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Name:: Bluebell

Gender+Pronouns:: Female, she/her

Sexuality:: Panromantic, asexual

Species:: Speed Stinger


Personality:: Bluebell is a loner, having grown up in isolation for most of her life. She's extremely cautious, and almost never trusts anyone or anything, even if it's someone she's spent tons of time with. She holds grudges easily, and anyone she has a grudge against will be avoided from as far as a distance as possible, if they get too close, she will most likely attack. She's very prone to attacking things, needing something to take pent up anger and anxiety on, and, while a lot of times that's a random tree or rock, she'll also attack another dragon if she so feels like it. Her unpredictable attitude and untrusting behavior has lead to her being rather infamous around the island she lives on. She has a particular hatred for humans and anything to do with them, the simple sight of something human-related can cause her to panic.

Likes:: Being alone, safety and being anywhere far away from humans.

Dislikes:: Humans and anything to do with them, other dragons, anything that looks suspicious and large bodies of water.

Fears:: Humans and large bodies of water.

Fun Facts::

—She's often called "The Ghost of the Mountain," by the other dragons that live on the island she lives on, due to the fact she lives in a small cave on a mountain, and dragons rarely ever see her.

—She'll probably be getting a book soon!

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