Ch 1 Drakoneeka

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This is a opening song to the story so if available try and listen to it

Drakoneeka Family cave.

Striker: Pov

Im flying in a world tbat is pitch black don't know if i am flying or walking then i saw a strange creture with four limbs two for her legs and two for arm. It has strange rages that is red and blue. It seems as it's being chace by other strang creatures and some how i think i don't like thees creatures that is chacing a defenslis creature.

I woke up from that strange dreem that i keep on having i stand up and strech out of my head back and tail like how a small feline whould and feet i start to walk out of the family cave i am at least seventeen and a half years old i look out of the clearing and saw my home land to all of Dragon kind Drakoneeka.

I flew to the nearest lake and began drinking after a good drink i saw my reflection i am completely blue and the first of my kind because i was mostly mistaken as a water typ dragon but im actually a thunder or lightning dragon i have strong blue bat like wings and my membrane is odly black like the other darknes dragons my tail is avrigly long and with a T shape like spear head, i have two spikes on the back of my head my lower neck and belly is blackish blue and my eyes are like feline black is more dominant and blue and my entire body is dark blue scales with small black at the tips.

I here a roar it's one of my two younger sisters calling to me i start to lunch my self in to the air as i fly to my sister's location till i spotted her but i all so saw my other sister. "Good morning how are you". As i land.
Somewhere in the forest neer the Family cave

( no front legs so you'll know what she looks like do not own this picture. Leaf Star)

(this is Flame but she is more red then pink thow)

"Good morning Strike how's the watering hole?"

My yonger sister is Leaf star golden green scales un like me and my older sister she has two legs with sharp talens and wings and a similar tail like mine she's a wyvern. She isn't quite as big like me and my sister but she is twelve year's old but turning thirteen soon. she's laying down on a very large rock resting. "Good morning Striker how's the watering hole"?

"It was very refreshing Leaf". I said

"It's your turn to teach leaf for hunting this morning". She said.
That's my eldest yonger sister
Flame she is all red with a bit of pink at the tips of her scales and her wings looks like it's on fire on her membrane.

"Why do i have to do it this morning it's your turn and you know it Flame i did it already yesterday." I said anoyd

"Striker think about it your going fishing with Current and i think it could benefit if Leaf lurns how to fish and you can have the rest of the day and tomarrow off deal"? Flame said.

"Himm". I said as im thinking

"Since you put it that way fine ill do it". I said

"YAY". Leaf screem in exitment.

"Ok lets go Leaf o and Flame meet at the family cave where the sun is at its hiast peek ok".

"Ok i'll see you there o before you go The grand Dragon wants to see you after you drop her off with me. "

"Ok fine I'll go see him lets go Leaf."

As we fly to the ocean i keep thinking of that dreem i had last night it was so different from the others but yet it was still the same but it was the same kind rrrr i growled annoyingly.

Strik are you ok you seem... stress more then usual was is it that same dreem you had? Leaf ask.

Leaf has always listen to me and trys her best to give me her best answer or advice and she knows little about these dreems im having but i never told her that i keep having thees same dreem but it was dragons not thees weard creatures that i had last night

yes I did have these dreams last night but this time it was these strange creatures that are that look like monkeys with rags on it and I don't know what it meens.

Maybe you should go and see the grand Dragon elder. Leaf said

I should go see him it's bein awhile last time i saw him. I said
The grand elder is actually my grandfather on my mom's side did you know that? I said.

"NO WAY"! Leaf said in shock

"It is true just ask dad if you don't believe me". as i smirkd.

"that actually explain alout he gives you the best meat and give you unique teaching also shows up at our family events". Leaf said.

"Ya and did you know that he was the last dragon that been to earth". I said.

"Ya he did mentioned it and he also said that he was once a Dragon king and before he retired he set up a tournament all he said that there will be a grand prize so no one will cheat but he did spot a few cheeters thow and when the winner was declared it was Renel and he became king and yet dad was in second and he's second in command of the Dragon race." Leaf said proudly of are dad

Ya dad can challenge him for the thron if he wants right? Leaf ask

"Well yes and no dad would have to fine proof that the king made that is against the law and have the majority of the Dragon's to soport him and witness untill then he would have to wait till the king pass his power to him or retire."as I explained.

"Huh ok." Leaf said

"Hey is that Current down there"? Leaf ask as she smiles.

"Why yes it is look at all of the fish that he collected". I said.

"He must've fond a large school of fish this this morning well that made are jobs easy".

"Good morning Current". We calmly said to him as we land softly to the grond so we won't scare any fishes that could be neer by.

Current looks like leaf But his scales are very ocean blue and he can only fly very short distance because he can easily get dehydrate farly quick from the sun unless it's raining or a very cloudy day then he can go long distance flight.

Good morning striker and Leaf.
Current said

Men this is our luky day Strik. Current said with a very Happy toon of voice.

Well why is that? I said smiling i a always smile because it brings out th best of everyone.

Remember those water dragons that ganged up on us and all most stoll all are fish. Current said.

Oy don't remind me i couldn't even use my lightning on those guys because u were neer them and have most of the fish what about? I said just a little a noid.

Well look in the fish crib. He said

So i did when i look in the fish crib and i dropped my jaw. HOLY DRAGON that s alout of fish! As i was shocked

yep it was such a good morning that not one of the fish thinks im a threat. Current said proudly.

How much do we have left Current? She ask curiously.

Well Leafy we only need one more good quarter. Current said

Wait you why that much? I ask

You for got didn't you? Current said with a sie.

It's the Grand Dragon dinner that is holds one a year.

O ya is that tomarow? I ask

Luckily yes it is so if we herd the last quarter of the fish we dont have to go fishing tomarrow. Current said

Ok! I said exited

Current gave Leaf star the instructions on how to do fishing when Current finished explaining we started Leaf and i take of to the air and scand for any large schools of fish if we see any medium size ill make a spark code signull all Current have to do is swim and herd the fish in to the pen if we fine the larg school I'll do the same before after that I'll use little lightnig neer the fish. Only to scare them in to the duration of the pen and leaf will keep the fish to gether till Current comes and finish it.

Two hours later

Men all we need to do now is to sort out all the fish by gender. I said.

Why do we have to sort out the fish? Leaf ask

Do you remember the haunting law. Rule number one? Current ask to Leaf.

Ya we don't eat the females or children right? Leaf answers

Indeed you are correct sister. Current said.

Oh no don't tell me we have to go all through all of that? Leaf said in a bit of shock onher face but also she knew the answer that she doesn't want to here.

We have to sourt out all the fish. i said mockingly whith a smirk.

As we started to sort out all the fish we take quick snifs to tell by gender (boy or girl) as we tose out the fish back to the Ocean we all so toss all the small fish because it is not don growing up
Then we toss one third of the medium-sized male fish out so we'll still have fish plenty of fish in the future.

"You know i can't wait to have a taste of a whale". Said Leaf in excitement.

I rolled my eyes away "well i think it's stupid"

Striker we only have a whale at the grand dinner every two years that's what makes it a gran dinner and besides you always make a spot to where we disposed of the all the whale bones and make weard stuff out of .. I interrupt him be for Current finished his centins


"HEY"! Leaf yelld
at me.

Cool off will you any way we're don here and it high noon it's time to go. Leaf said.

"Sorry for what i said ok i didn't meen to insalt your hobby ok any way i you want to know what whale it is it's going to be a Blue whale". Current said.

I was shocked when he said it it's my most favorite whale and it's Law that no one can hunt any kind of whale except the chosen few and only one whale can be hunted for the grand dinner.

"No". Said in disbelief

"Well it's time to go Leaf and sowry for being late". As i apologize.

"No need besides you were only 5 minutes late." as he grins

See you at dinner tonight Current? Leaf ask.

We'll see sis. He said

Just like that we take of to the air and gone to the family cave when we arrive i saw my sister Flame waiting at the entrance.

I noticed she hasn't been happy for a long time very long time since are mother disappeared five year's ago she miss her the most then i did. She always pushes everyone away that cares for her but me and Leaf. I need to talk to her very soon i DON'T want her to disappear like mom did.

Hi Flame how's your morning so far? Leaf said with a very happy smile.

It went very well and how was your fishing. she said with a pleasant and a very happy tone

Like nothing was bothering her at all she managed to hide her problems and emotions very well with Leaf but me i saw it right through.

Ok girls im taking of now and Flame we need to talk later. I said as i smile and before i flew off.
Ok is after dinner ok? She ask.

Yes we can. I said

As i flew off to the meeting place where me and my friends are as i showed up they were hanging out under the second largest tree of Drakoneeka i saw leon, Rodimes, Hotshot and Arg but someone else is there and i cant make out on who it is till i got closer. " O no " i said.


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