A Winter Something-Or-The-Other (Idk)

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(sometime before the founding of Uglyville)

It's a typical day in Perfection. Lou stands at the head of the class, teaching his students who all sit in desks at the outdoor classroom. Ox is in the front row, leaning forward in anticipation.

Lou: And if your child should happen to accidentally leave you at school--

Suddenly, Lou is cut off by a white snowflake settling on his outstretched palm. He looks to the sky in alarm. More snowflakes fall, soon it's coming down in droves. The students cry out in amazement at the snow, trying to catch flakes with their hands and mouth.

Lou: Class dismissed!!

The pretty dolls cheer, scattering from the classroom. Nobody takes notice of the unhappy look on the leader's face.


Lou stands observing the Institute. The snow had piled up until it reached the prototype's calves. Thankfully, the doll company also manufactures a line of winter gear for the pretty dolls (sold separately of course), and the students of Perfection are all bundled up in coats, hats, scarves, and mittens. They're having the time of their lives, frolicking in the snow. Some have taken various brick-a-brack from the day's training course and are using it for sledding. Others try their hands at making likenesses of the robots out of the snow. Others simply make snow angels.

Lou surveys it all with a frown.

Out of nowhere, a snowball pelts Lou in the back of the head. He prepares to scold the culprit, spinning toward the source. He relaxes when he sees who it is.

Lou: *Should have known* ,

he thought, privately smiling to himself.

There stands Ox, grinning ear to ear with his tongue hanging out. He's practically giddy with excitement.

Ox: Isn't this great, Lou?! I've never seen real snow before, real, honest-to-God snow! Hey Lou, let's make a snowman!

Lou shakes his head.

Lou: This isn't good, Ox! The Institute is climate-controlled, it's always supposed to be 70 degrees!

Ox looks troubled for a moment, then realization dawns on his face. He gives Lou a knowing look.

Ox: You just don't like the cold.

Lou glares distrustfully at the falling snow.

------------------------------------------------------------→To be continued...



A/N: Just an idea I had. Sort of like, the adventures of Lou and Ox still being friends and what they did back then. So like in this one, it snows in Perfection and Ox and Lou go deeper into the factory to see what the problem is. Or that was the general idea that I had.

This one has a script format bc the idea is super rough. If I continue it, it might be a bit more polished, idk. Or I might rewrite this part to not be so suck. Probably with a better title than this one too 😂. I just wanted to get the idea down while it was hot if that makes any sense.

But yeah, the idea for this came because a few days ago it snowed, and I hated it and wanted to be warm. So I wanted to write something about Lou hating the cold and wanting to be warm as well 😂. The snow is melted now and temps are back up into the high 40s, thank goodness.

Me as a little kid when I watched Frosty Returns and they break out the Summer Wheeze: Oh no, what's gonna happen to Frosty? D:

Me now: How has nobody invented Summer Wheeze for real yet, it's 2020 somebody fix this--

Random headcanon time: Uglyville has every sort of weather, but Perfection is, like Lou said, always 70 degrees.

Also an out of context bonus scene just in case I end up not continuing this:

Ox approaches the prototype at the mouth of the pipe. It's already dark in Perfection.

Ox: Lou?

Lou: *gruffly* Get over here, you!!!

Ox flinches, not used to seeing Lou unhappy.

Ox: L-Lou?! What's the matter??

Lou grabs Ox and pulls him close, huddling up against him, teeth chattering.

Lou: Heat...

Lou groaned.

Lou: You're so warm...


A/N (Again 😂): Should I continue this? And if I do, should I go back and rewrite it to read more traditionally? Or should I stick with the script format? And should this be a flashback from the present day, or should it just start off in the good old days like it does now? Let me know what you think!

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