Chapter 1

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Willy: Y/N, today marks the start of your journey with the Warrior Unit.

Willy says, placing a comforting hand on Y/N's shoulder as he kneels.

Y/N: Yeah, I'm aware.

He responds, his gaze shifting slightly away from his father.

Willy holds both of Y/N's shoulders, his expression serious.

Willy: I know this won't be easy for you. But remember this, always.

Y/N looks back at his father, wanting to understand.

Willy: Aunt Lara's presence will guide you, even in the toughest times.

Y/N: How is that possible? She's not here anymore.

Willy closes his eyes briefly, sadness washing over him. Then he opens them with renewed determination.

Willy: Because she lives here.

Willy taps Y/N's chest gently.

Willy: I've never shared her final words with you, Y/N. She wanted to save them for today—the day that'll change your life.

Y/N looks at his father with a mix of confusion and curiosity.

Willy: (tearfully) Remember, wherever you go, you decide who you fight for.

Willy's embrace holds a sense of longing and sorrow.

Willy: Please, never see your family as enemies. We're here for you, regardless of your choices.

Y/N is left speechless, his Warrior uniform wetted by his father's tears.

A doorbell rings, disrupting their moment, and the events that follow blur into a nightmarish sequence. An experience that would haunt any child, except for—


Annie and Y/N face each other, both composed and ready.

Annie makes the first move, launching a punch toward Y/N's face. Y/N reacts quickly, raising his forearm to block the blow. His arm is shaken by the hit, but he stands his ground.

Magath: (shouting) Defend yourself, Tybur! Don't let her control the fight!

Y/N absorbs the blow and attempts a quick jab, aiming for Annie's torso. Annie sidesteps with ease, evading the attack.

Magath: (commanding) Anticipate her movements, Tybur! Read her next move!

Annie takes advantage of Y/N's missed jab, sweeping her leg low to trip him. Y/N jumps, managing to avoid the sweep but losing his balance in the process.

He regains his footing quickly, his gaze fixed on Annie.

Magath: (analytical) Adapt, Tybur! Turn your weaknesses into strengths!

Y/N remains cautious, watching for an opening. Annie feints a punch, then launches a kick toward Y/N's head. Y/N raises his arm to block, but the force of the kick pushes him back a step.

Magath: (forceful) Move with intent, Tybur! Don't just react, take control!

Y/N listens to Magath's advice. He steps forward, feinting a punch of his own, then transitions smoothly into a low leg sweep aimed at Annie's ankle.

Annie hops over the leg sweep, but Y/N's follow-up is quick. He closes the distance and delivers a well-placed elbow strike to Annie's side, making contact.

Annie grunts and stumbles, showing the impact of Y/N's strike.

Magath: (encouraging) Keep the pressure on, Tybur! Exploit her vulnerabilities!

Y/N takes the advantage, throwing several quick strikes. Annie fights back by dodging and blocking, but Y/N's continuous strikes show how determined he is.

Annie manages to create distance, taking a moment to learn Y/N's movements.

Magath: (strategic) Control the pace, Tybur! Dictate the flow of the fight!

Y/N slows down while maintaining his attention. He takes a deep breath, steadying himself.

Annie moves in again, going for a fury of fast punches. Y/N blocks, parries, and dodges with newfound confidence, his movements more fluent and controlled.

Magath: (satisfied) That's it, Tybur! Use your instincts and skills!

As Annie throws a final punch, Y/N ducks under it and then counters with a powerful uppercut to her stomach.

Annie grunts in surprise, slightly weakened by the strike.

Magath: (concluding) Finish it, Tybur!

With determination in his eyes, Y/N goes for it. He steps forward and delivers a controlled strike to Annie's chest, sending her stumbling back.

Annie stumbles but still maintains her footing, acknowledging Y/N's victory with a nod.

Magath: (approving) Well done, Tybur. Remember what you've learned here.

Y/N nods as he's breathing heavily with a slight grin. He then walks beside Annie, with a casual expression on his face.

Y/N: Hey, Annie. It felt like you were taking it easy at the start of our sparring match.

Annie walks away, but Y/N keeps pace with her.

Y/N: My bad if I went a bit too hard. You might want to take a break—

Annie's icy glare silences Y/N.

Annie: Holding back or not, you'd still be on the ground if I hadn't.

She keeps walking without waiting for a response.

Y/N: (sarcastically) Yeah, I did notice a bit of restraint.

As Y/N continues, Annie becomes more irritated.

Annie: (with annoyance) You remind me of Reiner.

Y/N watches the other Warriors sparring, including Reiner and Bertolt.

Y/N: (pointing) The blond one over there?

Annie's disinterest is still shown.

Annie: That stubbornness... just like you.

Y/N: (jokingly) Seems like determination isn't in short supply here.

Annie's cold attitude persists.

Annie: In this Warrior Unit, if you lack skills, you're worthless.

Y/N thinks about Annie's words for a moment.

Annie: But I guess that's beyond you. You're just like any other Marleyan.

Y/N stops moving as he watches Annie walk away

Y/N: (to himself) Maybe I jumped in too soon to make any friends.


After the Marley Warriors finished their training and tasks, it was lunchtime.

Y/N wasn't very hungry today because he wanted to get to know the possible candidates for the Titan Powers.

Y/N looked around and saw everyone at different tables. Marcel and Porco were having an intense discussion. On the other hand, Reiner and Bertolt were chatting normally. Meanwhile, Pieck was trying to engage Annie in a conversation but struggling.

Y/N: (thinking to himself) Who should I talk to today?

After some thought, Y/N decided to help Pieck with her situation involving Annie.

Y/N walked over to Pieck and Annie's table where they were trying to get Annie to talk.

Y/N: Hey, I didn't expect to see you again.

Annie's face turned more annoyed upon seeing Y/N.

Pieck: Nice to see you, Y/N. We were just having the most fascinating chat, right, Annie?

Pieck said with a mischievous smile, and Annie's annoyance grew.

Annie: Our talk isn't something you'd find interesting.

Annie replied with a cold expression aimed at Y/N.

Y/N: (sarcastic) Oh, but we had such an exciting talk earlier.

Annie was confused by Y/N's comment.

Annie: What are you talking about?

Y/N: Come on, Annie—no need to hide it from your friend here.

Pieck looked at Y/N with curiosity.

Pieck: Oh, what's Annie embarrassed about? Do tell.

Annie still looked puzzled because she couldn't recall any interesting conversation they'd had.

Y/N looked at Annie's puzzled expression and then back at Pieck's interested one.

Y/N: Annie has a secret crush on Reiner.

Y/N whispered to the two girls.

Annie's cheeks reddened with embarrassment, and Pieck let out a small giggle at Y/N's made-up lie.

Annie: That's not tr—

Before Annie could finish, Pieck jumped in.

Pieck: Well, I can't say I'm surprised. Blonde solidarity, right?

Pieck said sarcastically but with a hint of pretended sincerity.

Y/N raised an eyebrow at Pieck.

Pieck: Blondes tend to stick together, after all.

Pieck looked at Annie and playfully placed her hand on Annie's.

Pieck: Good luck with Reiner, Annie. I'm sure you two will be great.

Pieck said sincerely with a touch of deceit.

Annie was now even more shocked, her face redder than before. She shot Y/N a glare that could only be translated as "I'll get you for this."

Y/N chuckled a bit, understanding Annie's unspoken message. Meanwhile, Pieck continued to giggle.

Y/N: Heh, my bad for having a bit too much fun here. Annie doesn't actually like Reiner.

Annie raised an eyebrow, waiting for Y/N to continue.

Y/N: Y-yeah, she doesn't like him at all in that way.

Y/N said, hoping to avoid Annie's wrath.

Annie calmed down slightly, though still irritated.

Pieck grinned at the playful drama between Y/N and Annie.

Annie: Why are you smiling?

Annie asked Pieck coldly.

Pieck: I didn't realize you two were such close friends.

Y/N and Annie: Friends?

Y/N and Annie were both surprised by Pieck's statement.

Pieck enjoyed teasing both Annie and Y/N.

Pieck: You can't deny there's some dynamic or chemistry between you two.

Y/N and Annie looked at each other briefly and then back at Pieck.

Both of them were unsure how to respond, resulting in an awkward silence. Pieck noticed and tried to lighten the mood.

Pieck: But hey, maybe I'm just overthinking things.

Pieck said to help Y/N and Annie move past the awkward moment.

Y/N: Yeah, maybe you're right.

Y/N agreed, glancing at Annie to gauge her reaction. Annie simply looked away from Y/N.

As an awkward silence settled among the three Warriors, a fight broke out between Porco and Reiner.

Porco: Spit it out, you little shit! What did you just say?!

Porco's anger has him practically lifting Reiner off the ground

Reiner: Just serving you a slice of truth, same way you did earlier.

Reiner's calmness is unsettling as a sly smile plays on his lips.

Porco: You're playing with fire, moron. What can you say about yourself?

Surprised by the confrontation, Reiner stumbles over his words before regaining his footing and smirking slightly.

Reiner: Maybe I'm not the strongest or flashiest, but at least I'm a damn loyal soldier.

Porco raises his eyebrow, and then he bursts into a bitter laugh.

Porco: Loyal? Like none of the rest of us are?

Porco looks around the area, his gaze landing on Y/N sitting with Annie and Pieck. A mixture of distrain and annoyance shows up in his expression.

Porco: And there's Tybur...

Porco's gaze narrows as he focuses on Y/N.

Porco: Apart from that, you're just another lackey. Tybur's pinky toe has more honor than you!

Reiner's cool façade cracks as the other Warriors start to laugh

Reiner: So that's the story of a traitor, like yours—

Reiner's words get cut off as Porco's fist smashes into his face. The impact echoes, starting chaos. Their fight intensifies until Marcel jumps in to restrain Porco.

Marcel: That's enough, Porco! Let go of him!

Marcel's intervention stops Porco's relentless onslaught, but getting the chance, Reiner delivers a punch of his own, catching Porco off-guard. Reiner gets ready for a fight.

The Warriors watch in shock as the tension continues to grow

Porco, consumed by rage, fights against Marcel's restraint, while his eyes are fierce and wild.

Reiner blood pumping with adrenaline, wipes his lip, still wearing that dangerous grin.

Bertolt: Reiner, calm down, and let's just leave

Marcel tries to control Porco as Bertolt interjects so Reiner can stop encouraging Porco to fight

Reiner breathes hard, nodding in agreement with Bertolt's advice. He moves two steps away from the fight and walks back to his table with Bertolt

Porco was struggling within Marcel's grip, eyes Reiner with blazing fury like a beast straining at its leash.

The Warriors look on, caught in the aftermath, as tension is obviously there with Porco still bad-talking Reiner behind his back

Y/N is taken aback by the scuffle Porco and Reiner had, especially in front of others

Y/N: (thinking to himself) I wonder why there is always tension around those two

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