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PART 11:
The next day, Nandini got up by a call from her manager.
Nandini: Hello!!
Mr. Kapoor: Good Morning Madam...
Nandini: Morning Mr. Kapoor....
Mr. Kapoor: Madam... Mr. Malhotra wanted to have to meeting with u. So if u want I can fix it up at around 6 in the evening, after ur college.
Nandini: Ohh yeah!! I forgot.... Cool!! But I wanna get free early today so I think 4:30 would be good, I'll get out of the college early today....
Mr. Kapoor: Ohk Madam as u say.
Nandini: Thank u Mr. Kapoor..... See at 4.
Nandini got up & got ready fast. She knew she had a lot more to do before her meeting at 4:30. She was sitting at her breakfast table when she called her lawyer.
Lawyer: Hello Ms. Moorthy.... Good Morning!
Nandini: Good Morning.... I hope u hv got those papers ready that I asked u to.
Lawyer(in doubt): Ohh yes absolutely.... But I just wanted to ask u why r u getting into all of it!! I mean this is Malhotra's personal stuff &-
Nandini(sternly): And u hv nothing to do with what I want. I pay u for what u do & thats it!!! U hv no right to ask questions to me..... GOT IT!!!
Lawyer: yes Mam.... Sorry!!
Nandini: Good... So wrap those papers in a sealed envelope & drop it in the office before 4 pm..... Ask them to hand it over to me & not to open it.
Lawyer: Ohk Mam!!
Nandini got to college & then went to the admin office.
Nandini: Excuse me can I get the form for Musicana 2016!!
Attendent: Sure One sec.
He walked over to the other side & got one for her, but as she took it she said,
Nandini: Ohh can i please get one more.
Attendent: One more??? Why do u need that??
Nandini smiled at him & then said in a sarcastic tone,
Nandini: Oh I m gonna practise before filling the final form... Do u hv any problem??
Attendent: No... U can have it!!
He got another form for her, which she checked properly & then left after thanking him.
Mr. Kapoor: Excuse me Ma'am..... The Malhotras are here!!
It was exactly 4:30pm & nandini was sitting in her cabin.
Nandini: Ohh get them in 5 mins later.
Mr. Kapoor: Ohk Ma'am. By the way, the lawyer came by & dropped this, he asked me not to open it so I don't exactly know what-
Nandini: Yeah... I told him to get these... Thank u very much!
Mr. Kapoor gave her the envelope & left her cabin. Nandini opened up the envelope & read the papers throughly. After finishing checking the papers she took out a file from her drawer & kept those papers with the other papers kept in that file. Just then there was a knock on the door.
Nandini: Come in!!
The door flung open & Mr. Kapoor entered followed by Manik, Nyonika & Mr. Sinha, their manager. Nandini saw them & stood up saying,
Nandini: Hello Mrs. Malhotra..... Hey Mr. Malhotra.... Good evening!!
Nyonika: Hello!!
Nandini: Plz have a seat...
All of them took their seats & Nandini said,
Nandini: So lemme get straight to the point.... Nyonika ma'am, my manager told me that u wanted to meet me but I didn't get want can this be in regards to as, u know our project is no more valid together.
Nyonika: Ms. Moorthy I-
Nandini: Plz U r elder than me call me nandini...
Nyonika: Ohk so Nandini.... I think there was some problem in the contract-
Nandini: With no disrespect Ma'am.... It was u who added unacceptable clause in the contract that too without informing me.
Nyonika was about to say something, but then stops as she thinks that she could be in trouble if it didn't work out. Nandini stayed calmed in her tone but still she used a stern voice to talk further.
Nandini: Like really Mr. Malhotra.... U were all Ohk when we discussed the project in the board meeting then why did u did that? And moreover all u did was to add that clause all by urself & then send it in for my signatures. What do u think I m... An employee at ur office?
Manik: Listen Ms. Moorthy... I think we can make it all good! All we need to do is to get the entire project reviewed. U too would hv to agree that the Malhotra Ind. is the best one u could work with.
Nandini: Ohk so what do u want from me?
As Nandini said this Nyonika immediately sighed a relief & said,
Nyonika: Ohk so we think that we could do the project with u again. We could discuss all the clauses again & prepare a contract.
Nandini looked at Manik & saw him simply enjoying Nyonika's helpless state. She turned towards Nyonika & said,
Nandini: Ohk... So let that be!! But the project can still be on only if u agree on this contract.
Saying so Nandini turned to a side & took a file from Mr. Kapoor. She simply passed that file towards Nyonika & said,
Nandini: This is the contract that I hv got prepared & I can come up with u for this. If u want u can go through all the clauses personally & then think about it.
Manik smiled slightly seeing her acting so well. Nyonika turned towards Manik as if to say that he should handle it further.
Manik: Ohk so Ms. Moorthy.... Do u mind if Mr. Sinha just studies the contract for a while & then we agree on it.
Nandini: Ohh thats actually fine.... In fact, by the time Mr. Sinha reads through it lets get comfortable over a cup of coffee.
Manik: Sure!!
Nandini got up & moved to the sofas at the other end of her office which was separated by a glass panel. She made Manik & Nyonika sit confortably & took up the landline phone there.
Nandini: Get in here!!
Just then a girl slowly walked in & Nandini asked,
Nandini: Nyonika Ma'am what would u like to have?
Nyonika: Ohh just a hot coffee...
Nandini: Ohk as u wish!!
Nandini turned towards the girl again & said,
Nandini: One hot coffee, one special earl grey tea & mine regular mug.
This thing brought a smile on Manik's face along with a froan at Nyonika's. She was shocked to see that Nandini knew manik so well & this made her even more uncomfortable.
Girl: Ohk Ma'am.
Saying this the girl left & Nandini turned to find Manik having a small smile on his face.
Nandini: Why r u smiling?
Manik: U remember my choice??
Nandini: Ohh off course!! This part of my cabin is mostly personal for me so I don't consider that I hv to be professional here. And we do know each other well personally don't we??
Manik: Yes we do!!
Just then that girl returned back with a tray in her hands. She kept that tray on the table & went away.
Nandini gave Nyonika her coffee & then giving Manik his tea she too took her drink. Manik saw her mug & said,
Manik: Your regular was supposed to be a cold coffee with chocolate right? What's that??
Nandini: See u too remember my choice!!
Nandini smiled & said,
Nandini: Actually that thing is usually outside office.... In office, I need something which gives me strength to bare all this work.
Manik: Ohh and what is that??
Nandini: No I m not telling that to u!!
Manik: Come on Nandini!!
Nandini: Woh hoa... No!!
Manik: But-
Nyonika: Manik... Leave it! U r not a kid.
Manik heard her & immediately snapped back.
Manik: And u r not my mom to stop me from doing anything!!
Nandini: Manik... Relax!!! Ohk listen.... Its a mixture of half coffee & half...... rum!
Manik: RUM!! U mean u usually get drunk while work.
Nandini: Shhh... That is not supposed to be announced!
Manik: Oh Ohk!! But I still cant beleive it.
Nandini: Hey its not like I have it everytime. Its like ones in a month or so..... I hardly spend time in the office.
Manik: Yeah I know!!
Nandini was intensionally talking to Manik about these casual things, to snap Nyonika out completely. She knew that this would make her work easier as she had planned. While on the other hand, manik didn't care about Nyonika at all!! He was enjoying his time with Nandini & it didn't bother to him if Nyonika was sitting there & giving him cold expressions.
A few minutes later they were back on her table & Mr. Sinha told Manik about a few points in the contract which seemed all ohk for both Manik & Nyonika.
Nandini: Ohk... So I think we r ready to sign the deal now?
Nyonika: Sure!!
Nandini took the file from Mr. Sinha & turned a few pages to check out the points. She picked up the pen from her side but in that process she accidently pushed the file a little & it fell down.
Nandini: Ohh I m really Sorry!! Don't worry its good...
She slowly picked it up & opened it up again & signed at a few places. She then passed the file to nyonika & showed her the places where she had to sign & the same followed with Manik.
All of them signed the thing & they were done with the deal.
Nandini: Ohk so I'll get the copy send to ur office in an hour. Moreover u will get the details all ready by the end of the next week.
Nyonika: Ohk!!
Nandini looked again if she had forgotten to get any paper signed & then got up.
Nandini: I guess this time we r not gonna hv any further problems.... Here we r!!
Manik: Yeah!!
Nandini: Ohk... Nice to have u here Mrs. Malhotra!! See u soon....
Nyonika: Thank u Nandini!!
Saying this Nyonika & Manik walked out of her cabin & soon out of her office. As soon as they got into the car Nyonika said,
Nyonika: I knew that this had something or the other to do with u.....
Manik smiled at it & looked outside the window,
Manik: Nyonika, u r late!!!
Nyonika: Manik, u n ur friends will hv to pay for this insult of mine soon!!
Manik looked at her sternly & said,
Manik: Nyonika, stay as far away from us as u can..... Bcoz if u have forgotten my dad & ur husband is coming to stay after a few days. And u very well knw how much he loves me & how much he hates u!! So just think 4 once, what will happen if u tell even one of ur dark secrets to him.
Nyonika looked towards him with terror in her eyes.
Manik: And u very well know that i'll love to do so.... Therefore stay as far away from us as u can.
As he said this he saw that they almost reached thier office, Nyonika didn't say a word to him after that & simply kept on looking at the other side. As they reached Manik got down the car but before moving in he said,
Manik: And by saying us, I include Nandini also in it...... One step near Nandini & u'll see how harsh can i be on u!! Remember that!!!

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