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Name— Zorillachirp
Former Names— Zorillakit, Zorillapaw
Prefix Meaning— Her prefix "Zorilla," is due to her fairly similar marking to a zorilla, as well as her almost mustelid-like build.
Suffix Meaning— "Chirp," being her suffix was meant to represent her way of speaking, often in very short and sharp sentences that are straight to the point.

Gender— Female
Pronouns— She/her
Sexuality— Pansexual
Age— 33 moons

Clan— ThunderClan
Rank— Medicine cat

General Description— Zorillachirp is a rather elongated cat with shorter-than-average limbs and short fur that is sleek and held close to her body. She has a very dark, black pelt marked with a strikingly white underbelly, as well as two spots of white behind each of her eyes reminiscent of eyeliner in humans. There are some wisps of white straying from the white of her underbelly, giving an almost striped appearance. Her eyes are a brown color that is a similar color to dead leaves, and there is a small, jagged scar on her left shoulder.

Positive Traits— Clever, open about her thoughts, studious & careful.
Negative Traits— Quiet, impatient, rude & snappy.
Overall Personality— Zorillachirp is a very literal cat. She rarely speaks in metaphors, and is always clear about what she wants, when, and how she wants it. She doesn't really have a filter for what she says, and will openly insult clanmates to their face if she so pleases. She isn't very patient with other cats, especially her particularly need patients, and will often snap at anyone who complains, or doesn't listen to what she tells them to do when they're sick or injured. She has the air of an over-worked parent who doesn't want anything to do with anyone else. She is very clever, and has a very strong memory, especially when it comes to herbs, which she went over day and night as an apprentice. She is a very hard-working, sometimes not even taking a break from caring for a cat. Despite her rather rude attitude towards her patients, she will still do anything to save someone, even if that means many sleepless nights.
Likes— Quiet, cats who don't constantly complain, getting to take a break & being a medicine cat.
Dislikes— Cats that constantly complain about things, her siblings & not being able to save a patients.
Strengths— Herb knowledge, clever, fairly mentally strong and she isn't very squeamish.
Weaknesses— Very intolerant of pain, lacks strength and knowledge when it comes to fighting, impatient and, while she struggles to hide feelings.

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