Chapter 6

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Sighing as I was walking down the street and stuffed my hands into my pockets still having what that old woman said playing threw my head, "Hey you okay Jade?" Marinette asked from beside me thus earning a small jump as I gave a quick nod. "I swear I'm gonna start buying bell's for all these quiet people as a warning for me to know their there." I thought having a small smirk growing on my lips though let it slide as I once again gave yet another sigh. Maybe there was something wrong and I just didn't know it yet, looking up to the sky seeing day give away to dusk and bidding farewell to Marinette though telling her several times I would be fine on my own. Walking up to the apartment I was now living in, I open the door slowly walking in and having a shiver pass threw my body when met with nothing but silence, placing my bag down as I steadily touched the wall allowing a grin on my lips when my fingers found the switch that held the power of light to flood the room.

Seeing the room filled with all the boxes I had placed from yesterday, I casted my hazel eyes around the room as I made my way to the kitchen thus my finger tips seem to dance across the tops of each box, "Its like a drug....something that once you start you can not stop." I thought with a sad smile while tearing open the box and reached in pulling out long cold piece of metal. The light danced off the sharp blade which would not be clean for much longer while I took the last few steps to the near by sink and placed the sharp edge on my warm skin, biting my lip along with gripping the handle thus readying my self to rip it across. "Why can't I.....why am I doing this?" I thought feeling tears build and quickly closed them in attempt to clear them away, slowly starting to at least press the sharp blade into my skin when I heard though at the same time felt a small thump, pulling the knife back as a small red line had appeared on my arm.

"Is someone in my home?" I thought only to have it click in my head making me reach into my pocket pulling the small brown and red marking box out, "Okay Jade now you are starting to lose it." I mumbled placing the box onto the counter at the sametime allowing the blade to slip into the kitchen sink, walking off to find the bathroom as to clean and wrap my arm unaware that a shadow had appeared in the room.

Growling when cleaning the new cut as I grabbed a first aid kit from a near by box to quickly wrap my arm and walked back to the kitchen again, coming to a stop as my eyes landed on the little box that now sat open on the counter, feeling the small hairs on the back of my neck start to rise and quickly looked around trying to see what was the cause of all this. The feeling of being watched crept up my back and I could feel my chest tighten from my breathing quickening as I slowly walked across the living room floor, throwing my eyes around the room swearing up and down that I was hearing the sounds of little foot steps running across the bare floors.

"Who's there?!" I called out though nearly jumped out of my skin when a box fell over and holding up my fists as if to fight whatever was there, sadly all that was seen was the box and it started to feel more like someone was playing a game with me. Slowly moving as I neared a corner and jumped out as if expecting to catching something but instead watched as a black shadow darted between my legs making its way to the living room, "What the hell?!" I yelled giving chase as it went around some boxes and I quickly went around the other way reaching out to take a chance to grab the shadow. Sadly it must have felt me going for that trick and it quickly took a whack at my forehead, "Ow! What the......grrrr what is that thing?" I growled out having landed on my butt and rolled onto my back from the force of the hit.

"I am not a thing thank you." A voice called out making me stare around the room and rolled to the side slowly pushing my self to my feet, "Alright then...what are you?" I called out throwing my eyes around and kept my ears open for the smallest sounds. "Well.....that can be a little hard to say or maybe more like see." The voice called back allowing me to make out that it sounded to be male at least but it seem to sound young, "I will be the judge of that so just come out or else I'm gonna set up a bunch of mouse traps to catch you." I called back starting to get ticked off by this thing that seem to have the upper hand on me and I carefully walked around some boxes that the voice seem to come from.

"I am hardly a mouse." It spoke quickly drawing my attention to a few boxes near a small sliding glass door and I moved quickly but quietly jumping abit seeing the shadow trying to make a break for it, "Oh like hell your getting away!" I yelled as I jumped clasping my hands around something small and furry. It had small pointy ears and was that a tail that I saw swaying behind it?

"Wow so you can catch?" It spoke drawing me to look at its face and my hazel eyes met with bright red ones, "What" I muttered making sure to keep a hold on whatever this thing was in my hands and walked to the kitchen with that being the only light at the time. "You know I could just bite you right now and not feel bad about it?" It said thus earning a glare from me and I slowly tighten my hold, "And just so you know I will feed you to the stray cats running around outside." I spoke in a low tone watching it lower its ears to the sides of its head.

"It feels like its body is covered in the softest fur I have ever felt." I thought then gave my self a mental kick in the head for thinking that when this thing had just whacked me in the head not too long ago and it seem to have fun making fun of me, "Okay start talking, I want to know how and why your here? What are you?" I asked having spoke one question after the other wanting to find all the answers as to why there was some over grown mouse in my new home. "Alright first off I have name and its Styx." He spoke with a bit of a wiggle to try and free him self which earned a sigh from me, "If I let you go are you gonna stay here or whack me in the head again?" I asked staring him down wanting to show I wasn't afraid to keep my promise from earlier.

"I will stay but can't promise that I won't whack you in the head." He spoke in a matter of fact tone and I bit my lip wondering why I choose to even talk to whatever this thing was, "Alright well then....Styx what are you and why are you in my home?" I asked slowly releasing my slender fingers from his small body as I expected him to fall but he just remained floating. "Well you see human I am what you would call a kwami and I am half of a whole." He spoke with a yawn at the end as if having to tell me that was far too much for him to do, "Hey I have a name too you little pipsqueak." I muttered with a growl slipping threw my lips though I gave sigh running a hand threw my hair and leaned on the kitchen counter as I crossed my arms. "Alright so then tell me why are you in my home?" I asked watching Styx float around some of the boxes in the room only to stop and look at me, okay maybe more like a bit of a stare down before he spoke again making me feel as if I had been slapped in the face.

"Its are join in a fight of good against evil, you are gonna be a super hero and be known worldwide for it." He spoke having a sly grin on his face and I merely stared at him with my mouth sightly hanging open, was this really happening to me and not just some kind of dream or maybe nightmare? Feeling my mind go blank as one question slip in making me turn my head to see a window giving a clear view of the outside world, "Can someone like me really become a hero?" I thought watching the last few rays from the setting sun slip into darkness.

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