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Manik & nandini were sitting on the of his car & gazing at the stars. Some time later, Nandini said,
Nandini: Manik lets have a drink!!
Manik: Here??
Nandini: yes Mr. Malhotra.... Nandini Moorthy is always prepared!! Check ur back seat...
Manik got down & saw a packet kept on the back seat which the servant had kept, he picked it up & gave it to Nandini. He again got up & saw Nandini taking out vodka bottle from the bag.
Manik: Impressive!!!
Nandini smiled at him & gave him a bottle. Both of them had the drink & sat quitely. After sometime Manik turned to look at her & she said,
Nandini: Something to eat??
Manik looked at her surprised, as she took out a box from the bag which had a few snacks. He smiled at her & both of them had the snacks & talked for a long time. After about an hour latr, Manik was badly drunk & was lying on the car top with his head resting on Nandini's lap. Nandini was moving her fingers in his hair while he was busy gazing at the stars.
Manik: I just wish I could stay here forever.... Just simply staring at these stars & thinking nothing else.
Nandini: Manik like is full of challenges & to have a happy life we have to face those challenges not run from them.
Manik: I know all that but u know I m really tired now of everything.
Nandini: Everything... Like what??
Nandini was wishing that Manik would say something about his quiting singing & all.
Manik: Like being a bloody robot everyday & passing my day in between those horrific files in that packed office.
Nandini: But Manik u r so good at ur work!! Don't u like it??
Manik: No!! I hate it..... I would hv never stepped into that office if that bloody Nyonika wouldn't hv kept that deal in front of me.
Nandini: Deal!!
Manik looked at her & said in a drunk state,
Manik: No!! No I can't tell u!! Its a big big secret.... I know u r very smart, u think i will tell u so easily!! Naah... I won't!!
Nandini looked to the other side & thought to herself,
" I hv to make him say it, I know there is something very serious that he is hidding from everybody.... Even from Fab5!! I can see him in pain & I hv to know the reason to it, so that I could do anything about that.... Ayiaapa plz help me!!"
She turned towards him & saw him drinking even more.
Nandini: Manik... What secret u can't tell me??
Manik: Its a big secret... I won't tell it to anyone!! If Mukti gets to know she is be very hurt, & I can't hurt her!! I will never sing.... Never play music, if I do so that stupid Nyonika will tell everything to Mukti..... No I won't!!
Nandini: Mukti.... U left ur Music for Mukti??
Manik(sadly): Yes.... I had to do it for Mukti!! And see now she is the one who is blaming me for it, I can't even tell her the truth.
Nandini: Why what will happen if u tell her the truth??
Manik: I don't know how will she react.... She'll be very hurt to know that!! I know her very well & I know she is not that much strong enough to accept Nyonika's evilness.
Nandini: But Manik she is ur sister... And I hv seen that Nyonika doesn't mean anything to her... U mean a lot to her, u r her life!!
Manik made a childlike face & continued drinking. He was very much drunk & Nandini knew he wouldn't hv said all this if he was sober. Now she clearly knew that Manik had sacrified his Music for Mukti's sake but what was left to know was how could Mukti be related to that reason. And Why was he taking Nyonika's name in between this with so much hatred.
Nandini: Manik.... U know today when I heard u sing, I felt as if it was some audio being played which was sung by any professional.... U r so Good!!
Manik: Ha ha Mukti says the same!!
Nandini: Manik I think u should make a career in Music!! See u r so good in business, It won't do any harm to ur bisuness if u take some time out for Music.
Manik: But I can't na!!
Manik said like a child complaining about something.
Manik: Nandini understand.... I can't get into Music again!! If I do then Nyonika will tell everything to Mukti... She has bloody proofs with her.
Nandini: What proof??
Manik: Arey proof!!! Mukti's DNA report.... It clearly says that she is not my real sister!!! She is not a Malhotra by blood..
And this was the most biggest shock for Nandini. Never had she ever imagined that there could be such a reason behind Manik leaving Music!! She wasn't able to believe her ears. The person whom he loved so so much was actually not his real sister & he knew that fact. Just then Manik again said,
Manik: I can't even think about Music ever again. I can't tell the truth to anybody!! Not even Fab5... Not even u!! No one... I can't...
Nandini just stayed quite trying to take in whatever she just heard. Manik drink more from his bottle but then he realised that his drink was finished. He turned towards her & poked her shoulder. Nandini got out of her trance & turned towards him as he inverted the bottle & said,
Manik: Khatam ho gyi.... Aur do na!!
Nandini had another bottle with her but she said,
Nandini: Manik... I don't hv any more left!!
Manik: But I want more Nandini!!
Nandini: Manik U hv already drank a lot!! Now lets go... Its almost midnight... See ur watch its 11:45 pm.
Manik: No I don't wanna go back... I will stay right here...
Nandini jumped down the car & moved towards Manik's side. She streched her arm towards him & said,
Nandini: Manik get down!!
Manik: No..
Nandini: Come on Manik stop being a kid, get down!!
Somehow she managed to get him down & then opened the passenger seat gate for him. Manik wasn't in any mood to sit inside but then too she made him sit inside & applied the child lock on the gate so that he couldn't get out. After took all the empty bottles from the car top & kept them inside the car. Soon she got into the car to see manik already asleep. She smiled at him & drove back.
Nandini's pov: "Should I drop him at his place, but what if he says anything to Mukti... He is not at all in her senses. No I can't take that risk. Moreover what will I tell Mukti if she sees me.... I think I should take him to my place itself... Ya that would be the best."
She reached her place in half an hour & then tried to wake Manik up,  but he was badly drunk. She called her guards closer & said to them,
Nandini: Take him inside...Make sure he doesn't get hurt!!
She moved in & made them take him to the guest room, they make him lie down on the bed & then went away. Nandini slowly removed his shoes & tucked him under the duvet & then went back to her room. But sleep was far away from her eyes, she couldn't get out Manik's words from her mind. "Mukti is not my real sister" his words kept on haunting her. She thought a lot about it & then thought,
" I don't know what will happen rommorow morning when Manik will realise that he told the truth to me. I hv to do something for him. I can't let Nyonika mam use him like this for her own wish!!"
And thinking this she slept.
The next morning Nandini got up early as she had decided to go to the office before going to the college. She was waiting for Manik to get up but then she was getting late so she left him a note. Half an hour later, manik got up with a bad head ache & as Nandini had expected he didn't remember about last night. He got out of the room & just then the servant came to him with a glass of lime juice.
Servant: Sir for u!!
Manik took the glass from him & asked,
Manik: Thank u but who asked u to get it..
Servant: sir Nandini madam had ordered before leaving... And she had left this for u!!
He gave manik a paper & left. Manik finished his lime juice first & then read the note.
" Sorry Manik... Had to go to the office before college so had to leave early!!  U have breakfast properly & then only leave.... And another sorry to bring u here last night, u were very drunk so i thought to get u here!! I hope thats fine!! And yes plz try to come to the college & meet Mukti once, she was not in a good mood when I called her this morning... See u latr!!"
Manik smiled reading it & then had his breakfast!!
Nandini: Mr. Kapoor... I wanna know everything about Nyonika Malhotra!! Professionally as well as personally.... All that u know!!
Nandini was sitting in her cabin & she had called in Mr. Kapoor for something important.
Mr. Kapoor: Nyonika Malhotra???
Nandini: Yes Mr. Kapoor.....
Mr. Kapoor: She owns the 40% shares of the Malhotra Industries & the rest 60% is on Manik Malhotra's name but the company is on the name of Mr. Raj Malhotra, Manik's dad. Mr. Malhotra is based in Dubai, & he is expanding the Malhotra Industries over there. Here the co. is on his name but all the rights are on Manik. Mrs. Nyonika was handleing the co. alone till manik joined it two years back... But at that time all the 100% shares were on Mr. malhotra's name now its on Nyonika & Manik.
Nandini: So it can be thought that Nyonika Malhotra got the power & status only after Manik came into bisnuss.
Mr. Kapoor: Yes Ma'am!!
Nandini: But what about the buying & selling powers of the company shares.
Mr. Kapoor: All of it belongs to Manik. But it he has to sell Mrs Malhotra's shares then he needs to get her signatures.
Nandini: Ohk!! Cool... Thank u Mr. kapoor now u may leave!!
Mr. Kapoor: Ohk ma'am!!
He got up & was about to leave when he stopped & asked her,
Mr. Kapoor: Ma'am if u don't mind.... What r u willing to do??
Nandini: Don't worry Kapoor Uncle..... Its nothing related to work!! I have to sought some thing with her!!
Mr. Kapoor: Ohk!!
He left the room & soon Nandini went to college!!
Manik got ready & soon reached college to meet Mukti. Mukti was not talking to him at first but then as usual he had his own ways to cheer her up!!
They spent about an hour together & then Manik said,
Manik: Ohk so now I think I should leave... Already i m late for office!!
Just then a voice came from behind, "What office office haan!! U r not going anywhere...."
And with this the Fab5 got complete as Cabir also entered & joined them.
Manik: Hey cabir where were u??
Cabir: I was on a date with Madhubala!!
Aliya & Mukti: What??
Cabir: Kya what yr!! It was sarcasm.... I was working guys!!
Manik: Ohh but even if u wish... Madhubala is not that bad though!
Cabir: Ohh dude... PLZ... Leave me alone.
Mukti: Guys its getting crowded here lets go somewhere else & sit!!
Manik: I think u r right??
All of them got up & went to a empty classroom & locked the door. They talked & played along for some time.
On the other side, a guy was roaming hurriedly on the college corridors asking everyone about the same thing, when he again stopped & asked someone," hey have u seen Fab5??"
And everyone gave him the same answer, "Some time back they were in the corridor now I don't know!!"
He continued for sometime & then finally got to know where Fab5 were. He went to that room & knocked.
Mukti who was inside the room got irritated & got up to open the door. She opened it & said,
Mukti: Who the hell r u??? Don't u know that no one distrubs Fab5.
Guy: Sorry but I wanted Cabir!!
Mukti moved to a side & made him enter.
Mukti: Cabir he is here for u!!
Cabir: Yes... whatever it is, say fast & leave!!
Cabir said without even looking at him.
Guy: Woh actually Nandini....
And listening to her name both Manik & Cabir turned towards him.
Cabir: What Nandini??
Guy: She fell down on the stairs & got her leg injured. She is in the sick bay!!!!
Cabir & Manik: What???
All of them immediately ran towards the medical room, Cabir entered & saw Nandini sitting on the bed & her leg wrapped up in a crap bandage.
Cabir: Nandu... U fine?? And whats this?
Nandini: Relax Cabir, its just a twist.
Manik(angrily): But how can u be so careless, can't u take care of urself.
All of them looked towards him, his worry was clearly visible on his face, the same worry which used to be there when any Fab5 member used to ger hurt.
Nandini(slowly): Manik.... Calm down!! I m fine...
Doctor: Its nothing to worry, but she'll hv to bear the pain due to her previous injuries on the same leg, as it is not that strong.... I hv applied some medicine, she'll be all right by day after tommorow, till then she needs perfect bed rest.
Cabir: No problem doctor, we'll take care of that.
Doctor: Ohk so now u can take her home..... Nandini take care!!
Nandini: Thank u Doctor, thank u very much.....
With this they made her sit on a wheel chair & took her in out of the college. All of them reached the Moorthy Mansion & slowly took her in on the wheel chair. Cabir was pushing the wheel chair, when she stopped him mid way & held his hand to bring him in front & then she said in a sweet way.
Nandini: Cabir yr... Sorry na, slip ho gyi!! Now what do u want from me, why rn't u talking to me??
All the others smiled at her cute way & Manik was mesmerised by her beautiful face.
Nandini: Now will u say something or 4 that also u need something in ur mouth.
Cabir: Shut up nandu!!!
Cabir suddenly shouted making everyone shocked, the ever so funny & lovely Cabir was shouting now for the first time.
Cabir: Just shut up... This time its enough!!! U very well know that this same leg has once been in a major surjury. And it was clearly said that it won't be able to bear even a minor load. Already u would hv almost lost ur leg due to that accident & then too u didn't take care......
All of them were shocked earlier to see Cabir shout. But now listening to this they knew that his anger was correct. His concern was right!! And this thing made all of them even more concerned about her injury now. But as soon as Nandini heard about that accident, her eyes filled up with tears.
Nandini: How can I ever forget anything about that accident Cabir, that day it changed my entire life, it took away the most precious thing of my life, it took my parents away from me. How can I forget that day, which still haunts me in my dreams. As tears flowed down her eyes, all of them got emotional. Cabir immediately took her in a hug & said,
Cabir: Sorry, I m sorry.... But plz don't cry Nandu!!!
Soon he calmed her down & then took her forward towards a room, when she again stopped him & said in her all time bubbly voice.
Nandini: Cabir... U idiot y r taking me to this room, don't u know where my room is.
Cabir: I know that very well but for now u rn't in a condition to go upto ur room, so u r gonna stay here.
Nandini: No I m not. I wanna go to my room & thats final.
Cabir: Nandini but-
Nandini: No buts, either u take me up or I'll go on my own.
All of them smiled at her & Cabir asked,
Cabir: Ohh so u'll go on ur own!! Will u plz tell me how???
Nandini looked here & there for a minute as if thinking something & then said in a childish voice.
Nandini: I'll go with the help of Manik!!
Cabir: Manik???
With this all of them looked towards Manik, who too was shocked hearing this. He looked towards Nandini in a blank expression.
Nandini: What, Why r u looking at me like this?? Why hv u spent so much time in making this strong body-shody..... Can't u even pick me up 7 take me to my room.... Chalo come, take me up!!
Cabir was about to say something when Mukti held his hand & stopped him.
Mukti: Yes bhai... See she can't walk, u can help her right?
Manik slowly walked towards Nandini, & picked her up in his arms. As he did so , he saw her showing a tongue to Cabir. He simply smiled at cuteness & walked up the stairs, followed by the others. As he climbed up the stairs, she showed him the way to her room & he took her to that room. It was a beautiful room, simple yet stylish. He moved in & slowly made her sit on the bed. All the others too entered,
Mukti: Nice room Nandini....
Nandini: Thanks!!
They all sat with her for sometime & then Nandini said that she wanted to sleep so all of them left. Cabir instructed the servants to take care of her & not to let her get up & then left.

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