will she ever listen !

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"I am back " you shouted so that Hobi can hear you and be at ease. you went into your room ,freshened up changed into your pajamas and t-shirt and went into Hobi's room

"did a cyclone passed through your room !" you were shocked seeing his room cos papers and books were scattered every where

he chuckled . you kept all those serially and helped him .The help was only few drawings T3T

"where are the others " u asked

"Busy with their own assignments ,today was the last day and we forgot that so we got detentions and a last chance for submission " he laughed sheepishly

"why don't you guys do it on tine! " you scold him

you were asleep waiting for him to finish his job

at morning

you opened your eyes* yawn*" huh.....when did I came back in my room " you scratched your head then went inside the bathroom did. your morning routine and came down

" good morning Hobi " you greet him and grabbed a seat near the table and dozzed off it was really tiring yesterday

" Good morning sweety" you heard a sweet voice which you missed for years, you jumped up from ur seat wondering that she is here

Hobi hand over you the phone

" Mom"
you talked with her but only for few minutes cos she had a meeting to attend, yes ur parents are always busy with their business that they cant call!

you ended the call and hugged Hobi " thanks Hobi for calling her."

" I.. I... didn't " you cut him off
" I know it was you who called not her" you burried your face in his chest

" last night you were asleep in my room so I carried you to your room and you kept calling her saying you miss her" Hobi pat your head but felt his chest getting wet

" They can * sniff* call us at least* sob* once " you told in your cracked voice, Hobi hugged you tightly

" yah you guys hugged without me!" Namjoon joined in
out of blue Yoongi joined too

" koala party" Hobi shout making us laughing

*click *

" yah! what was that" you asked

" your crying face pic which I'm gonna save as my wallpaper" Namjoon ran away

" yah!" you ran after him

" what happened " Yoongi asked

" are you serious!! "he was shocked

" nope I called " Hobi replied

"ah...ah jeez Eunmi that hurts!" you dragged Namjoon by his ear seeing it both of them were. laughing

" hey today is holiday so let's call Jin hyung and co." Hobi said excitedly

but it was for sure that Lisa will avoid it, your cousin sister who likes everyone except you why? don't know the reason


it was really strange that lisa came you were really happy about that but all the time glued to the phone

" yah! talk to us " you snatched away her phone

she stood up with a blank expression and u can tell she is mad now " give my phone back "

" why don't you talk with me, always push. me. out, why!! " you asked in a serious tone

" Give my phone BACK! " Lisa yelled at you and everyone gathered at the backyard

" unnie just give it back " Lisa was mad now

" no, I won't until you tell something "

she pushed you hard and you fell, she grabbed her phone and went straight back home

Jin ran up to " are you okay "
you nodded

Time skip

Today yoomi didn't show up at school,
first of all she handed over love letter! for Jimin which YOU have to give him and then she didn't show up!!!!! you thought and were mad at her. Throughout the classes you just sat listening to the teachers lifelessly T♦T

I was to lazy to crop that picture


yah Eunmi " our class president came running at the basketball court

" what happened Mark " you asked while he was panting, gasping for air

" p...prin.* breaths*principle "

you facepalmed

" Lisa has done something which she shouldn't be doing at school " Mark told

" what!!" you went out running
" yah Eunnmmi" Mark shouted
you turned to him., he ran up to you " will you go for a movie tonight " he asked with hope

" umm.... okay "

" I'll pick u up at 6 pm " he smiled brightly and u head out towards Hell!

" may I come in sir" you peeked inside the office

he just guesture u to come in.Their was standing Lisa making a sorry not sorry face but what the f****Jimin was doing

our principle just sat their thinking something deeply continuously tapping the table

" I am doomed!" u thought

" you know miss Eunmi ur brothers are different and crazy but ur sister* he looks at both of them* is just off of her limits " he yelled beside ur ear

" this is a school! not a park if this isn't going to stop then u miss.... will get detention and double homeworks for the rest of the year!!!"he yelled and sat down in his chair yet seemed not satisfied " NOW GET THE HELL OUT FROM HERE!"

you three ran out " what's the problem with you Lisa! " u yelled and she just rolled her eyes " wait for me at the front gate " but she went away

" and you mister" he was smirking at you when you called him " yah stop smirking "

he took steps towards you with an evil smirk plastered allover him and you took back steps having goosebumps seeing his evil smirk

he pinned you at the wall and was playing with your hair " why don't you love me like your sis " and tried to kiss but you pushed him " don't you ever dare " you glared at him.
you passed him that letter

" for me" he smirked

"but not from me " you went away

when you reached at the gate Lisa went home which made you go mad at her so you went at your aunts house


you went inside the house Jin was watching Tv and Taekook were eating " hi noona" " hey Eunmi " but you went straight to Lisa's. room

" what happened " Jin asked the both of them.

" Eunmi noona got called for Lisa " kookie told while Tae was so into eating his eggrolls.

you opened Lisa's room in anger
" didn't I told you to wait"

....no reply

" yah! stop chatting and listen to me!!" you blurted out

" you shout to much " Lisa made an annoyed face

" this was the 4th time you've done something I'm done with it!" you yelled

everyone downstairs can hear you

" I. don't.simply. care, anyways I don't like you either! " Lisa rolled her eyes

" you just know how to shut people out " you chuckled

" only you are in that list not everyone " Lisa replied

you can feel the anger burning inside " If you hate me so much THEN WHY DONT YOU JUST KILL ME, BOTH OF US WILL BE HAPPY!! " you yelled and went out
" hey calm down "Jin told but you just ignored everyone their and straight head towards home

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