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Former NamesHognosekit, Hognosepaw
Prefix Reasoning— Her brownish coloration, which is similar to the Hognose Snake.
Suffix Reasoning— The fact that she blossomed into a strong warrior despite being blind.

Gender— Female
Pronouns— She/her
Orientation— Pansexual
Age— 34 moons
Breed— Maine Coon, Norwegian Forest cat mix

Clan— Varies, usually ShadowClan
Rank— Warrior

General Description— Hognoseblossom is a large, muscular molly with very thick, fluffy fur. She has a round soft face, large, tufted ears and her eyes are dull, unfocused and grey. Her pelt is a mud-colored brown, and is marked with darker swirls of classic tabby markings. There is a large, irregular white blotch starting on her muzzle and running down along her chest, underbelly and legs, and covers her entire rump save for some stripes. There are several small scars and nicks beneath her thick pelt, but they're pretty well hidden.

Positive Traits— Confident, friendly, playful & high self esteem.
Negative Traits— Reckless, stubborn, impatient, oblivious and vain.
PersonalityHognoseblossom is a very overly-confident cat who doesn't have a care in the world about what she should or shouldn't do. She's quite friendly despite her rather reckless behavior, and loves hanging out with other cats, chatting, patrolling and showing off with them. She has a very high self-esteem and enjoys bragging and showing off to other cats as a way of proving that she is a good warrior. She doesn't listen to other cats very much, and many see her as rather childish, and she tends to get ignored very often, especially if she needs help with something. She is also quite playful, retaining her kit-like energy to warriorhood, and loves training with kits and helping apprentices if they allow her to. She doesn't care what other warriors think about her, and she won't take fox-dung from anyone.
LikesBorder patrols, sparring with clanmates, training with apprentices, playing games, and the scents of pine needles and  dried leaves.
DislikesGetting wet, hunting, having nothing to do, storms, rain, using her blindness as an excuse for things, and other cats using her blindness against her,
Fears Being useless, failure
Strengths— Her large size makes her a powerful fighter, her thick fur provides good insulation during the winter and helps to protect her from injuries, she has a lot of energy, her confidence, and she has a very good sense of hearing and smell.
Weaknesses— Her lack of vision, she isn't as agile as many cats, her fur is very hot in warmer seasons, and often feels heavy when wet, she doesn't think before acting very often and she often gets overwhelmed in louder situations.

Other info—
—She likes wearing flowers in her pelt, primarily behind her ear, mainly because she likes their scent.
—She knows a lot of stories from elders, as she spent a lot of time in the elder's den as a kit.

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