The beach (Hiccup's POV)

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It's been months since Astrid hurt her ankle. The project was halfway done and it was the weekend. Astrid was walking and running so shes fine. On the other hand, Elsa and Merida can't leave me alone. Their always flirting and hitting on me. Honestly, I just wanted them to stop.

Rupunzel has been crushing on Fishlegs for awhile... And he was crushing on her. It's the same with Heather and Eret, Anna and Dauger, Ruff and Snoutlout. Tuff is crushing on Elsa, but she doesn't know or care. There's a new kid in our PE class named Throk that's part of the gang now. He's petless, kinda. He helps Mala with Protecter. They like each other.

Astrid suggested going to the beach today, we all went. We set up a tent for the dogs. They slept the entire time. Lazy. The girls set up nineteen tanning chairs.
"Hey, what if we paly Spingstinger tag?" Snoutlout asked.

We all said yes quickly. Luckily, Rupunzel had put up her hair. After a while, we went swimming. The life gaurd had fallen asleep, but we didn't care.

I started thinking about my dad. He called last week, apparently all planned have been shut down due to rain and heavy wind in NY. Mildrews beatings for no reason have gotten worse. I had bought​en water proof concealer for my back. Luckily it works. The gang would flip if they learned about what's going on at home.

Astrid suddenly asked a question that made my heart stop.
"Um...Guys? Why did the water turn green?"

I looked down. The water was dark green.
"Guys, slowly move to the" I said.
Everyone but Tuff and Snoutlout did.
"Now!" I said starting to worry.
"Why? Oh the water green! A ha ha ha!" Snoutlout and Tuff said, staring to splash around.
"No!" Astrid said realizing what was going on.
"Tuff! Snoutlout!" I called.

A huge wave appeared, and riding it was a great white.
"SHARK!" They yelled, running for the shore.

Tuff made it, panting, but Snoutlout didnt. The shark had gained up on him.
"Snoutlout!" I called with Astird.

We ran into the water, another one appeared. Snoutlout screamed. We ran up to him, back to back. I noticed she had grabbed a stick. Thanks sharks began to circle. I grabbed Snoutlout's arm and threw him to the shore.

"Ok, now what?" Astrid asked.

I could hear the fear in her voice.
"Don't. Move. Don't panic." I said.

After awhile, the sharks swam away. We began to walk to the shore.
"Ow! My foot!" Astrid complained.

I turned, she lifted her foot put the water, a huge gash was at the bottom of her foot, bleeding. But that's not the worse.
"Astrid!" I  said

She screamed as the shark pulled her under by her hair. The others screamed in fear with tourist. I dove under. The shark was circling her, getting ready to attack. I swam next to her and pushed her up. She surfaced and swam to shore as the shark charged, it bit my shoulder, tearing off flesh. I punched it. It charged. I punched, it bit. I needed to surface. It flipped me up, out off the water, it came after me.
"Hiccup!" I heard Astrid call.

We were fifteen feet above the water, the shark kept trying to get me. I punched, and kicked​ it. I hit the water and felt a pain shot up my leg. About to pass out, I saw the stick Astrid dropped.

Two minutes, for Toothless, for dad, for Gobber, for the gang, for Astrid. I thought.

I grabbed it and poked the shark hard. It backed up and I flipped it over, it passed out. I swam up and a wave crashed me in shore.

My vision blurred.
"Hiccup... Hiccup?!?" I heard Astird ask.

I turned to see her, hovering weakly above me. Her face full of pain and worry.
"Hiccup, are you... Oh my Thor! Your shoulder!" She said.

Elsa was on the phone with 911.
"Astrid...It's ok... It's not the end if the world...J-just the end of mine..." I said shaikly.

She teared up and craddled​ my head.
"Don't say that... You... We'll get through this... All of us...You and me... Your leg! Hiccup!" She said.

I heard sirens. She looked up and back at me. The dogs ran up. Toothless wined and laied next to me, licking my face softly.
"Take care of him? F-for me?" I asked everything going dark.

"Hiccup? Hiccup!?! HICCUP!" Everyone called to me, but I was already gone.

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