Rules For Art/Chapter Requests:

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[A/N: As of October 2022, requests are currently CLOSED.]

It boggles my mind that this chapter is even necessary, I never thought I'd be popular enough to even get requests! When I started this book I wondered if anybody besides myself would even read it, let alone vote and comment, and here we are now! You guys are the best! (Oh Lou! You're so nice! You're the best! XD Ok I'll stop)

So here's the rub: there are some things I just plain don't do. And I hope I don't sound like a jerk when I say that, that's the last thing I want, you guys are the world to me. There's just some stuff I'm not 100% comfortable with. It's not you, it's me *shy fingers*. Okay, here we go:

1. No NSFW, absolutely none. Nothing more sexual than a french kiss, if it's art I won't even do the french kiss. No exceptions.

2. I WILL draw your OCs as long as it doesn't violate one of the other rules, but I can't draw them if I don't know anything about them, so be sure to include a description of some sort, or a link to your own story/art book where they show up, just something so that I know what to draw lol.

3. Most of the time I don't do requests for oneshots, just for the simple reason that it takes me 133653457568768745457 months between the time I start writing something and the time its ready to post XDD. For real, I'm still writing a oneshot that I posted about on my board over a month ago, kill me ahahaha.. Nothing personal, understand, writer's block is a force of nature XD. Still feel free to comment ideas for oneshots though, I enjoy hearing them and if one stirs up my muse I just may decide to write it (and if that happens, I'll let you know when you're 45 years old and paying off your mortgage bc that's how long it's going to take me to finish the dang thing, imma cry XDDD).

4 (ish). Okay, I know I said earlier nothing more sexual than a french kiss, but I would really be grateful if couple/ship requests were kept on a platonic basis. It's not a hard "NO!" like the first few rules, it's more like request, or a favor to me really and you would have all of my gratitude. It's just that I know I won't be putting out my best work if I get a super romantic request for a pairing I don't ship, but at the same time I'd feel like too big of a jerk doing some pairings and not others. So yeah, like I said not a RULE rule but it would make me happy. (platonic, btw is anything you would do with a close friend or family member. Hugging, cuddling, a kiss on the cheek, those things can fall under platonic. A makeout session does not unless your friendships are far different than mine lol XDD. Stuff like couple fusions/ fankids is fine too.)

One last note, it may take a bit of time before your request is ready to publish. Some requests may take longer than others, especially if it involves writing in any way shape or form lol. And then after it's done, I still have to wait until the internet is up so I can post it. If it seems like I'm not paying attention to your request, I promise I am! Unless of course I haven't been online to see it yet but uh yeah, after I see it, I promise I am!

Okay, I think that's everything! Ugh I hope I didn't forget anything but knowing me... -__- If I add anything later on, I'll mention it at the end of a chapter so everyone knows it. Thank you again for caring so much about this fandom and this book, y'all make me blush!

1 million thanks to those who stuck around until the end, here, have a blushy Lucky Bat:

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