49~cheater cheater!~

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I sigh softly as I get in my car to drive home from work, my shirt soaked thanks to hateful customers. I just want to go home and be held by my Ty-ty.

I arrive at home and it's slightly dark outside, the sun is just setting. Tylers car isn't here yet so obviously he's still at the office. I decided to just sit around and chill while waiting for him.

Later he comes home looking pissed. "Hey baby. Is everything okay?" I ask him in a quiet voice. I've never really been around him when he's angry. He's the calm one in the relationship.

He throws me a harsh glare, staying silent.

"Okay." I squeek out. "I'm gonna.. I'm gonna go to bed..." I whisper and go to our shared room. I force myself to sleep, wishing to forget about tonight.

◇next day◇

I wake up to an empty bed. Okay maybe he's at the office early. I text him. No answer. I call him. No answer. Okay now I'm just getting paranoid, maybe he's recording. I call Mark and sure enough he answers.

"Yea Eryn?" He asks softly.

"Are you guys recording?" I bite my lip.

"I'm just recording subnautica. Why?"

"I woke up to an empty bed. Tyler left before I woke up and now he's not answering his phone.." I choke on a sob.

"Hey. I'm sure everything is okay."

"Okay I'll let you finish recording.. bye." I sigh and end the call.

Hour after hour I pace around the house, calling and texting Tyler. When I finally give up and get ready to go to bed the door opens followed by a drunk and stumbling Tyler. He was drunker than Jack at a pub on St. Pattys day.

"Oh my god Tyler! Where have you been?! I've been calling and texting you all day! Why are you drunk? It's not good for your kidney!" I kept rambling on and on with questions when he says something that destroys me.

"I cheated on you." He finally whispers. My knees buckle beneath me as my whole world falls apart, my breath hitches in my throat and I start sobbing. He tries to comfort me but I push him away. He yanks me up by my wrists just to smack me and throw me back to the floor. I leave and go to the office where Amy, Katherine and Ethan are working late.

The first one to greet me is Ethan. He sees my tears and instantly hugs me, asking what's wrong. I tell him what happened and he stands there shocked, never knowing his best friend would do that. Amy and Katherine come in and see me. They both hug me and Ethan tells them the story.

"You want to have a girls day and forget about the guys?" Amy suggests with a smile.

"Yea.. I'd like that." I whisper.

"Hey! What about me?" Ethan asks.

"You can join us blueberry.." I smile.

We go to the spa, get our nails and hair done, go out to eat and get ice cream to watch movies at Amy and Marks house. We walk in and I spot Tyler on the couch talking to Mark, unknowing of my presence. I hide in the middle of the group quite easily thanks to my height.

We walk to Amys room and sit on the bed to watch the movie. I sit behind them all. Mark comes in and looks at Amy.

"Have you seen Eryn?" He asks. My heart rate picks up as a lump in my throat forms.

"She came by the office earlier, why?"

"Tyler was looking for her."

"Oh okay." Mark leaves.

"Amy could I stay the night?" I ask as I watch Tyler pull out of the drive way.

"Of course you can." She says and pats my shoulder.

After the movie I go to the spare room to sleep. It takes a bit but I do eventually fall asleep.

In the morning I get up, before everyone else, and decide to take Chica for a walk. I find her leash and hook it to her collar.

I walk to the park and let her run around and play. I sit on a bench and watch her play with other dogs. Taking out my phone I scroll through my instagram.

"Chica bica! What are you doing out here? Where's Marky at?" A familiar voice says softly. Suddenly Chica runs in front of me and sits down. "Hmm? Who is this Chica- oh... hi Eryn.."

I look up and meet Tylers icy blue eyes. "Hi.." I whisper.

"Where were you at yesterday?"

"With Amy.."

"I was looking for you."

"I know.. Mark told Amy you were."

"I still want to be with you." He sighs softly.

"I'm sorry Tyler.. you broke my trust.. you hurt me and you can't fix that.." I grab Chicas leash and take her back to Marks house.



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