Ch4 Rock and Fourth

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( this is Crystal up top but she doesn't have that horn)

The lake neer the family cave.

Striker: pov

Some time later i feel refreshing after swimming and bathing i wasn't alone i had a little hitchhiker when i was flying back home to realise whatever stress I have leftover. I normally fight and brake mountains but only when im really mad but when my cousin is with me i don't want her to get scared or hert when i fight a mountain so instead im at the lake only when she's with me or when i really don't want her with me. She always tries a way to put me in a good mood and she always success whither she did it on purpose or not.

Crystal is really cute she is very light ice blue color scales she's very unique she's a hatchling dragon about four or five years old. she has diamond shape Cristal imbeded in her forehead when she hatch.

"Striky" she said

I never ever let anyone call me that but my mom she's the only one that calls me. But when she was born the first thing she saw was her parents off course then she saw me imeditly. She ran to me but she was stumbling but in a cute way and climbed up my leg then to the top of my head. She snif my face and just wondering of who i am my ant told her of my name

Flash back:

"Cristal this is your eldest cousin Striker" my ant said.

"Striky" Cristal said in a cutest way

"No striker." Ant said.

"Strikyyy!" Cristal said.
It kept going on for awhile
I was just laghing in side.

"Hey anty it's all right i don't mind it.

End flash back

My Ant was shock when i told her every member nows not to call me that Leaf now's it to but she gets away with it some how.

"Cristal are you excited for tonight's dance?" I said in a smile

Yep yep!" Cristal said in excitement

This whould be her first time any one can join but is required to fly without worrying. She has been practising ever since and im also exited. The dance is the day before the great dinner.

New york city home

Mickenzy pov:


"Ok ok you stupid clock im up!"

I smack my alarm clock and look at it then i relized.


I ran to the bathroom did my teeth and hair i had no time for makeup but put a light pink lip stick on then ran down stairs to the fridge to grab a rass berry Yop just before i ran out the door my granma ask me something

"Are you really guna wear that." She said in a giggling tone

I stop then look down im still wearing my pjs!


"Thanks granma." i said as i ran upstairs

Any time sweaty. She said

My grandma is the only family i have my parents was murder when i was seven years old i was at my grandma's house when it happened they whent out for dinner to get some r and r time.

I was very sad when my parents died the last thing they gave me was a yellow and white tabby kitten his name is Max but he is all grown up now i put my blue jeens and a black t-shirt with a American flag on it

Then i ran back down my stairs. grandma was standing by the door and she was holding her lunch and some money

"This is your lunch and this is your allowance $10 bucks use it wisely and your friend Annabelle is waiting for you in her car she told me that you are gunna be late." she said

"AND DON'T SLEEP IN AGAIN YOU HEER!" She said in a manner but firm tone

"Yes grandma." i said as i kiss her on the head.

I weave good bye as i hop in to Annabelle's car. Anna as everyone else calls her is my best friend since we were toddlers. We are more sisters then bff thoe

When i got in her car she spoke first.

"You are lucky." Anna said

"I know i gotta go to bed earlier."

"Speaking of bed did you have that Dragon dream again?" Anna said with a smirk

"Ya i did but for the first time i saw a man about my age..."


"Yes and quit interrupting me Anna im the one telling you." I said with a pout face.

"Ok sorry continue." anna said



Because we are here that's why. I said with a teasing smirk

3rd person pov:

Mikenzy and her best friend Annabelle got out of the car and ran to the school while the morning go's without a problem
They both have a couple classes to gether one in 3rd period is history be for lunch then gym and health in 5th period. But meen while in drakoneeka.

Drakoneeka family lake

Striker pov:

I suddenly Heer wing's flapping and i already know who it is bace on the smell it's Rodimes and Leon.

"Hi guys."i said

"Hey how are you holding up?" Leon ask.

Alright i guess." I answered.


"Hahaha!". I lagh as i saw Crystal slip in the lake on the forth rock in the lake.

"Is she still having that much trouble with that rock?" Rod ask chuckling

"Yep i wouldn't blame her i had trouble with that very same rock." As i continued giggling

"Sorry for my brother behavior." Rod said

"Don't be ill wait when he is redy don't force him to apologize to me." I said

Rod lift a eye brow in a little surprise of my response. "If that is what you wish so be it."

"So who is going to danc tonight?" Leon ask.

"Well i know my youngest sister Leaf is and Crystal." I said

"What about Flame is she joining?" Rod ask.

"I dout it she never dance after a year since mom left." I said in worry. I need to talk to her be for the danc.


I looked up and saw Crystal
Happily sitting on the forth rock i smiled with a question look.

"Congrats Crystal!" Rod said proudly.

"Awsome work!" Leon said ass proud.

"Same here but now Crystal can you jump on that fith rock?" I ask.

Crystal looks over at the next rock then looks back at me with a ditermen face a shook her head "yes." she said.

"Well show us then." I ordered

She looks at the rock then getting ready to jump i stand up and watch to get a better angle.

She jumped in the air as she start to land on the rock she immediately start to loos her grip and slip over and flip back words and smak the back of her head as she fell in the water. I'm a little worried i jump and glide to Crystal camly with out causing a big weaves then Crystal shot her head out of the water and blew ice and snow at the fifth rock in rage. I land in the water and chuckle as i carfuly pick her up by the neck and set her on my back she wasn't to please of her challenge and rubbing the back of her head.

"Are you ok? I ask her with worry

"No" she said with gron of pain

"Will you be ok before your danc tonight?"

"I don't know." Again in pain

I smile insuring her that it's ok
She's tough I'll give her that but she's trying not to cry a fragile thing she is right now but she will be big strong, smart and brave one day.

"Well we can't have that now let's go and see your ant and see what she can do with your head." i said her ant is actually my step mother.

"Ok." She responds whith a cheery smile.

"You wanted me fail on that rock don't you?" she whimper

No i want you not to give up if you manage to land on every rock you can land on anything. I counter. We nudge head's to gether and i walk out the lake with Crystal on my back resting but back in her good mood but resting to eas her pain.

"Is she ok?" Rod ask with consern.

"Ya were going to see my mom and check on her head." i repaid

"Well that's"....leon was interupt before he could finish


"Looky here boys we got some three hatchlings here." A Dragon said.

Great it's the one person i hate the one person that can make my day turn sour and piss me off so much that i want to kill him so bad but i hold back from the thout of killing. my mother tought me not to kill with out a cause or reason.

"Gears what the hell do you want!" i snarled

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