Chapter 6: The Adventure Begins

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It took the four around 10 minutes to arrive at World 1, the grass world. The adventure would begin here.

Suddenly, Tyler's 3DS began to ring, his ringtone being the Super Mario 3D World theme. All of them had a different ringtone; Caylin's was the Super Mario Bros. 3 theme, Kage's was New Super Mario Bros., Matt's was Super Smash Bros. and Ethan's was Mario Kart Wii. Tyler opened his 3DS and read the message:

SM: Have you guys made it to World 1 yet?

"Who's SM?" Caylin asked.

"That has to be Mario!" Tyler answered. Tyler responded to Mario's message:

Nintyler: Yes, we've made it.

SM: Excellent! Go look for some power-ups while you're there!

Nintyler: Which ones can we find around here?

SM: The Fire Flower, the Super Leaf and the Super Bell. Take as many as possible. That backpack I gave you has unlimited space.

Nintyler: OK! Thanks!

Tyler put his 3DS in his pocket and immediately spotted a ? block. He hit it and four Super Bells popped out. Everyone grabbed a bell and immediately transformed into their Cat form. Each suit was a different colour: Tyler's was green, Kage's was yellow, Matt's was black and Caylin's was cheetah print. Tyler, being the Mario master he was, was able to teach the others how to use the Cat Suits in no time.

They spotted a few more ? blocks, hit them and collected the power-ups (Fire Flower and Super Leaf x4)

"I think we have enough power-ups for now," Tyler said. "Let's move on."

The four continued their walk into World 1. Almost immediately, they encountered four Goombas. One of them caught Matt off-guard, causing him to lose his Cat Suit. He immediately switched to his Fire Flower and became Fire Matt.

The four took care of the Goombas quickly and efficiently. Tyler jumped on one, Kage clawed another, Caylin dive-clawed the third and Matt threw a fireball at the last one. They each got a coin for their efforts.

Ten more minutes of walking had brought them to more field. Tyler's stomach began to growl. He hadn't eaten since breakfast, which was six hours ago. "I'm hungry," he said.

"I don't see any food around here," Caylin said worriedly.

"Uhh, guys..." Tyler began.

"There's no food?" Kage said. "We can't go on like this! We'll have to give up!"


"We're gonna die!" Matt cried.

"GUYS!" Tyler yelled.

"What?" Caylin, Kage and Matt said at the same time.

"There's an apple tree right here," Tyler said, indicating the tree to his left. "How did you miss it?"

There was absolute silence.

"That's what I thought," Tyler said. "Now, let's eat!"

The apples weren't quite ripe, but they were still good. "These apples are pretty good," Tyler thought. "We should take some with us."

Tyler took 30 apples off the tree. Now that everyone was done and the backpack was now filled with apples, they continued.

About 20 minutes later, they had cleared the first part of World 1. Tyler's 3DS began to ring. He opened it to find this message:

SM: Hey, guys! Have you found the green pipe yet?

Tyler looked around and noticed the pipe in an alcove in the side of a mountain. The four decided to leap in.

(Under the Mushroom Kingdom...)

Tyler emerged from the pipe and was blown away by what he saw. There were tons of crystals all around. "Mario should go into the mining business," Tyler thought. "There's a fortune waiting to be mined around here!"

His thoughts were interrupted when the others came through the pipe and used him as a cushion.

"Get off of me!" Tyler said. His voice was muffled. Once they got off, they began their trek into the cave.

They encountered a Koopa, who was promptly stomped and kicked by Caylin. The shell knocked out 5 goombas.

The four continued. They hopped across a few gaps. They moved platforms. They even used a POW block to get more cash.

Kage found a secret block and revealed 4 stars. Each of them picked one up and became invincible. From there, they plowed through a massive wave of enemies.

Once the invincibility wore off, they found the exit pipe. They hopped in and headed for the surface.

*At the surface...*

They arrived at the surface a few seconds later. It looked the same as before.

Tyler spotted a large, spotted egg. He immediately broke it and a Yoshi popped out. Tyler opened three other eggs to get more Yoshis. The Yoshis were the same colours as the Cat Suits worn by the four.

Tyler mounted his Yoshi, followed by Matt and Kage. Caylin was still trying to catch her tail, so she didn't notice any of this.

"Caylin!" Matt shouted. "Get on Yoshi!"

Caylin turned around and saw the Yoshi. "YOSHI!" she shrieked. She ran over and started petting him and screaming with joy.

"Caylin, we must go," Tyler said blandly.

"Oh, all right," Caylin said grudgingly.

The Yoshis were quick. They covered a lot of distance in very little time. At one point, Tyler realized he couldn't clear a gap, so he jumped off his Yoshi to safety.

"Yoshiii...." the Yoshi cried as he fell to his death.

"I think we should go on foot from here," Tyler suggested.

"Good idea," Kage replied.

They continued on their journey.

*Meanwhile, at Bowser's Castle...*

Ethan awoke with a bit of a headache. The first thing he heard was Bowser muttering something about McDonald's. Bowser turned around and faced Ethan. "Good, you're awake," he said.

"Why is that good?" Ethan asked.

"You get to witness my true power!" Bowser shouted.

"That's going to be hard, considering you have no power," Ethan remarked.

"Who sent for you?!?" Bowser yelled.

"Uh, you did," Ethan replied curtly. "Otherwise, I wouldn't be in this cage and we wouldn't be having this conversation."

"Quiet, you!" Bowser said. "I don't want you interrupting my thoughts."

"You don't even have a brain!" Ethan challenged. "I wouldn't be able to find a thought to interrupt!."

Bowser ignored him, turning to his screen again. It showed the goomba army, in position and ready for a sneak attack.

Ethan went pale. THere were thousands of goombas and only four heroes. He had to help them. He looked around and found four blue flowers. Picking them up, he opened his system and created an e-package. He had fiddled with his system and figured out how to do this. He put the flowers in the box and sent it with a message attached. He hoped it would help.

*Back to the fields...*

The four were closing in on the army when Caylin's 3DS began to ring. She opened it and began to read:

Lakes: Guys, take these! Try to figure out how they work; I think they'll be important!

"Who's Lakes?" Caylin questioned.

"I'm going to assume that's Ethan," Tyler said.

"I guess he's OK... for now," Caylin said. "He sent a package."

"We can send packages?" Kage asked in wonder.

"From the looks of things, we can," Matt replied.

"Who cares?" Tyler said impatiently. "Just open it!"

Caylin opened the package to find the four blue flowers Ethan sent.

"Ethan sent us flowers?" Caylin asked. "That's so sweet!"

"Ethan's so stupid!" Kage said in disgust.

"Actually, Ethan's a genius," Tyler countered.

"How do you figure that?" Kage asked.

"These are Ice Flowers!" Tyler said.

"What's your point?" Kage asked.

"Kage, you're so stupid!" Tyler exclaimed with a wide grin. "Ice Flowers are power-ups!"

Kage's face was blank enough to use as a whiteboard.

"He doesn't get it," Tyler said plainly.

"Thank you, Captain Obvious," Matt said sarcastically.

"You're welcome!" Tyler replied.

Matt let out a loud sigh.

"Anyone else want to take a flower?" Tyler asked.

Nobody else wanted a flower right now, so Tyler switched to the flower and stored the rest in the backpack.

It was around two minutes later that they came to a group of bushes. Tyler heard a voice in the bush.

"There they are! Get them!" the voice said.

Suddenly, 5000 goombas jumped out of the bush.

"I want my mommy!" Matt cried.

"Matt, grow up!" Tyler said.

Kage and Matt scrambled up a nearby tree, leaving Tyler and Caylin to fight this battle.

"You ready to fight?" Tyler asked Caylin.

"I was born ready," Caylin replied with a sly grin.

"CHARGE!!!" the General shouted. The battle had begun.

Tyler was extremely good. He was jumping on the goombas, as well as freezing them. Additionally, he kicked the frozen enemies into other enemies to eliminate them.

However, Caylin was truly outstanding. She was nothing but a furry blur, scratching and clawing right through the army. She went so fast, it looked like she was doing everything at once.

Around 5 minutes into the battle, Tyler called, "Whoa, whoa! Time-out, guys!"

"Time out?!?" Caylin and the General shouted in bewilderment.

"This is a battle!" the General said. "There are no time-outs!"

"I'm hungry," Tyler said.  "Could we have a snack break?"

"You know, I'm kind of hungry, too," Caylin said.

"OK, I suppose we could," the General said. He turned to his troops and shouted, "SNACK BREAK!!!"

Tyler and Caylin ate a few apples, while the goombas ate chocolate bars. The break lasted half an hour.

"Well, back at it, I guess," Tyler said.

"Agreed," the General responded. "CHARGE... AGAIN!!!"

The battle lasted another five minutes. Predictably, Tyler and Caylin won.

"We surrender," the General groaned.

"All right! We won!" Tyler shouted joyously.

Kage and Matt got out of the tree.

"Should we camp for the night?" Kage asked.

"Well, it's getting dark," Tyler noted. "Yeah, I think camping's a good idea."

They began to look for a camping spot.

*Back at Bowser's Castle...*

Ethan had dozed off in his cage. Bowser's castle was dull to the point where it drained you of your will to live. Ethan awoke upon hearing Bowser's angry shouts. "What's he blathering about now?" he thought.

"YOU WERE DEFEATED?!?!" Bowser yelled at the General.

"We tried our best," the General sputtered. "They're better than we thought. Only two of them actually fought."

"Two?" Bowser inquired.

"Yeah. The other two scrambled up a tree," the General explained.

"Who were the two that fought?" Bowser demanded.

"Well, one of them was really tall, while the other one wore a Cat Suit with cheetah print on it," the General described.

Bowser growled. "Tyler and Caylin," Bowser said angrily. "Those two are pros! I can't win if they fight!"

"You can't win, period," Ethan chipped in.

Bowser ignored him and said, "I must eliminate them both. That way, I might just win!"

"That's just mean," Ethan said.

"I'm evil. It's what I do," Bowser replied.

Ethan watched as Bowser strolled over to his screen. "I'd better contact Larry," Bowser mumbled. "He'll do the job."

Ethan curled up into a ball and went into an uneasy sleep.

*Over at the campgrounds...*

The four had set up camp near the battle scene. Mario sent them the equipment: four sleeping bags, one tent, a fire pit, matches, wood, food, roasting sticks and lawn chairs.

They were roasting hot dogs over the fire. Tyler poked Matt's hot dog with his hot dog.

"Hey, quit poking my wiener!" Matt said.

"That's what she said!" Kage joked. Tyler and Caylin chuckled.

"Well, all jokes aside, how are we arranging the sleeping conditions?" Tyler asked. "We only have one tent and there's no way we're all fitting in it. Who want to go in the tent?"

"I do!" Kage and Matt exclaimed at the same time.

"Well, that was simple," Tyler said.

"Want to hear a ghost story?" Matt asked.

"No, thanks," Tyler said. "Pretty soon, we're going to be part of one."

"We should get to sleep," Caylin suggested. "We'll need our rest."

At that, the four retired to their sleeping bags. Tyler and Caylin were sleeping under the stars. Conversations were held between both pairs, but the subjects were totally different.

Tyler and Caylin were celebrating their success.

"Do you think we're doing everything right?" Tyler asked.

"Of course!" Caylin replied. "If we weren't, we'd be dead by now!"

"Good point," Tyler said.

"I think this is doable," Caylin said.

"I agree," Tyler said. "High five?"

They gave each other a high five and dropped off to sleep.

Over in the tent, things were tense.

"What have we gotten ourselves into?" Matt cried. "We're going to kill ourselves if we keep going!"

"Matt, now is not the time to be hysterical," Kage said calmly.

"This is the perfect time to be hysterical!" Matt countered. "We're stuck in the middle of nowhere fighting things that could very easily kill us! Tyler and Caylin must have a death wish!"

"Whether they have a death or not, just remember that we're doing this for Ethan," Kage reminded Matt.

"Is Ethan really worth it?" Matt questioned.

"Matt, how could you think like that?!?" Kage asked in horror. "Ethan is totally worth it!"

"OK, I guess," Matt said uncertainly.

They went to sleep, extremely worried.

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