Chapter 9- Sleep.. drinker?

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He was just about to get relaxed under the covers when a creaking sound was heard from the doorway. Another sound, which sounded like a door handle squeaking, followed. Upon hearing these noises, he shut his eyes as fast as he could out of fear. The room was dark, but yet there was somehow still light in the corners. It was almost as if he was living in an old, drawn, beat up photo. He then saw two maroon dots sitting in the shadows, barely moving and disappearing every couple seconds. He started to panic and tried to move. He couldn't. He tried to open his eyes again, but couldn't. That's when he noticed how he was seeing through his eyelids. He then tried to scream, but couldn't. It was almost as if his whole body was paralyzed. The dots then became lines, and started coming towards him. A silhouette then formed as they started to get closer. It was a person, but it looked deformed. Its fingers were as sharp as a shark's teeth, it's skin was an unnatural olive color, (light earls green, yes I needed to look that up) and the most noticeable thing was that it had weird extensions sprouting from its back and shoulders. It walked until it was looming over him, looking at him menacingly. He could also tell it had a spark of malice and insanity in its eyes. The entity then picked him up out of his bed, wrapped him in what felt and seemed to be tentacles, and said in a low, booming voice,

"Let me help resume your eternal sleep."

The creature was about to pierce through this head, but everything went black before that. That's when Meme woke up. He shot up and looked around. It was just the room he was staying in. He looked down at himself after. He was drenched in sweat, and was shaking. He also noticed how quick and heavily he was breathing. He muttered to himself,

"Holy crap.. That was one heck of a nightmare..."

Meme then got up, got ready, and went to face the day that laid ahead.


Tbh still had a lot of questions about last night, and would attempt to figure them out today. The first person that he wanted to question, was Socks. He tried to look for him, and was surprised to see him up a bit earlier than usual. He usually wakes up around 9:00, and he woke up about an hour earlier. He was in the middle of sorting the chests when Tbh asked,

"Hello Socks! I see you woke up early.."

"Hm? Oh, hey Tb! And yeah, I woke up and couldn't go back to sleep. So I just decided to get up."

"Cool. Well actually, I wanted to ask you a couple things."

Socks stopped what he was doing and cheerfully replied,

"Go for it!"

"Have you looked around your bedroom for... anything suspicious?"

After Tbh finished his sentence, Socks gave him a weird, confused look. A look that said, 'are you okay? That is the weirdest thing I've ever heard.'

"What.. Do you mean by that?"

"Well.. it's just.. you know what? Come with me."

Tbh then pulled Socks by the wrist to his room, and tried his best not to make noise for the people who were still sleeping. Tbh's claw kinda hurt Socks' wrist, but he didn't really mind. It's not like he was trying to make it hurt.

"Look under the bed and you'll see what I mean."

"Is this a prank or something? Is someone gonna jump-scare me? Because if it is, you know it won't work. Grade A acting right there though!"

"No, this isn't a prank! Just look under the bed."

"Okay, okay. But don't be surprised if I don't get scared."

Socks then looked under the bed as Tbh had wanted. He then saw what Tbh was talking about. At least twenty empty water bottles were under there, and they were all covered in black sludge. Socks pulled one out from under the bed and studied it. His brain had been blurry from all of this, but now it was just a mess.

"So this is where the drinks have been going.. haven't they?"

"Yep. And I caught you red handed last night. You drank at least a quarter of a pack!"

"What? How is that possible!?"

"That's what I said! Oh, and to add onto that, you weren't doing it in your sleep, you were evil and you were drinking them. So it is definitely not gone."

Socks didn't know what the heck to think at this point. He had way too many questions.

Why was it doing this?

How was it doing this?

How is everyone not dehydrated?

How am I not dead?

Are there any side effects from drinking this much?

How is everyone still alive?!

Tbh quickly interrupted his thoughts and said,

"Well, do you remember anything at all about last night?"

"I know nothing.. I don't remember drinking anything in the middle of the night, let alone a quarter of a pack!"

Someone then walked in and said,

"Hey guys! What's going on in here?"

It was Meme.

"Nothing! We were just checking something in here."

Tbh tried to cover it up, but seeing Socks on the floor holding a water bottle covered in sludge, Meme definitely wasn't convinced.

"Uh.. Socks.. why are you on the floor holding a water bottle?"

"I was.. getting a drink and.. I decided to sit on the floor!"

"But.. your bed is right behind you. You could just sit on tha- you know what? I'll admit it. I know something's up, and I'm not going to act dumb. So just tell me."

Socks then gave Tbh a look that said, "Should we tell him?" And Tbh responded with a look that said, "Well.. yeah. He obviously knows something's up." Tbh then tried to explain.


"So that's why you haven't been thirsty at all.."

"Yep.. I guess this has been happening for a while now.. explaining why you all are running out of drinks so quick."

"But the real question is why."

"I think I know why.."

Meme and Socks weren't expecting Tbh to have a theory.

"Last night, when I saw him drinking the bottles, everytime he finished one, his tentacles got longer."

The two were very confused about that.

"How the heck does that even work? Does water have a weird molecule in it that makes my tentacles grow or something?!"

"No, that wouldn't make sens-"

"Nothing has been making sense ever since I had the medicine Tb."

"That is very true."

Meme then stepped in.

"Well, if all logic is thrown out the window.. then maybe the water is fine, but something happens when you drink it... maybe? I don't know."

He then felt a slight, grabbing sensation in his stomach.

"But one thing I do know, is that I need breakfast to survive. Goodbye."

"I'll come with."

"Me too!"


"I know this is kinda random, but I had the scariest dream last night.."

"Really? Maybe it was because of the noise we were making at like.. 8 in the morning.."

Socks playfully scoffed at this, and said,

"You were the one that literally dragged me in there!"

He then glanced down at his wrist that had a faint, pink claw mark from Tbh holding his wrist so tight. Tbh snickered at his sentence, and then said,

"Touché, touché.. anyways.. Meme, continue."

"Okay. So, I was in my bed in the dream, and I heard noises coming from the door. Then, something came in. At first, I only saw two red dots just floating in the shadow of the room. But then, when it got closer, I could tell it was actually something's eyes. From the light that was in the room, I could tell that it was a person, it had things coming from it's back and shoulders, it's fingers were super sharp, and it's skin was a weird.. I think green color? I forget. But anyways, I tried to scream, move, open my eyes, nothing. I couldn't move. It lifted me up and said something along the lines of, 'Let me continue your sleep.' And it was about to stab me with something, but then I woke up."

Tbh and Socks were pretty interested in what the dream meant, and Tbh said,

"I personally think that you, my friend, have just suffered a sleep paralysis demon."

"What the heck is that?"

"Basically, have you ever heard of sleep paralysis? Well, when you are in it, some people experience demons that come and haunt you. Another reason I know it is sleep paralysis is because you couldn't move in your dream."

"Oh. Now that makes sense."

The trio was about to talk about something else, but then Blaza and Laff woke up. Socks greeted the two.

(I'm putting tags of who says what.. it gets confusing here.)

Socks: "Oh! Good morning guys! How'd you sleep?"

Blaza: "Good, but.. did anybody else hear noises at like 3 in the morning? Or was it just me."

Laff: "I did too. What about youse?"

Tbh: "That's what I wanted to ask you guys about.. but obviously you heard it."

Laff: "Well, do you know what it was?"

Socks: "It was me.. drinking a quarter of a pack of water bottles."

Blaza: "What are you doing up at 3 drinking a bunch of water?"

Socks: "Let me rephrase that. My evil side was up at 3 drinking a quarter of a pack of water bottles."

Blaza: "Okay.. so what is your evil si- wait.. since when does drinking water sound like scratching and bumping?"

Tbh: "What do you mean? What scratching and bumping?"

Laff: "What are you all talking about? I heard met'l screechin'! Almost like a shapen'in knife."

Meme: "What the.."

Socks: "Looks like I'm doing more than getting hydrated.."

Tbh: "Definitely more than that."

Everyone paused in a moment of thought, but Socks then randomly said,

Socks: "I know this is a bit side tracked, but if we are going to keep referring to my evil side as, "the evil side", I feel like we should give it a name."

Meme: "That's actually a decent idea!"

Blaza: "Well, obviously it has to be evil, and I'm pretty sure it wants everyone dead."

Laff: "Maybe it should have something to do with the gulag?"

???: "What about Gulvic?"

A young, high pitched, and a bit raspy voice plainly recommended. Everyone turned to see where the voice was coming from. There was just a bat, but a couple seconds later it turned into a person. That person was Nadwe. The 15 year old then smiled and waved.

Tbh: "What was your idea again?"

Nadwe: "Gulvic! It has the beginning of the word gulag, and it has a cool ending!"

Blaza: "I was thinking something along the lines of Gulocks.."

???: "You know, you could just ask me.."

Everyone shot their head to Socks, and were surprised to see both his eyes black with a red slit for a pupil.

???: "My real name really is Socks, I'm just the other side of him.. but.. it would be nice to have a distinction. You know what? I like the 10 year old's idea.."

Tbh: "S- so.. y-you like t-the name.. Gulvic?"

Gulvic: "Does it really matter what I'm called? You'll all die at some point anyways.."

He said this grimly, yet had a bit of happiness in his voice. Everyone was internally freaking out at this point. They were basically frozen in place out of fear. "Gulvic" then continued, and said,

"And one of those moments in time... is now..."

He was about to move his back foot to walk over to who seemed to be Nadwe, when an expression of shock and surprise spread across his face. Almost like he had been shot through the chest. About two seconds after, his right eye turned white, and he said,

"Actually, now that I think about it, I think.. I am.. going to.. pass out instead.."

As he was saying this, it looked like he really wasn't lying. He was going to pass out. His eyesight started to get blurry, and he started to get a bit light headed. His expression also seemed to change from shock, to drowsiness and exhaustion. He then collapsed, falling forwards quickly towards the ground. Laff, Blaza and Meme all caught him just before he hit the ground, and all let out sighs of relief. They all got Socks back to his bedroom, and placed him down on the bed. His breath was cold, which was abnormal for him. It was almost like he was half dead.. but that's not possible. Meme then said,

"Guess it really isn't gone after all.."


Löng Chapta.

Problems shall ARISEEEEE

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