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I don't have any weird header quotes anymore.... Lolll



I climbed up the fire escape, up to the roof.
Right as I reached the edge, a hand extended in my direction. Looking up my eyes met those green ones of the ninja.

I smiled and accepted his chivalrous gesture, letting him pull me up to the roof.
Tonight was just like any other night, but at the same time it was so much more. The air seemed cooler, the lights shining on the street seemed the perfect amount of dim, and the moon...oh the moon. It lit up the sky so brightly, accompanied by the few specks of stars littered across the sky.
Tonight was just like any other night.

Except that tonight wasn't like any other night.
The green ninja was standing in front of me. He was getting a bit nervous. I could see him twiddling his thumbs while rocking back and forth on his heels.
But he didn't seem just nervous. The way his eyes were half closed, he was definitely smiling.
My lip curled into an excited smile, one that I tried so very hard to hold back inside. But I just couldn't.

"So Mr. Green Ninja... What do I owe this pleasure to?" I asked, bringing in small talk into the silence. His eyes met mine with quick darting movements .
I snickered a laugh. "What happened to that confident ninja who saved my from falling to my doom last night, mm?" Another question left my lips as I walked closer to him, suddenly feeling more confident whereas his confidence seemed to have taken a backseat and let a shy boy appear in front of me today.
I really didn't mind. The green ninja seemed like a shy kind of cute.

He shook his head, stifling his own laughter, and this time when his eyes met mine, they stayed their, staring deeply into me.
Wow. I know a lot of people say that looks can kill, but isn't there also a saying that your eyes can speak a thousand words?
That is exactly what I could feel right now.
Love at first sight... it was actually a thing. Cuz I was so starting to fall for this mystery boy. Falling for someone I don't know at all, a someone who possible can't tell me much about himself. I really need to fix my type.

A fake cough pulled me out of my short thoughts. Without realising, I had been staring at the ninja while daydreaming.
"So, I said I wanted to fix the fact that I don't know you." He started a bit more confident than before.
"Ah there is the confident greenie from last night." I wink, playing with him. What? I was allowed to have some fun too.
"You want to see the flirty side too?" He sent me a fiery look, eyes scanning over my face.
"I wouldn't mind that." Our conversation just turned into a flirty competition. I was pretty surprised at how flirty I could be. Talk about discovery]in a new side.
Our gazes met in a hot connection. His pupils pulsed and I am sure mine mimicked his.
"I bet this is what it is like meeting a tinder date." I laugh trying to ease out the hormones flowing through me. It is all too fast.
"Never been on one." He shrugged, eyes turning normal. "Same..." I replied.

"Hey do you want me to show you some cool stuff?" He asked getting excited like a child. His persona did a 180 and now he was giving off some of the cutest, calmest, most childish vibes.
I tilted my head while giving him a snarky smile.
"What comes under 'cool stuff' ? " my fingers go up in air quotes. He points up to the empty sky, confusing me.
"What is so cool about a blank sky?" I cross my arms while challenging his idea.
"I don't know..." he trailed off and then conjoured up a magical green orb in his hand. I stared at it completely perplexed.
The orb emitted a green glow then gently painted his features in that forrest coloured hue. The way the light flickered and reflected in his eyes, you could call that a sight to die for.

A short breathed gasp left my mouth when he lifted the orb into the sky, letting it float in mid air.
Another flourish of the green ninja's hands and the orb multiplied until my roof was filled with green orbs bobbing up and down in the pale dark blue sky.
"Holy shit.." I murmured while I looked around myself. This sight, was nothing like I had ever seen. One of the magical balls floated down and I extended my hand forward to touch it.
As soon as my hand made contact with that luminescent elemental object, it fizzled and poofed like a small green cracker. Little flecks of green lay drifting in the air, looking like little fireflies.
I giggle like a little child and started running around the roof, touching whatever orbs that were within my reach.

The green ninja stood with his arms cross, gaze fixed on the girl. She had such a jovial nature, she was like another him. Seeing the way her smile lit up on her face when the energy balls exploded, that was the highlight of his day.
He caught sight of her face.
More specifically her eyes.
Unlike their usual colour, they were a bright yellow.
'Yellow...' Lloyd thought. 'Isn't that the colour symbolising joy?' He set aside the thought when Y/N approached him.

I grabbed his hand and pulled him towards one of the orbs. "Greenie, you have to see this up close. It is the definition of cool.' I jumped up and down when the orb started falling towards my hand.
Upon impact, it exploded in a beautiful green colour. A green much like the green ninja's eyes.
"Isn't that cool!" I asked while jumping on him for a hug.
I between my laughs I realised what I had done. To avoid further embarrassment I scrambled away from him. "Sorry." I muttered.
He gave me a smile and reassuringly placed a hand on my shoulder. "I kinda liked it."
"See I told you it was going to be cool." He closed his eyes and let out a satisfied huff from under his mask.
"Yeah sure okay fine." I waved off, not ready to admit defeat so soon.

His eyes went to something behind me. I was confused and then I turned around to see another orb.
But it was way out of reach and floating towards the ground.
"Umm what's gonna happen now?" I hesitated as we both speed walked to the edge.
He looked as confused as me. "I...really don't know." Oh wow Mr. green ninja. Just wow.

The green orb floated towards the street, right above a pedestrian. The green ninja and I shared a look.
The man under the green energy orb had no idea what was on top of him.
As soon as it touched him, he shrieked and jumped sideways, leaning against the wall next to him. His chest was rising and falling with deep breaths and he positively had a heart attack right there.
He was turning his head upwards and I quickly ducked behind the wall, but alas the green ninja wasn't that fast.
"Sorry sir!" The ninja exclaimed with a squeak and slid down the wall right beside me.
His eyes fell on mine, and he was oh so annoyed. But that didn't stop me from laughing.

I was guffawing like a full on idiot now. Laid down on the concrete floor of the roof with my fingers clutching my sides.
"It wasn't even that funny, come on." Greenie poked my stomach, making me lurch away from him.
"Stop I'm ticklish!" I scream trying to get my breath back. Being the gentlemanly ninja he is, he backed away.
A little part of me actually wanted him to tickle, just for the sole excuse that he would touch me. Omg I should go to horny jail for this.
Either way, I was still laughing.
"Y/N can you stop laughing now? You're creeping me out." The green ninja blurted while cautiously approaching my wiggling body.
"That. Guy's. Face! His scream! Good one green ninja." I patted his shoulder as I finally got myself to stop cackling.
I think I've scarred him with my laugh and weirdness. Oh well. He did want to get to know me better.
I sat up quickly, trying to look as sane as possible.

I don't even know how we got into this position. But somehow we did.
The green ninja was sitting in front of me, leaning forward, resting his weight on his hands.
His masked face was mere inches away from my red one. Note. Red from all the laughing. Not because of the way his green eyes were looking over my face.
His looks traced down my face, jumping from my lips to my eyes.
I know it sounds weird, but his eyes looked beautiful. His eyes were such a spectacular shade of green. And the way his looks sents my lips tingling...
I wish I could just-

"Woah...it's a bit hot tonight isn't it?" He pulled back, gently tugging at the neckline of his ninja suit.
I sat straight, a bit hurt by the way he pulled back.
Well I know nothing was going to happen, he couldn't even take of his mask to kiss me. If he had to. Cops are coming to get me for horny jail.

"Yeah, but not much. a good amount of hot?" I shrugged, failing amazingly at I don't even know what I was trying to do.
"Y/N I know we were supposed to like get to know each other tonight-" he cut himself off to get up and so did I. "But I really need to head back home now."
It was sad. Pretty sad. But come on Y/N, he also has a family to go back home too.
"So when can we do this again? It's nice having a friend in a city of unknown people." I wrap my arms around myself, because it was a chilly cool night. Not hot.
"Soon hopefully." I could feel him smiling. And I gave him a small smile.
But something distracted me.

"Oh look!" I said pointing behind him. That same little bobbing figure. The wisp was here again.
The green ninja turned around and upon seeing the mystical creature quickly backed up until he was pressed up against my body, shielding me from what he thought could have been a threat.
To stop him from knocking me over, I grabbed his arm, specifically his biceps. He was pretty muscular, not the weird kind of body builder type muscles(thankfully) but the more attractive kind. Subconsciously I tightened my grip, trying to feel his arm, but he had bigger things on his mind.
He drew out his sword, slicing the air and pointed it towards the green wisp.
The little thing starts shivering in fear.
"Wait! Stop!" I pushed myself away from the male as I approached the miniature green figure.
"Y/N you have no idea what that...thing could do. It could eat you." The ninja emphasised on the 'eat you' part.
Carefully, I stepped toward the wisp. "Puh-lease. This cute little thing can't eat me." I looked into the big round eyes of the wisp and then in quick motions it flew to my shoulder.

The green ninja shrieked.

"Oh my god stopp. This little this isn't going to hurt me and it definitely won't eat me. Look at it! You're just a cute little thing, aren't you?" I lifted the wisp in my palm and nuzzled my nose against it's cheek. I could feel it giggle.
"We should give it a name!" I got excited and held the wisp towards the ninja. He looked at it doubtfully.
"Oh come on greenie, I think you might have made a new frienddd." I elongated my sentence trying so hard to get the hero boy in front of me to give the little wisp a chance.
"Y/N I think it would be a good idea if I show this wisp to my master. Where did it even come from?" The green ninja looked around, probably looking for something suspicious.
"As long as you don't hurt it, I wouldn't mind." I say, reducing the distance between us as I push my hands gently forward. The green ninja sighed, finally caving in. He grabbed my hand as he tried to lure the little wisp towards him. "Come here little wisp." He cooed.

The little wisp looked at the green ninja, then back at me, and poofed out of existence. My eyes widened. "Wha- no not again!" I flared my hands, in desperate attempt to call in back.
"Again?" The green ninja asked. "It happened last night too. After you left." I gave him an answered.
He looked to the ground in concentration.

"This is kind of serious. I'm gonna have to ask my master about it." The ninja said, stepping away from me.

He waved his arms around his, ribbons on green lights circling his being.
And with a flash of light, he was now sitting upon his green dragon.
The dragon roared slightly and then saw me and started purring.
I laughed and approached it. "Hello there." I gently pet his head and he huffed, sending my hair flying.
"You never properly introduced me to your dragon." I looked at the dragon's rider.
He hesitated. "Um dragon meet Y/N. Y/N meet dragon." He said while grabbing the reigns.
"Yeah sure, you call your dragon 'dragon'. What is this big boy's name?" I scratched the bottom of the dragons chin and he let out a happy growl while shaking his body, shaking the green ninja along.
"Careful boy!" He got his pet to calm down. "Yeah. I don't have a name for it."

I gasped. "What kind of pet owner are you?" I shook my head disapprovingly.
"Wha- he's not a pet first of all. He's an elemental dragon. He doesn't need a name." The green ninja tried defending.
"Sure. He doesn't need a name. Just like he doesn't need cuddles and scratches." I look at the green, my face twisted in annoyance.
He went silent.
"MR. GREEN NINJA!" I screamed when I realised his pet skills were worse than I thought. "Pet care classes begin soon. Don't be late." I ordered him. If he was going to have the privilege of having a pet dragon, he was going to learn how to take care of it.
The green ninja smiled behind his mask, excited for the next time they would meet.

"Yes ma'am. Wouldn't dare to be late."

The green ninja flew through the puffs of mist in the cold, sighing while recalling the wonderful night he spent with his developing crush.
Even though his mind was focused on how cute she looked when she smiled, certain curious parts of his thinking always found their way to one thing.
Her eyes.
They way they faded into a beautiful yellow. The colour may have seemed to be a peculiar one, especially for someone's eyes, but according to Lloyd, that just increased her beauty tenfold.
All the previous times that Lloyd noticed the little colour shift in these past two day, they just had him falling deeper, which had him very suspicious since he used to find girls disgusting. Girl cooties were his biggest fear a few years ago.
But not this girl, No no.
Eyes half closed in love, he flew to the monastery.
Landing at the grand front door he was ready to shout out a greeting but realised the time.
Holding his tongue, he started tip toeing in the halls of the ancient building, the wooden floor giving off slight creaks with his steps.
He crossed the kitchen, but the aroma of left over noodles sent his tummy grumbling, mouth drooling and body moving towards the pan on the stove. 'Zane and his heart of gold.' Lloyd admired his brother, who left some food for him in the pan to be kept warm so that he could feast when he returned from wherever he was.
Lloyd licked his lips ready to devour the gourmet meal in front of him.

"So glad you could join us for dinner son." That deep voice of Lloyd's father boomed through the kitchen. Lloyd hissed when he figured out that Garmadon caught him.
Lloyd slowly turned his body, heels rubbing against the floor. "Daaaad..." Lloyd placated, praying to his grandfather that Garmadon would have mercy on Lloyd's teenage soul and not ground him for a week or make him train after hours.
Garmadon sat in the chair with his head tilted down as he blew into the cup in hand. The tea swirled around before stilling again. Garmadon took a sip of his beverage, gulping it down as Lloyd gulped whatever amount of confidence he had left.
"Care to enlighten me where you were for so long?" Garmadon looked at Lloyd through his grey fringes, seeing Lloyd fidget and come up with an excuse. Anything other than 'I went to meet a girl'.
"I was just patrolling. You know...gotta save the city from crime and stuff." Lloyd started sweating. His dad was intimidating as hell. Former lord of darkness duh.
Not satisfied, his father took another sip of his tea. "Are you sure there was nothing else you were doing?" He stood up, setting the cup on the table. His hands went behind his back, posture stiff and tall. He knew exactly how to get Lloyd to talk.
Lloyd failed.
"Fine. I went to see a girl." His voice was a soft breath but his father heard him loud and clear.
"Is this girl a certain Y/N your team has been talking about?" Garmadon couldn't help but smile when he saw Lloyd's flushed state. Lloyd internally cursed the boys for having told his father about her.
"Dad can I like eat now, I'll talk to you later." Finding the quickest route out of the kitchen, the fearless green ninja grabbed a bowl of noodles and chopsticks, running down the halls while slurping the delicacy. His father's gaze trailed after Lloyd's footstep but all the boy wanted to do right now was get away from that.
Garmadon shook his head, trying to get rid of the foreign feeling in the air. The way his head started gently throbbing, he could sense that something was different.
Not the fact that Lloyd went out to see a girl, much to his happiness, but what came after it. Lloyd was letting off such powerful other worldly elemental vibes. His old energy aura was now filled with something deeper.
Garmadon shut his eyes tight, trying to put all his concentration in one direction.
He focused on Lloyd's being, inhaling deeply, trying to pin point that strange elemental aura.
Seconds passed into minute until over twenty minutes passed when Garmadon's eyes shot wide open.

He brisk walked through the still and quiet wooden hallways, then slid the door of Wu's room open.
"She's here? Why didn't you tell me?" He asked, fingers curling into the sides of his robes, his heightened emotions not letting him down easy.
Wu sat in his room, meditating.

"Come sit brother, there is a lot we have to talk about."


"Some people care too much. It's called love"
-Winnie the Pooh

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