Part 2

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Nico Di Angelo 💀🖤

Everyone wouldn't stop teasing me about Will! Whenever I even looked at him, or mentioned him, everyone would giggle and joke around. I haven't even talked to him before, like ever!

Only my close friends knew I was gay but I'm pretty sure people were starting to catch on when I mentioned some guy looked good or something and so far, people were chill about it, which I was happy about. I was terrified of coming out because I was raised in a place where it wasn't accepted.

During Greek class, I found myself zoning out and staring at nothing. But then I realized, I was staring at Will while staring at nothing.

We made eye contact and Will did a little wave and I waved back shyly.

I'm such an idiot! Now he thinks I'm a creep.

I kept glancing at him during the entirety of class and since Leo sat behind me, he kept teasing me.

"You guys were totally looking at each other!" he said when we got out of class and were heading to lunch.

"No we weren't!"

Leo poked me, "Oooooooh. Is thinking about Will making you bluuuuuuush?"

I rolled my eyes "Oh shut up. Anyway what did you get for number five for the homework in Science?"

Leo shrugged, "I dunno. I don't pay attention."

I gaped at him, "Then how do you have straight As."

"Because I am a genius." he said with an exaggerated bow.

I snorted, "A genius at being an idiot."

Connor spawned out of nowhere and said, "That's true."

I shook my head, "That applies to you, Percy, and Leo."

Connor feigned offense and said, "How could you do this to me?"

I laughed and then I noticed Malcolm Pace and Will walking near us.

Leo noticed them and said, "Hey! Aren't you guys so excited for the trip?"

Will nodded, "Yeah! I mean we're going to Greece and Italy! I've always wanted to go because Italy is a huge music place and my parents are musicians. We all sing and I play guitar and piano."

"That's so cool." I blurted out before I could even think.

Will looked a bit surprised but he went with it, "Thanks! Not many people think it is."

"Why?" Connor asked.

Malcolm interrupted, "He thinks people will make fun of him. Which is stupid because I couldn't sing to save my life."

Will glared at Malcolm, "Mac!"

"Anyway, what class do you have next after lunch?" Connor asked Malcolm.

Malcolm looked a bit surprised and became a tomato, "Oh uh, Math."

Connor is a huge nerd when it comes to math and machinery, which is how he can craft up the best pranks with Leo. Including rigging Coach Hedge's megaphone to say weird stuff like "The cow goes moo!" (AN: Anyone get the reference?) So he started talking about nerd stuff with Malcolm, who was going to become tomato sauce sometime soon if he didn't stop blushing. Leo would've joined in but he mysteriously disappeared.

I started walking to lunch with Will Freaking Solace.

Will Solace 💛☀️

I couldn't believe it. 

I was talking to the "Ghost King" (as everyone called him), Nico Di Angelo.

While Connor was talking (flirting) with Mac, I talked with Nico.

I mean I'd always noticed Nico. Whether it'd be looking at him during lunch or waving at him when he passed by in the hall.

Mac always teased me about my blushing but then Connor Stoll was always right behind him and he looked like he ate 1000 chilies. 

I rubbed the sun tattoo on my neck out of habit. I tended to do it when I was nervous.

"How did you get your parents to let you get a tattoo?" Nico asked.

"Huh? Oh, it's a family tradition that when you turn sixteen you get a tattoo of something in the sky."

"Cool. My mom would kill me if I got a tattoo." Nico said a bit sadly, "My sister would think it was cool though."

"What would you get?" I asked.

He thought for a moment. I noticed he ran his hand through his dark hair when he did that, "Maybe a skeleton angel because my name means angel of the dead in Italian."

"You're Italian?" I asked.

He shrugged, "I was born there."

"Can you speak Italian?" I asked. My grandmother was Italian and I wanted to hear more about it so I could kind of connect with it.

"Si. Perche stai chiedendo?" he said, with the CUTEST Italian accent. My heart couldn't take it and I blushed. (Yes. Why are you asking?)

I could understand it vaguely from the little Italian my mom taught me. 

"I just wanted to know more about you since we're going to be going on the trip." I said.

"You can understand me?" he asked.

"A bit." I said. I got a notification on my phone that announced who we're going to be roomies with.

I checked the list and...

I got Nico.

I was panicking and cheering inside and it must've shown because he asked me, "What's wrong?"

"Oh. Uh roommates lists are out and I'm with you." I said, trying to sound casual.

Nico looked... scared, panicked? Oh no! Does he not like me? 

"It's uh fine if you wanna be with someone else." I said.

Nico blushed and mumbled, "No. I'm good."

Connor walked over to us with his arm around Mac, who... you know what? I can't think of anything to describe how badly he was blushing.

"Hey you guys sit with Lou Ellen and Cecil, right? They're coming too! We have like four empty spots at our table. You guys should totally join us." Connor said with a mischievous grin that I've come to associate with trouble.

"Oh ok!" I said. I got to sit with Nico!!! "I'll ask them."


Cecil and Lou Ellen were fine with it. 

We all sat together at lunch with Connor, Cecil, and Mac plotting something that I didn't want to know about.

Mac has a very mischievous side to him that literally nobody but me knows about.

I talked with Annabeth, Piper, and Nico, while still trying to keep everyone else under control.

I hadn't talked with Annabeth for a bit because school. We were childhood friends but slowly grew distant so it was nice to talk to her again.

My mom and dad were friends with Piper's dad because celebrity stuff so we both knew each other.

Then everyone decided to play wrong answers only, for some weird reason.

"The snack that smiles back!" Leo sang.

"Toothpaste!" Piper yelled.

"Badabababa!" Percy said.

"I'm hating it!" I sang back.

"Uhhh." Lou Ellen thought, "Taste the rainbow!!"

"Me!!" Nico said.

Everyone except me, Mac, Lou Ellen, and Cecil laughed.

"I don't get it." Mac said, a bit confused.

Nico blushed, "Oh uh... I'm gay."

"Ohhhhh. I didn't know but cool!" Cecil said.

I'm bi so I knew how hard it must've been for Nico to be open about it.

"Nice. I'm bi so... yeah." I told everyone. 

Nico looked relieved. I think he was worried we wouldn't take it well.

"Good for you, man." Percy said, "Now... Paw Patrol Paw Patrol!"

"Will never help with trouble!" Annabeth said.

"And that is why she is my girlfriend." Percy said, lightly kissing Annabeth on the forehead.

Everyone looked at us strangely but I didn't care because:

1. I was having fun.

2. I was sitting next to Nico


I looked at Nico, admiring his long locks and warm chocolate brown eyes and wished life could be as simple as this.

Hey guys! I'm back and with an actual decent chapter size!! Lemme know what you guys think and I'm always up for constructive criticism. Any head canons and ideas you guys have you can suggest in the comments and I might add them to the story (Ex. Connor being a nerd from Leylani.) Ok byeeeeeeeeeeeee.

Word Count: 1256

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