night walks | kth birthday special

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it was fucking freezing

it was February, the weather in Seoul should've been at least less colder, but no. It had to snow so heavily that even you had a hard time walking.

but taehyun was so presistant to see the stars with you that he was currently zipping you in his fourth jacket, pulling away to smile at your form. you had layers of jackets and a coat on top of that, it wasn't uncomfortable, they were all taehyun's so they were slightly bigger than your frame, but you felt absolutely ridiculous

"you know it'll still be your birthday in the morning, right?" you say, muffled by the scarf that covered your mouth, "this is ridiculous,"

"say that to me when you get a frostbite, babe," tae had replied, leaning down to kiss your lips for a brief moment, pulling your scarf down to do so.

and that was how you ended up hiking the hill behind the boy's dorm during the snowfall. Taehyun was way ahead of you, jumping up and down as he kept checking his watch. he kept flailing his arms and called out to you to hurry up from the top, but you just couldn't help it.

it was cold as fuck and you had a hard time walking, yet Tae was adamant. the things you do for your boyfriend.

"come on, (y/n), come on!" Tae giggled happily. something you rarely heard these days due to his hectic schedules with promotions and the upcoming album . it puts a smile on your face and warms you up. hearing his laugh always made you feel things.

thankfully, you made it up the hill without stumbling to your death. Taehyun took a hold of your hand tightly so you wouldn't slip down- that, would be very bad- and pulled you to sit down on the freezing lump of ice.

"what is wrong with you?" you shiver, it was so much colder up there when you had walked. thankfully, the snow was starting to clear up bit by bit, though, so you were able to pry off one peice of the thick clothing off yourself.

"look, baby, isn't it beautiful?" He points, and you let out a sigh which came out as a puff of air.

"we've been here almost everyday, hyun. I've seen and memoried the view of Seoul already.." you say, eyes shut and your cheek leaning on his shoulder.

"can you just open your eyes?" He says gently, his ice cold fingertip moved to caress your red cheek.

"what do you w-" you say as you opened your eyes, waiting for your view to focus completely on what the hell your boyfriend wanted.

you froze. not the literal kind, although you did feel like you were.

the snow had went from heavy to light, falling softly against the cold breeze of the february air, there were no light source at all except for the ones that illuminated the city below you. despite being almost midnight, the cars were still loud and the nightlife was still alive, lights from food stalls lit up and friends were still biking out late despite the snow.

it felt like a fairy tail.

"it's midnight," taehyun whispers, resting his head on yours, his arms circling his legs to his chest as you both admired the view, "I'm eighteen,"

"happy birthday, tae," you said, your voice coming out softer than when you were complaining fifteen minutes ago about climbing the mountain during the snow, "you're an adult now,"

taehyun took a shaky breath, "i am," he says, shutting his eyes, "i wish time would freeze at this moment, it feels too unreal. being here with you, with no anxiety of the idol life to worry about, just spending time like this together, being happy,"

"time cant freeze, but i know what will if we don't get back inside," you joke, and taehyun returned with a soft chuckle, "I also know that soobin will be pissed if he found you sneaking out when you were supposed to be making a vlive with him,"

"screw vlives, I want to be here with you," he says, lifting his head from you, and you did the same. "look at me?"

you hummed and turned to him, and he smiled. the same smile he held from the day you were thirteen and fell in love, the same smile he did when he saw you bring food to him and his members during trainee days, the smile just for you.

it wasn't the smile he gave when he won an award, or got complemented by his fans, sure, those were honest smiles, but they were different.

this smile was the kang taehyun you knew, the taehyun only you got to see. the soft smile he did while looking at you like you were the live of his life still sends butterflies in your stomach, like the days when you were still young.

"i love you, thank you for being with me," he says, and leans down to capture your lips in his. the kiss was short, yet sweet and warm, despite the cold.

"i love you more, hyunnie, happy birthday,"

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