horror movies

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Choi Yeonjun

Why in the world would you choose, out of all the movie genres in the world, a horror movie to watch with Yeonjun?

Yeonjun is a little tease, and you know if he gets the chance, he'd use it.

so in the middle of the movie, he said he had to "go to the bathroom" , he had actually grabbed a clown mask (that- unfortunately for you- was the exact same one as the villain in the movie wore when murdering people) and crept behind you slowly.

and just in time when the jumpscare appeared in the TV, Yeonjun jumps at you, grabbing both of your shoulders, making you scream.

"Fuck get off me, get off!" you screamed, backing up and falling down on your ass, Yeonjun laughing so hard behind you that tears were forming in his eyes. "Yeonjun!'

Needless to say, you told him to sleep on the couch, but because you were scared you didn't let him go the whole night and it ended up with you cuddling deeply into his chest right there on the floor.

worth it, though.

Choi Soobin

Soobin doesn't fancy horror movies, but he also isn't as scared of them as you are. He jumps at jumpscares but he's mostly intrigued in mysteries the horror movie offers, so whenever your watching and you get scared, Soobin tends to chuckle.

"What are you laughing at?" You shake under the fuzzy blanket next to him, "Oh god- are you gonna murder me? is that an evil laugh?"

"You're so cute, baby," he says, "C'mere."

You hesitated for a moment, but when a scream came from the movie, your first instinct was to scream too, imodeately enveloping yourself in your boyfriend's arms.

"I'll keep you safe," Soobin brushes your hair, finding your scared state absolutely adorable.

Choi Beomgyu

"I think we should stop watching this," Beomgyu says, looking at you, who was shaking like a leaf, arms tightly linked with Beomgyu's, tears were literally filling your eyes as thunder outside roared.

"Wh-why?" you asked, your voice high pitched, trying to sound brave.

"Why? you look like your gonna pass out!" Beomgyu replies, shutting the television, making you squeak in fear.

"C-can't sleep until I find out what- what happens to her!" you exclaim, reaching for the remote in your boyfriend's hand. Beomgyu chuckles a little, moving it farther on his other hand, and when you tried to reach it, he kisses you on the lips.

"Baby, no. You'll never get any sleep if you watch further," he says, wiping the corners of your eyes, "Come on, let's just watch Shrek."

Kang Taehyun

"This is stupid," Taehyun says, "It's badly edited- and why is her makeup all smudged?"

Taehyun kept commenting during the movie right until it ended, and he yawns.

"I rate that a 3/10. Now can we get some sleep, (Y/n) ?" Tae asks, looking at your form that was curled up in a tiny ball, "... (Y/n)?"

when you didn't answer, Taehyun moved to gently touch your shoulder, and you imodeately screamed.

"Baby, Baby calm down!" Taehyun panics when you suddenly screamed out of no where, and his first instinct was to wrap u ou in a hug.

The familiar scent of Taehyun's hoodie grounded you, and you shut your eyes when you felt the warmth of his neck against your cheek,"I-I'm scared,"

Taehyun laughs at that, "Of that shitty movie?"

"It was scary," you whine, and Taehyun hums.

"Don't worry, I've got you,"

Huening Kai

Literally the same people.

"K-Kai- please.. please turn it off," you said in fear, and Kai shakily replies back.

"I- I can't- must finish," he says, hugging you tightly, and in your arms was his precious plushie.

So you both end up watching the whole movie, until the screen rolls with credits and ends black.

Neither of you moved, too scared.

if the members had walked in, they'd both be met with two young teenagers hugging each other with a frozen look of pure fear and horror in their eyes.

Yeonjun and Tae might fuck with you and make it worse, leading to Soobin scolding them and Beomgyu's worry.

but the next day they'll find the both of you passed out in each others arms, you on Huening's chest and his hand protectively on your back, in your arms still the dolphin plushie of your boyfriend.

And Yeonjun- the one who wakes up first, will sigh.

"They're literally made for each other,"

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