The trip

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Someone's POV

"hyung are you sure about it..."

"um... I don't know"he frowned

"who will ask?"... by this question everyone was looking at each other's face


Today was the last day of school before summer vacation.

when everyone started asking about Yoomi to you ,you can't hold your tears.... choking inside
"she is s..sick"words weren't coming out from you mouth but Mark was there to help

"th..thanks Mark" you told while wiping your eyes and out of blue he hugged were shocked but didn't pushed him away

" I'll always be there Eunmi, please don't cry like this" his voice was comforting and the hug felt different somehow

you slowly pulled away and smiled weakly he is indeed a great person.

when school finished you two went to see Yoomi but there was no change in her condition. It was killing you from inside.

when you were heading back Mark didn't want to leave u alone but u insist so he had to

at home

you could feel that the four of them were in the kitchen cos as usual Hobi was being a loud speaker

"hey guys..... "you tried to smile, they smiled back awkwardly

*clears throat *" actually...
I'm sorry for shouting at you guys I know you guys were worried but I didn't mean it to be like that... I'll never shout like that.. upon you guys are my brothers but I couldn't control my thoughts and emotions........
* you slowly looked at them*
Mianhae oppas "

their eyes started glowing and and soon started squealing, fake crying because of "oppa" =_= it's like they have won a match which was You vs them

But suddenly they stopped and looked at you "um..Eunmi we ..ah... wanna tell you something...." Namjoon told

"No ... actually we want to ask" Yoongi poked Namjoon

"Yeah sure.." what have they done now you thought

four of them was continuously glancing at each others face and looking at you....( T T)

Hobi sighed " so....... "

"so...?" you asked

"why me hyung!......actually we had planned a trip to the farm house..... we were going to tell u about this but this.. this incident... " you cut him off

" I need some time" you went into your room.

1000 years later

you came down and the boys were sitting at the living room with a very serious face...which is rare to be found tbh

"I'll go" you replied
out of blue they screamed and hugged you

" we love you " they said altogether

cough* " I can't breath guys!" they were chocking with their hugs

" so when we'll start?" you asked

" tomorrow " Jin said.

Everyone got busy packing their stuffs after all this and Jin went back too.The decision of leaving Yoomi in this state was hard for you but the happiness of your brothers matter called Mark to look for her and keep you updating about it.

the book which you took from the library indeed was different so you packed that with you too

and about the farm house, your dad and uncle bought it for you guys so that you guys can spend time together. It is situated far from the city near the woods, and the beauty of it is just..... Amazing.

as we started early in the morning so we were together from night at our house. Taehyung and Jungkook didn't slept cos they wanted to enjoy the morning view but went into dreamland when it was time to leave...

but......the most annoying thing that Jimin was going with us because my dear sister Lisa told her to..

Tae and kookie were looking like the real kids of Namjoon and Jin......because they had to cary them upto the car as they were asleep........ yaay! my ship is sailing lol.

your sit was at the front and Jin was driving.

Nine people lost their way inside the forest and found themselves in another world which was full of danger and life threatening for them to.......... this was the last part you read from that book before dozzing off.

"Please let him live! let them go..... they mean no harm to you"

"you see....I am the powerful one and now you will beg for your and their lives" she let out a most eerie and evil laugh..........

"get out from this place, leave!!NOW!!!"she screamed in pain



you woke up like someone has scared you to death...sweating and panting.

"what happened "Jin asked in a concerned voice

you checked your surrounding "where are we and where are the others! "replied in almost terrifying the shit out of you

"they are their near the river"he replied and finding an answer.

you didn't replied... after few moments you told him you wanna drive .

it was still two hours to drive.....meanwhile while driving you got lost in ur thoughts
"why did I dreamed of killing someone!! "this question was in a loop inside of you.

a/n sorry I didn't updated for a long time actually I usually write in my laptop and surf here with the help of my phone. but my lappy seems dead! 😭😭so I'm writing with the help of my phone

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