Chapter 1, Gavin turns into a Yandere.

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As soon as Lilly realized that Fletcher wont talk to her anymore, she turned her phone off and started crying really hard. She couldn't bottle it up like she could, she only wanted to die. She couldnt believe what happened, or why it happened. She blamed herself, the whole time she was crying, she realized that maybe love is pointless and meaningless. So, she became emotionally unstable, she stopped her emotions about completely. She had moved to a newer house next to her old one. So she gets up and walks over to the fence by the end of the property and curled up, she let tears stream down her face, not knowing who was behind her. "Lilly?" She turns around and sees Gavin Maynard. She wipes her tears away and keeps a blank face, "Oh hey......I see you're my new neighbor." Lilly soulessly said. Not an emotion came by her face. "Were you crying?" Gavin asked. "No." Lilly again blankly says. Gavin shrugs, "If you wanna talk about it, we can." Gavin says ask he unhooked the hotwire and opened the fence. Lilly couldnt contain herself anymore, bent down, hugged Gavin and started crying. "My c-crush made me c-cry." Gavin looked angry but only hugged Lilly back. "Its ok, your crush didnt deserve your heart at all. Someday, you will find someone that'll take your heart and deserve it." Gavin says as he calms Lilly down. "What time do you wake up on school days?" Gavin asks. "Four thirty am." Lilly responds calm again. "Why!?" Gavin asks. "My parents wake up and work too early." Lilly responds. "Well, Lilly, anytime between five thirty and six fifteen, if you wanna come down here, you can." Gavin says. "Will do." Lilly responds. Suddenly Gavin had an idea. "Oh, and do me a favor." Gavin says. "What is it?" Lilly asks. "Everytime we talk, fake or not, I want you to smile." Gavin says. Lilly almost hesitated, "Ok." Lilly says back. Gavin decided to ask Lilly some questions. "What light switch do you use to turn on the bathroom lights?" Gavin asks. "Top on. It's by the door." Lilly answers. "Ok. What's back there?" Gavin points. "Dirt road, I had a party back there once, its perfect for those." Lilly answers again. "Why is there a nice shed over there?" Gavin asks. "That was my dad's workshop." Lilly answers, while trying a fake smile. "Ok." Gavin answers. "Oh and just a warning, once we got robbed, so I'd suggest getting a security camera and keep the hotwire on." Lilly says. "Ok, I'll let my dad know." Gavin answers. "Bye." Lilly says as she walks away. "Later!" Gavin smiles. "Its been a long time since I had a conversation with Lilly." Gavin thinks to himself. "Where did you do?" Gavin's dad asks. "Oh, I walked back there and we are neighbors with the people that lived here last. I know their daughter, and we go to the same school. We were just talking." Gavin says as he takes his shoes off. "Alright then. And hey, no sneaking over to her house." His dad tells him. "Ok dad." Gavin eyerolls and walks into the house. Gavin decides to see if he could find the room he wanted, as he walked down the hallway, he found a blue room. "Maybe this is Cory's room." Gavin tells himself. He walks again and sees a pink room. "Obviously Lilly's room. I pick this room." Gavin proudly smiles. "You sure??" Gavin's mom asks. "Yes. Because I dont wanna be too close to the bathroom." Gavin says. "Ok." Gavin's mom says. Gavin walks down the hallway some more and found an extra room and another room. Gavin decided to go to Lilly's old room and lay on the floor. Then he sees something Lilly left behind. Her System of a Down sweatshirt. Gavin puts it on and starts sniffing the inside of it. "Mmmm.....smells like Lilly.....sweaty, yet sweet." Gavin smiles. His mom walks in, "Where did you get that?" She asks. "It belonged to someone I know. They left it here." Gavin answers. "Ok." His mom says as she walks away. Gavin takes his sleeping bag and puts it in the room and unrolls it. He starts thinking about Lilly. "My sweet Lilly..." Gavin thinks. He shakes his head. "No. I am not supposed to have a girlfriend." Gavin says. Gavin starts sniffing the floor. Suddenly there was a knock on the door. And Gavin walks over and opens it. "Lilly!" Gavin smiles excitedly. " parents wanted to drop off some welcoming cookies....but they were busy, so I offered to drop them off." Lilly says and Gavin noticed that Lilly was trying to smile again. "Thank you, Lilly." Gavin smiles like an idiot. Lilly shrugs and looks down. "Oh..that's where I left my sweatshirt. It looks good on you." Lilly says. Gavin looks down, he forgot to take off the sweatshirt. "It smells like you." Gavin says without thinking. "Well no shit sherlock, I've worn this alot." Lilly looks at him, her eyes making Gavin hide blush. As Lilly slowly stopped, she says, "I gotta get going. See ya later." And Lilly walks away. Gavin closed the door and ran to his soon to be room and stared at Lilly while she walked past the mailbox. Gavin slowly opens the door and stalks Lilly back to her new driveway. Gavin stops at one side of the street and ran back to his new home. Gavin rushes inside his room, and opens a new clean book and makes it his diary and starts writing in it:

"Dear Diary,
I moved to a new house and now my neighbor is Lillyanne Darby!!! I dont know what is wrong with me, I have been saying and acting weird. I might be falling in love with her.

-Gavin Maynard"

As soon as Gavin was done, on a separate page, he wrote, "Gavilly." As their ship name, and wrote, Lilly Maynard in another page and sighed deeply, he hides his diary somewhere and fell asleep hoping he could have permission to go to her house for the day.

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