3. YeonBin - I'm Still Here Though

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Yeonjun could sacrifice a little bit of his own heart just to make Soobin smile again, right?


Their room looked like a fucking disaster. 

Choi Soobin was staring at his wardrobe with a face that looked ready to burst into tears. And Choi Yeonjun was glaring at the back of his head, his eyes flitting across the clothes and objects strewn across the small dorm room. 

See, Yeonjun wouldn't have a problem with the room being a mess (it's not like he was very organized himself) but if it was because his crush of two years was doing it for a date, then no, he wasn't very happy. 

He watched with a dull ache in his heart as his roomate-slash-best-friend-slash-crush panicked between choosing a leather jacket or a beige coat. God, he was hopeless and clumsy and downright adorable– but he wasn't Yeonjun's. And at this rate, he never would be. But Yeonjun couldn't bear seeing him like this. 

He could sacrifice a little bit of his own heart just to make Soobin smile again, right?

"Come here, you big baby," Yeonjun grumbled lightly, making his way towards Soobin, who shot him a desperate look. Yeonjun picked out the coat and placed the jacket back in its place, giving Soobin a glance. "You really wanna impress him so badly, huh?"

Soobin looked down with a blush, playing with his thumbs as he mumbled, "I just want our first date to go well..."

The sight made Yeonjun's heart thump loudly but instead, he just smiled and pressed the coat in his hands. "It's a bit cold outside today, go with the coat. Don't want you to freeze up while trying to seduce the boy of your dreams."

He ruffled Soobin's hair, trying to pass it off as brotherly affection– when he just wanted to keep his hands there and tug him closer until he could feel Soobin against him and his warm breath on his lips that always drove Yeonjun crazy–

"Thanks hyung," Soobin whispered, suddenly wrapping him in a hug and Yeonjun's breath hitched. He was so close, so warm, so Soobin that it made Yeonjun want to close his eyes and never let go. He was allowed to be a little selfish, right? So he held on, hoping inside that Soobin would change his mind and stay in their dorms with him. "I'm glad I have you."

‘Me too,’ Yeonjun thought as Soobin stepped back and smiled shyly at him. Yeonjun just returned the smile, hoping that his sadness and jealousy wouldn't shine through. 

"Come on, now," Yeonjun pushed him towards the bathroom, pressing the beige coat in his hands. "If you don't hurry, you will be late!"

Soobin nodded and rushed inside, closing the bathroom door behind him. Yeonjun let out a disappointed sigh and looked around their room; well, time to clean up. 

Yeonjun was done with folding half the shirts when Soobin stepped out, light make-up visible on his face. The sight made something lurch in Yeonjun's stomach, who simply plastered a fake grin and wiggled his eyebrows to ease Soobin, who looked awkward and nervous.

Seeing Yeonjun do that made Soobin smile and Yeonjun knew– he would do anything to keep that smile on his face. Even if it meant helping Soobin to get ready for his dates. Even if it meant stepping on his own feelings.

"How are you going there?" Yeonjun asked, placing the folded shirts inside their small closet. 

"I'm going to take the bus that's...," Soobin's voice faltered, making Yeonjun turn around to look at him in question. The horrified expression on Soobin's face as he stared at his watch made Yeonjun's brain jump to action. "I missed the bus, fu–"

"Don't worry, I'll drive you?" Yeonjun offered, quickly rummaging in his side of the closet to pull out a leather jacket for himself. 

"You would?" Soobin's voice was wobbly, a sign that he was emotional. Yeonjun promptly dropped the jacket on his bed that was next to the closet and made his way to Soobin, cupping his cheeks in his hands. Soobin looked down, his eyes gleaming as he stared at the space between them. 

"Hey, hey, Binnie," Yeonjun said softly, gently stroking Soobin's right cheek with his left thumb. "Look at me. It's okay. It's just a date. I know it's your first one and I know that you're nervous because you like him but I promise, nothing will go wrong. And even if it does, I'm here, aren't I? I will make everything better, I promise. So, don't worry, just take a deep breath–"

Yeonjun paused, looking at Soobin expectantly. It made Soobin smile and nod as he took in a deep breath.

"–and smile," Yeonjun finished with a smile. The sight made Soobin feel warm and comforted inside, something he felt a lot around the older boy. Soobin opened his mouth to say thanks but Yeonjun cut him off by placing his hand over Soobin's pouty mouth and saying, "I'm your best friend. You don't need to thank me for every little thing, Soobinnie."

Soobin nodded, feeling relief crash over him as he took in the sight of Yeonjun. Why does he worry so much? At the end of the day, he has Yeonjun. Yeonjun can fix everything– and Soobin knew he could trust in him for that. 

The theatre had a few people lingering around the entrance when the two of them pulled up to the alley next to the theatre as per Soobin's wishes. He didn't want his date to think that Yeonjun was anything more than his friend and the older boy wasn't dumb to realize the reason behind him asking it. He didn't let it show though, and waved to Soobin before jumping on his bike and driving away.

Soobin exhaled deeply before making his way inside. His date, Beomgyu, was nowhere to be seen so Soobin guessed that he must have come early. Deciding that he should get in line for popcorn, he made his way through the crowd.

It took him nearly ten minutes but he got out with drinks and popcorn, to find that the other boy was still nowhere to be seen. The movie would be starting soon so Soobin just waited patiently for some more time, not wanting to seem very pushy by calling him.

Ten more minutes passed and Soobin knew that the movie had started already. He finally called Beomgyu, hoping to get an explanation but his phone was switched off. Soobin's heart sank to his stomach as he tried to make sense of what was happening.

It was his first date ever and the guy he liked, who had asked him out on a date, was nowhere to be seen and his phone was switched off. Did Beomgyu stand him up? Was this all a ploy to embarrass Soobin and make fun of his feelings? Beomgyu didn't seem like that sort of a guy and Soobin didn't want to immediately jump to conclusions but with his insecurities piling up inside his head again, it was hard not to. 

He could feel his eyes stinging, knew he had to get away from here but he spent all his money on the drinks and the popcorn, hoping to walk back home with Beomgyu after the movie– and he didn't trust himself to not get into an accident because of the rush of thoughts he was having. Almost on autopilot, his hands dialled Yeonjun's number and he heard the older boy's voice drift through his phone's speakers.

"Soobin?" Just the familiar voice seemed to anchor some of Soobin's thoughts and he exhaled deeply before speaking.

"I think he stood me up, hyung," he whispered, his eyes darting around at the people milling about the theatre. "I, I have the tickets and the drinks and the popcorn and no money and I just, I want to go home and I'm sorry I'm dragging you into this but can you please come and get me?"

"Hey," Yeonjun's voice was soft and reassuring. Soobin closed his eyes, feeling a tear escape as he heard Yeonjun's gentle words, "Don't cry. It's okay. We don't know what happened and from what you told me, the guy doesn't sound like a douche. Maybe there's an explanation. But, if you want to go home, home it is. I'll be there in five."

Soobin didn't voice the question of how he can be there in five minutes when their apartment was 20 minutes away. He just let himself trust in Yeonjun and waited. True to his word, Yeonjun barged inside the theatre five minutes later, wildly looking around until his eyes fell on the tall blue-haired boy he harbored feelings for. 

He crossed the distance in 3 steps and immediately enveloped Soobin into a hug. Soobin gripped tightly onto the leather jacket on Yeonjun's back, letting his head fall onto Yeonjun's shoulder. The familiar warmth and gentle crooning anchored him back to reality, leading him away from the self-doubt he was feeling. 

"Do you want to stay here until you feel ready to go home or do you want to go home right away?" Yeonjun asked when he stepped back and wiped at Soobin's cheeks. Soobin shook his head, giving his favourite hyung a dimpled smile. 

"How about we watch the movie together?" He croaked. Embarrassed, he cleared his throat and asked the question again but Yeonjun's radiant smile was enough to answer. "I already have the popcorn and drinks and the movie started 10 minutes ago but we can still catch the main plot, right?"

Yeonjun nodded, looping his arm around Soobin's hand and steering them towards the wrong theatre door until Soobin nudged him and said, "That one, hyung."

It made Yeonjun roll his eyes and change direction, the action making Soobin giggle as the two made their way past the guard by showing their tickets and made their way to the seats. A few people grumbled as they stumbled across them together and normally, Soobin would feel ashamed and embarrassed but Yeonjun was holding his hand and squeezing it in a way that made Soobin's stomach feel on fire. 

When they finally dropped into their seats, Yeonjun immediately dropped his head onto Soobin's shoulder and placed the popcorn into the armrest. Soobin rested his cheek against the older boy's black hair and closed his eyes for a few seconds. The dialogue played in the background while he let himself wonder how he was lucky enough to have Yeonjun.

"I don't know why he isn't here," Yeonjun whispered softly, but loud enough for Soobin to hear it, "but it's not because of you. If he did it on purpose, then he's a jerk and I'm going to make sure he won't have any children because I go to the gym everyday to make sure I'm strong enough to beat up all the douchebags you come across."

"Hyung!" Soobin whined lowly, making sure he didn't disturb any of the other movie-goers. It was a good thing that there was no one around their seats and everyone else were mostly couples engrossed in either making out or screaming at the happenings (it was a horror film). "How did you come so fast, by the way? You didn't break any traffic rules, did you?"

Yeonjun didn't respond for a few seconds and Soobin wondered if the boy actually fell asleep but the answer came in a joking tone, "I had to stop at the bridge over Han River to cry because you're growing up."

The words made Soobin snort but he smiled to himself shyly when he realized that it was something Yeonjun would do but never admit to. Which means that he is either lying, or is being so honest because he wants Soobin to feel better. 

"You're going all soft on me again," Soobin teased, not letting his eyes move from the big screen in front of him. "Not that I'm complaining. It's a horror movie, if you haven't realized… You can hug me if you feel scared~"

Yeonjun scratched his arm playfully and it made Soobin burst out into loud laughter. It earned him looks from the other people but he couldn't care less when Yeonjun was giggling sweetly into his left ear. 

They bickered and talked and drank and ate popcorn while watching the movie and Soobin didn't know how much he appreciated and loved Yeonjun until the ending credits started playing and he turned to find Yeonjun sleeping peacefully. The sight made his insides feel warm.

Really, why did he go so nervous and crazy over some guy he didn't even know that well apart from classes? He didn't need love from him. He already had everything he needed. 

He already had Yeonjun. 

He gently shook the black-haired boy's shoulder and saw Yeonjun stirring in his sleep. He whispered through the smile on his face,

"Ready to go?"


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