Prolouge - SIF?! The Goosebumps...

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It was a normal day at Otonokizaka Academy. It was just before classes started. Everyone was at the clubroom early, working on their song and their dance. Except Honoka, always being Ms Late-All-The-Time. Not this time though...

"Hey, hey, everyone! Check this out!", said Honoka as she frantically enters the clubroom.

"Finally, Honoka! We've been waiting for you for so long! We need to practice and - "

"Not yet Umi-chan! You guys have to see this!?"

"What is it?!"

"It's a game!"

"Huh?! Honoka, we don't have time for games - "

"See it for yourselves!!"

Everyone suddenly had big eyes when they look at the game. Then they all shouted at the same time:


--- --- ---

"What the !!? It-it's us!!?", cried Kotori.

"You're kidding me?! This is us, right!?", cried Umi.

"Yes, everyone! We have a game now! A game all about us!", said Honoka.

"No way! I am popular now!?", cried Nico in joy.

Everyone was confused - except Maki-chan who just stood by and stayed cool. Nozomi noticed.

"Hey, Maki-chan. Do you know all this?!"

"Yeah Nozomi. That game is called School Idol Festival. Simply, all you do in that game is to play songs and have fun. Except, it will be our songs, guys."

"Maki-chan!!! Why did you not tell us!!?", Umi asked.

"Huh?! Oh...well I was about to tell you when Honoka suddenly came here and did that for me."

"Hold on a second. Maki-chan, how did this even happen?", Eri asked.

"Well...we're idols now right? And many people have been offering their services lately to promote us right? Someone came to me and asked if they could make a game all about us. I thought it would be a great idea to promote ourselves - so I said yes."

Everyone fell silent. Both that Maki was behind all this and the fact that she does care about them. Embarassed, Maki just blushed and stayed silent.

"Wooow. So this is what it's like to be rich and influential! Great idea, Maki-chan!", said Rin.

"I don't know though...won't this cover us too much!?", said Hanayo in a nervous reaction.

"There's nothing we can do, Hanayo-chan. Everyone is talking about us right now. This was bound to happen. The cards tell me.", replied Nozomi as she smiles with excitement.

"Hehe, alright! Time to play!", said Honoka in joy as she presses her phone and logged in the game. Then pops up her avatar...

In-game Honoka: I'm pretty lucky, right? But...I might lose to Nozomi.

"THIS IS SOOO COOOL!!", says Honoka.

"Wh-what!!? That's you Honoka!?", Umi replies with shock.

"Yep! Not only do we play, we can get to see ourselves in the game!!", replied Honoka.

Everyone went: EHHHHHHHHHH!!!!

"This is - this is HORRIBLE!!", Umi responds angrily.

"Umi-chan...", Kotori replied.

"Is this even right!? It's a violation of our privacy and - "

"Umi-chan, don't get mad. At least they're making us more famous - "

"Why should we be proud about that when we'll be asked for personal information?"

"Uuuuummmii-chan! Please. Like the game!! For your fans!! For us!! FOR MEEEE!!! UUUMMIII-CHAAAN!!", responds Kotori as she makes a cute face.

"Kotori-chan, you're not helping!!"

While Umi loses her mind and the other girls talk her out of it, Rin, Eri and Nico enjoy the new game.

"Harasho, so this is what that voice acting act we did last time was for. Hehe, how sneaky!"

"Nyaaaahhh!! This is soooo awesome!!", exclaimed Rin as she keeps pressing the Rin avatar that Honoka switched to in her phone.

In-game Rin: Rin likes sports! (Press) Rin likes sports! (Press) Rin loves u's, nyahhh!!"

"Hehe, I'd love to do this alllll daaayyy!"

"Me, MEEE!! I want to see me, Honoka!!", Nico demanded.

"Okay, Nico-chan!!"

(Switching avatar to R Nico...)

In-game Nico: Nico Nico nii!!

"YAAAASSSS!! I will be popular now!! Can I check this out?"

"Sure!!", Honoka gives Nico her phone. Nico checks out the game's interface, while hearing her avatar say different words.

"Hmmm...very nice...this game looks great. I wonder when they will put my song here..."

Then Nico went back to Home screen...a different avatar popped out.

In-game Maki: Hey! I did not tell you to leave me behind!!"

Nico blushed with shock. "Ehh...Maki-chan!? Why is she..."

"Hehe, well, avatars that you don't use for a long time would sometimes randomly appear to get your attention. It is temporary though. (smile)", explained Honoka.

"Harasho!! I think I will like that game!", replied Eri.

Nico, blushing really hard, begins pressing the interface and the avatar to hear Maki's voice again and again.

In-game Maki: Wh-what!!? (Press) Ahhh!! That tickles! (Press) Hey!! Cut it out!! (Press)

Then Nico looks at the real Maki behind her - then she gives off an eerriee smile at Maki who did not notice her.

"Hehe, I wonder what Maki-chan will say if I poke her!", Nico thought as she gives Honoka her phone back and walks towards Maki.

"Okay, now it is time for Umi's avatar!"

Honoka tuned up the volume and switched to Umi's avatar, hoping that her voice will get Umi excited.

In-game Umi:

"....That...That was my voice!!!?", replied Umi as she heard. Honoka pressed again.

In-game Umi: Ahhh. Please Stop!

"NOOOOOO!!!", shouted Umi as she makes a very awkward face then...

Thud. Umi-chan fainted and fell to the floor.

"Ahhh!!! Uuuumi-chan! Umi-chan!!", replied Hanayo in shock.

"What happened!!?", asked Eri.

"Umi-chan fell!! Somebody get her to the hospital!", replied Rin.

"Wait guys, calm down!!", replied Eri.

"Quick, someone kiss - I mean - resuscitate Umi-chan to bring her back to her senses!!", said Nozomi. Everyone went silent hearing Nozomi's "advice".

"I'll do it!", said Kotori as she leaned towards Umi when some noise stopped her.


Meanwhile, Nico got slapped by Maki for poking her too hard.

"(Crying) I am sooo glad I can poke Maki-chan in the game and not get slapped!"

"(Evil stare at Nico) Sooo that's why you did that..."

... ...

"Hehe, okay...I think it will be necessary for everyone to have the game.", said Eri, confused with what just happened.

"Agreeeed.", said Honoka, depressed at what happened to Nico and Umi. It seemed she regret showing everyone the game in the first place...

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A/N: Oooookaaaay!! I have been dying to write this for a long time, now I am proud to publish it!! Thanks for reading!!

Anyone is welcome to request scenarios on what u's do when they play!!

And I thank @YFG-chan for his/her "Things SIF Players Know Too Well". I loved that book and it gave me the idea to make this series!!

Stay tuned for the next chapter <3

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