P̵͍͆ͅa̴͉̓r̵̢̳̅t̶̢͔͛ ̴̲͝ͅ1̵̙͆3̷͇͚̈́͑

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      Spencer lets out a disappointed sigh as she and Willie reach the Apple store. The last employee locks the store and walks away. She missed her chance. She'd have to wait until morning. Unless... Spencer tilts her head at the building. She could break in. It would be nothing compared to what she already is wanted for. Just another thing on her ever growing criminal record. But she'd need to find a place to hide Willie.

      She looks down at the happy aussie and smiles. She bends down and strokes her head. "You think you can play watch dog bud?" Willie barks and licks Spencer's hand. She smiles and nods. She pulls her hood on and walks down the street. There should be a fire escape on one of these buildings.

      Spencer walks into an alley and looks up at the fire escape. She raises an eyebrow, then pathetically tries to jump up and grab it. She barely jumps a foot off the ground. Spencer frowns and pouts. Gravity is against her. Climbing on fire escapes looks a lot easier in movies. She sighs and looks around, finding a dumpster. As she walks up to it and tries to push it, the more disappointed and frustrated she becomes. It doesn't move. Spencer groans and stops her foot.

      She looks at the distance between the dumpster and the ladder. About 10 feet. It's possible she could make the jump, but she would need a lot of momentum. Momentum she would get on the small lip of the dumpster. Spencer looks at her hands. She could use her powers, but what if she forgot more? Spencer sighs and climbs on top of the dumpster.

      Willie looks up at her and whines. Spencer looks down at him sadly. "I'll be back bud. Stay hidden okay?" Willie tries to jump onto the dumpster with Spencer, but he can't make it. He whines and walks over to some boxes and lays down. Spencer nods and shakes her hands, readying herself. Spencer leaps off the dumpster and misses the ladder, but she grunts and a bolt of electricity connects to the metal and pulls Spencer to it.

      Spencer nearly loses her grip, but grabs the ladder with her other hand. Her heart skips a beat as the ladder slides down to the ground. She sighs in relief then starts to climb up the fire escape. Once she is on the roof, it starts to downpour. Spencer grits her teeth and slowly looks up at the sky. She fiercely flips the sky off. The universe must really hate her. One problem after another. She'd really like to sucker punch the person narrating her life.

      Spencer shakes her head and starts walking across the rooftop. She stares at the city off in the distance. In the dark light and fog it almost looks daunting. Like certain doom awaits her there. Then again, doom seemed to follow Spencer wherever she went. There was no escape to it.

      The gap between the apple store and the rooftop she was currently on was huge. At least 20 feet. But luckily Spencer had room to get a running start this time. She takes several large steps backward, then takes off into a run. She leaps over the gap, but slips. She grabs the next rooftop with nothing more than her fingertips. Spencer groans as she struggles to hold on. The wet rooftop was not helping her situation.

      She couldn't die like this. She's not going to die because she slipped on a rooftop. Spencer was not going to become the next challenge on 'Dumb Ways to Die'. She growls in determination and reaches her other arm up onto the roof, but that wasn't much help. One hand she was slipping on, and the other had a cut on her palm. But Spencer still manages to get her elbow above the rooftop, then her other one, then her chest. She sighs in relief as she collapses on the rooftop. She lays on the rooftop as the rain hits her face.

      Okay, that's enough laying around. She has to get to work. Spencer huffs and stands up, walking over to the roof access door. On it is a padlock. Easy enough to crack. Spencer pulls out her pocket knife and starts unscrewing the cover. She reveals the wiring underneath and frowns. Whoever manufactured this door must have been color blind. None of the wires are where they should be. Spencer sighs and begins messing with the wires.

      She identifies each wire's purpose and starts to reconnect and disconnect certain bits. Finally the green light flashes and the door unlocked. Spencer smiles and walks inside, leaving the rain behind her. Spencer makes sure her face is completely covered then walks into the storage part of the store. She grabs a laptop and phone, and a pair of earbuds, then walks back up the stairs. Behind her an alarm blares, so she starts running.

      Big mistake. Spencer slips off the rooftop, and starts falling toward the ground. She twists herself around so her back makes impact with the concrete. For a moment she can't see anything, then the wave of pain hits her. Spencer gasps for air. The wind had been knocked out of her. Spencer grasps her chest and heaves herself over and pulls herself to her feet. She needs to get away.

      Spencer runs around to the next alley and Willie runs up to her. In the distance they hear sirens. Spencer pales and stuffs the laptop and phone under her jacket. She continues to rasp for air, but starts walking down the street. It's going to be dark. That should serve as enough cover for her to hide out for the night. The question is, where is she going to sleep?

      She shakes her head. Sleep doesn't matter right now. She has a plan, and she needs to get this laptop up and running. The city has plenty of abandoned buildings. Spencer just needs to find one to get her plan going.





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