings, super strength, and a creepy voice? Oh boy.. this is gonna be so much fun..

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