Talk To Me | Choi Soobin

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a/n : this is a comfort fic 💕 I hope yall r okay! it's inspired by this is home by cavetown ❤️


the air was dark all around you. the orange streetlights were blinding, but they allowed you to see just.

"it's midnight, where the hell are you?" the concerned voice of your best friend, Choi Soobin, sounded from the end of the phone. you didn't know why you had picked up. it was probably because your ringtone was annoying. and your finger slipping from the decline button. he sounded anxious. he always was, for you. "your mom called me asking if you were with me, (y/n), where the fuck are you?"

he had never cursed before. not at you. you laugh dryly. you hear him suck in a breath and you wonder if he was done with you.

"im heading out to get you,"

"there is no need," you muttered, your fist rising and knuckles hitting the solid wooden door. the knock resonated into the call and you can tell he's in the living room from the echo that almost deafened you. you did not care about the noise.

the door swings open and a concerned look of the purple haired boy meets you, "what the.. ? are you drunk?" he asked, hands cupping your cheeks.

"I can't drink, stupid," you whined, voice muffled into his hands.

"what's wrong?" he questioned softly. his thumbs caressed your cheek. you would've been taken aback if you weren't weighed down by your own thoughts. he was never one to be openly affectionate. he wouldn't even return your hugs, sometimes being too shy to do so. now he was concerned, caressing your cheek as if you were worth his time.

unknowingly, you were.

when you didn't reply, soobin exhales. a breath he'd been unknowingly holding escapes him. he really was worried.

he takes your hand in his, fingers automatically intertwining with your delecate slender ones. he pulls you over to his couch in his living room, sitting you there and rubbing your back.

"talk to me," he whispers. the clock ticks on the wall above the television and the sound of the coffee dripping from the coffee machine in the kitchen sounded louder than the beat of your heart. you leaned into soobin's side. sinking into his soft gray sweater, his fingers brushed into your hair instantly.

he leans back into the couch. let's you rest on his chest. the comfortable silence settles in. he thinks you fallen asleep, until the sound of your weak, frail voice filled in the silence of the empty house.

"I'm tired,"

Soobin frowns, before he gently coos, "some days it's like that," his fingers doesn't stop kneading your scalp. hoping to ease out whatever words you'd say.

"not that kind of tired," you say sleepily, "I'm tired of life. my life,"

Soobin remains silent. but a small hum urged you to continue

"sometimes I think that I have it all under control, you know? sometimes I feel sane and I feel like I'm able to cope with it. that it's fine. then the next.." you made a gesture with your hands, "it just.. tumbles down. and I can't go to anyone because they'll never fucking understand. and I can't tell them because if I did, they'll judge. and they'll come to conclusions for me. and give their opinions about it. life's unfair,"

soobin doesn't reply straight away. he just listens to your rambling, occasionally humming to show he was listening. he plants a soft kiss on your forehead, and it showed you that he understood. he mutters in the softest voice.

"we were given this life because we're strong enough to live it,"

the words we're short and simple, but it was enough to break you. there, in his arms, at one in the morning, you start to cry in the arms of your best friend. all your worries that were weighing you down finally gets to you.

soobin comforts you the whole way through it. making sure you were able to let it all out and calm yourself after. he kept you secured in his arms when it started to pour, dripping onto his windows and sliding down. the sound of your sobs mix with the rain. but the gentle feeling of soobin's hand rubbing your back, murmuring sweet nothings to you, helped ease your breathing and calm you down inchmeal.

as soon as you finished, he leads you to his guest room where he offered you to stay at.

you asked if he could lay with you, and he did with no hesitation. he shut the lights and you fell asleep at three in the morning in his arms. the soft pitter patter of rain by the window and the lighting didn't bother you. you were safe for now.

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