Chapter 3

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( how long has it been since I've updated?
Do I need to update?: yes
Am I going to update?: YES
Is this an update?: Y E S )

[ solvents pov]

Water...that's all I could see as I sunk deeper and deeper into the never ending ocean.... I closed my eyes knowing my fate until...something grabbed me I opened my eyes to look at the somewhat blurry figure that grabbed was him the boy...I looked into his read eyes dazed he put a hand in my cheek softly and creased it time fell still for a moment I soon felt my consciousness slip and I closed my eyes again..
I woke up do to my alarm and sighed. I turned my alarm off by giving it a nice throw across the room and hitting the wall I smiled at the now somewhat broken clock Getting out of bed I got my regular outfit on and walked downstairs to get my coffee. I poured my coffee in a coffee mug and put the lid on top "another day another boring day at work" I mumbled putting my boots on and grabbing my car keys walking out the door with my coffee mug in one hand and my keys in my pocket I unlocked my car and got in placing my coffee in the cup holder and drove off to work

[ Britain's pov]

I stayed by the shore but made sure to stay hidden behind the rocks making sure that no one saw me. I watched as the guy with the weird hat walked out of his house and got in a weird box thing it soon made a loud noise causing me to get a bit scared it started to move and leave the house I followed it as far as I could till it was gone from sight

[third person pov]
Solvent walked into the office seeing a bunch of other countries including his arch nemesis "solvent" America said a bit threatening "America" solvent said back in the same tone JE saw them staring each other down and ran over yanking solvent away and smacked him up the head "stop trying to have a fucking war with America dude" she crossed her arms. solvent rubbed his head "ok jeez sorry" solvent apologized JE smiled "now common we have. A meeting and reich is in charge" solvent snickered and started walking to the meeting room with JE a they walked in and sat down in their seats "alright you mother fuckers" reich said as everyone came in..

Solvent walked out of the meeting room wheezing with Italy and japan they all soon calmed down and walked back to their offices

[Meanwhile with Britain]

Britain was waiting for solvent or the guy with the weird hat to come back he passed the time making seaweed crowns and decorated them with seashells and pearls "when is he gonna come back.." Britain asked himself a bit board "when's who gonna come back?" A female voice was heard Britain turned around to see France "oh n-no one" he rubbed the back of his head France sighed "ok you need to come home tho" Britain nodded "fine" Britain swam back with France but before they got far Britain heard a familiar noise and smiled and swam back up to the surface to see the guy with the weird hat get out of the strange Machine Britain looked in awe as he walked back inside "dude what the fuck!?" France was surprised Britain turns around and bit his lip nervously "I-it's not what you think it is-" he was cut off "your stalking a human!?"

=w= help-

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