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Hello, you guys entered the fam drama server perfectly. 👈 👀

I'm the eldest child of this crazy family.

Oh, sorry wrong picture.

*laughing nervously*

Yes, this is me Kim Taetae. A 8 years old brat. I love to be pampered by moi eomma and guardian angel. But everybody tried to adopt me because I am a UwU boy and a cute and handsome boy too. But moi eomma is very possessive of me. So she put a sticker on my clothes "No adoption allowed in my household".😥 Now people stop adopting me, but it's ok. They still can't resist moi charms. He he.😌

BTW, 1st pic is moi appa's pic Kim Taehyung. Yes, he is moi appa, unfortunately he is useless and never take care of Taetae. He loves his Gucci more than me. (Taetae will tell you a secret, when appa don't take care of me, Taetae peed on his Gucci to take moi revenge 😈)

Taetae loves to play and to tease moi grumpy hooman. Do you want to see moi grumpy hooman?

Yes moi grandpa. He only like to sleep and flirt with granny. Lol he don't give a shat around his surroundings unless it's granny and his own swag.

We are a big Mafia family in South Korea, but all we do is flirt and more flirt. Taetae is too small for that. But we are rich af to buy Gucci XD. So never judge a book by it's cover.😎

Moi Eomma is a world wide beauty and pink lover. She loves Taetae the most. 🥰 Taetae loves her too.

Moi Grandma is the sunshine of the house. She is brighter than Sun, so let me put on moi sunglasses.🕶 Now it's better. If you took her Sprite, she started to give these looks =..= Kinda cute though. XD

Moi brother V, he is an adopted son in our house. I call him Ape he he. So it's kinda complicated to tell our relationship here. Because we always fight to know who is the most loved one in this fam. Appa loves V the most *pout*.

Moi sisters Vi and Lisa are twins. I'm a very possessive oppa here. But I love to flirt with them too. 👉👈 they look like me though XD and I am handsome, so I can't resist moi handsome facu. *wink*


                                      - To be continued.


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