Ship Opinions

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This chapter is another long one! 😂😂😂 This was requested by the beautiful wonderful WitchycandlexX  ! 

Title is pretty self-explanatory, basically I'm gonna tell you guys what I think of pretty much every Uglydolls ship that comes to mind! I thought about using one of those templates where you can mark off stuff like, "Otp/ I like it/ sorry, no/ only as bros/ hate it/ etc.", but Wattpad only allows 20 images ( + whatever's in the media) per chapter, and there's a lot more than 20 pairings in this fandom. 😂

A couple things before we start: No matter what I think of any of these, you have the right to ship whomever you please and I 100% respect your opinion. Let's all be kind and respectful of different opinions in the comments section as well, okay? Please? 🥺 I mean, not that I've encountered many problems of that nature from anybody I've met on this site, but I still feel the need to say something bc *Vietnam war flashbacks to the shipping wars from last winter* It got pretty brutal for a while there, people even left the Uglydolls fandom entirely because of it. Plain and simple, my OTP could be your nOTP or vice versa, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that! We can still be friends. The validity of your ship is not dependent on me.

Secondly, but still related to the first thing, please go easy on me! 🥺👉👈✨ Ngl low-key a bit nervous about posting this, some of these will definitely come as a surprise to some people. 😂😅 But like I said, my opinion is just that: an opinion. If I don't ship something, please don't take it as a diss on that ship, bc that's not my intention at all. I even read/watch/etc. content with pairings that I don't necessarily ship! And it doesn't stop me from enjoying those things, something can still be a great story and very well written, even if the pairing isn't one of my favorites! I honestly find it very interesting to be able to see into the mind of somebody with a different point of view than myself, it gives me a chance to consider interpretations of characters that I might never have thought of before. But I'm just a big nerd like that, so.. 😂😂🤣

Anyway, now that that's out of the way, LET'S GOOOOOOOO--


Lou x Moxy:

Okay, so. I've mentioned several times that it's impossible for me to choose an OTP. BUT!!! This ship is always on the list of likely candidates!!! I love this ship. Maybe it's bc I've always been a sucker for love/hate pairings, and also hero/villain pairings, and this one falls under both of those.

I find this one particularly intriguing, because all throughout the movie, when Moxy talks about the Big World, she talks about getting "[her] own special kid to love." And in the scenes where she's imagining herself in the Big World, it's all about her giving love to her kid, and not about receiving it (like when she comforts the girl with the broken arm). What Lou wants most in the movie is to be loved by somebody, anybody, but what Moxy wants most is somebody to love. And I think this makes them a compelling match.

I love seeing fics that take place after the movie where Moxy goes back and actually gives Lou the second chance he asked for. I love fics like this that are Lou/Mandy as well, but with Moxy the entire concept seems that much more powerful because Lou actually has to come to grips that Moxy is basically everything he's hated all those years: an Uglydoll, and to make matters worse, one that is actually proud of her Ugliness.

It's also nice seeing stories where they don't immediately hit it off with each other, one or both of them is resistant and they have to slowly get used to each other. Don't get me wrong, I love me sum fluffy stories as well, and there's a lot of potential for cuteness here. But as I said, Moxy is basically the embodiment of everything Lou is against, not to mention a physical symbol of his fall from grace. And as for Moxy, Lou did try to kill her. It makes sense that they wouldn't automatically be bf/gf the next time they saw each other.

Lou x Mandy:

Just when I think maybe MoxLou is for sure my OTP, boom: I remember Landy. ASDGASKIORN34N2!@#DSGWEQRE THEY ARE SO CUTE I-- (lol all these logical points about MoxLou and when I get to Landy it's just: upping my key smash game 😂😂🤣) No, but seriously though, I honestly cannot say which of the two I prefer bc I love both pairings so much! Fun fact, this was the first Uglydolls pairing I ever shipped!

There is also a hint or two towards this in canon Uglydolls content. There's that infamous wink Lou sends Mandy's way right before the Gauntlet of course, and when Mandy is finally standing up to Lou she mentions that she had always thought he was "perfect." Another thing that suggests Mandy may have a crush on Lou: when Mandy and the uglies have their first scene in the supply shed, right after Moxy delivers the line, "Bring it on, Louis!", Mandy is quick to defend Lou. No big deal, right? Well, take a quick look at Mandy as she's thinking of Lou:

Kind of makes you think of a girl with a crush, doesn't it? (Of course to be fair, Lou being Lou, it wouldn't be an exaggeration to assume that most dolls if not every doll in perfection had a little bit of a crush on him, it's not just Mandy.) Also, it never made it into the movie, but in the novel version, Lou says that it's too bad that Mandy sided with the Uglydolls because she "had a lot of promise." (¬‿¬)

The concept of this one is essentially the opposite dilemma of MoxLou (for Lou, at least). Mandy had been one of the "perfect" girls, somebody who might've actually lived up to his impossibly high standards. And as it turns out, she wasn't what she seemed. She wears glasses, which apparently Lou is not into (for some reason, idk I mean I see what the movie was trying to do, but the whole "4 eyes/ glasses are ugly" trope seems to be more of a 70s-90s thing, a lot of people these days find glasses attractive, but I digress...) So once again, Lou has to come to grips with the fact that he might have been mistaken in his judgement of the dolls.

In a lot of things I've read with this pairing, after the Uglydolls have control over perfection, the pendulum has sort of swung in the other direction and a lot of dolls treat Lou poorly because of what he did in his past. And they refuse to give him a chance to redeem himself because what he did was "too bad" to deserve redemption (I have a WHOLE other soapbox on this, but for now I'll leave it there). In these stories, Mandy is the one who is willing to give him another chance/ help him to better himself/ convince the rest of the uglydolls and pretty dolls that it's never too late for somebody to change. And I think that's a really nice touch, truly. It's very in character for Mandy, as she's a caring doll, who after all was the one to give the uglies a chance when everyone was against them as well. And depending on how difficult it is for Lou to suddenly be on good terms with the uglies, it has the potential to be very in character for him as well. If there's one thing I really have a weakness for, it's a good story where the characters act in believable ways as established by their character arcs. But again, nerd, so 😂.

Idk there's just something about these two together that just feels... Right somehow, idk how to describe it.

Moxy x Lucky Bat:




So yeah, I'm a fan of this one as well XDDDD. Another candidate for OTP.

I even give a couple nods to this one in my mostly non-pairing uglydolls rewrite, though that really wasn't so much because I like it as much as the fact that I felt like the movie was subtly pushing a one-sided version of it. I might be interpreting things differently than many fans, but to me it just seemed like Lucky acted more shy around Moxy, or more bashful. Plus there are screencaps of points in the movie when Lucky is just staring at Moxy. Did you notice during The Ugly Truth that Lucky is the only doll in the whole sequence who looks unhappy at all? (Before Lou starts insulting the uglies, I mean.) And during the brief period when the camera is on the uglies, Lucky sort of squints at Lou, looks over at Moxy to gauge her reaction, then turns back to Lou, all with the same unhappy look on his face. Or when Moxy is about to go through the portal to the Big World, Lucky stays focused on Moxy even when other dolls are talking. His response to her when she tells him he was right the whole time reminds me of the way somebody would act when their secret crush notices them. Like I said, all of this could just be my interpretation. After all, a meek and slightly insecure character like Lucky can be hard to read sometimes. But I wouldn't be surprised if this was another plotline that got cut for the sake of time.

(Fun fact: my favorite MoxyBat fanart ever is in AngelLuvsPainoAndArt 's book, Angel's Ugliest Book Ever. If I remember correctly, it's in the chapter titled "YouTube Request - Lucky Bat (Accidentally) Kisses Moxy". I love it so much that one of my illustrations for Redux was a tip of the hat to it!)

Tuesday x Babo:


This ship is criminally underrated!! This is another one that comes to mind a lot when I think about OTPs. ✨✨💖💖💖💖🥺🥺🥺 They're both so quirky and adorable, it's like they were made for each other!!

It is, in fact, so criminally underrated, that I'll bet there are people reading this who are scratching their heads, not only at the fact that this is a thing but also that I rate them all the way up with ships like Landy and MoxLou. It's all good if you are, because that was me not too long ago, I wanna say a few months ago? Somebody on Instagram pointed this ship out to me and I was like, "Tuesday and Babo? Huh, never even thought about it, ig it could be cute." The next time I watched the movie I paid more attention to the two of them specifically and I was surprised to realize that they actually have a lot of chemistry! For one thing, their personalities are similar, quirky and cheerful, and even if they're not the sharpest knife in the drawer they make up for it with whole-hearted enthusiasm! And as a literary device, they're both the comic relief in their group of friends. Both Babo and Tuesday want Lou to compliment their bangs, and both of them agree that "imbecile" is probably a good thing 😂😂. And who saves Tuesday from the vacuum cleaner? Babo, that's who!

I like the idea of Tuesday coming to the realization that Lou just isn't ever going to return her feelings, and finding in Babo somebody who will appreciate her for who she is, without having to change herself.

It's also nice to see somebody take an interest in Babo, as his character is all about helping others and sometimes that makes him fade into the background more. Babo can be selfish just this once in his life and get the girl.

As far as I'm concerned, "Love Is An Open Door" from Disney's Frozen is the ANTHEM of this pairing, it's got Tuesday/Babo vibes all over the place! It's just about exactly how I'd picture their relationship to go, except that (MILD SPOILERS FOR FROZEN) it would obviously work out for them better than it did for Anna and Hans 😂.

Michael x Lydia:

✨✨💜+💙✨✨ YES YES YES YES YES × ∞

It's funny, every time I think I have my OTP nailed down, another one comes along.

I LOVE LOVE LOVE Michael x Lydia!!!! 💖💖💖

In case you were wondering where this ship comes from, pretty much the whole thing originates from this screencap:

Which of course in the minds of fangirls (and boys) became this:

(art credit mmangopudding on Instagram)

or even this:

Another thing that's great about this pairing? We don't get too much in the form of Michael's personality from the canon movie. Granted, it's still more than some, i.e. the Tenors, but still a lot less than the main and side characters. So it's really cool that Lydia/Michael can still work no matter what the fans want Michael's personality to be. Is Michael (as many Nolou fans allege) a villain? Well, as a Spy Girl, Lydia is also one of the secondary villains of the movie so that wouldn't be a turn-off for her. Is Michael a prim, borderline stuffy? (He kind of seems like it as he delivers his one line 😂) As part of Lou's inner circle, Lydia could easily handle that too. She could even help him to loosen up, possibly. Maybe he's more of a soft boyo? Well, Lydia has shown evidence that she has a weakness for cute things, like bunnies, and soft!Michael definitely counts in my book as a cute thing. How about secret femboy? Having Michael show more feminine traits is a great juxtaposition to Lydia being a strong female character who don't need no man, she just wants one bc who wouldn't want Michael tbh. I could go on and on.

That, and the fact that this ship simultaneously supports my hc that deep down Lydia is a natural leader and go-getter, and my crack theory of Michael secretly being a Disney princess. 😂

Who do you suppose wears the pants in the relationship? Hint: It's not Michael. 😂

In all seriousness though, this is so sweet! Like, cavity inducing sweet. 💖✨✨ OTP! OTP! OTP! Maybe... *looks at the previous entries* *begins to sweat* 😅

Lou x Kitty:

SO. THIS. (✿◕🌈◕✿)

My favorite of the underrated ships, I get some stiff competition from Tuesday/Babo, but I just love these two so much!!! 🥰😊💖 Yet another consistent option for OTP. (and right about now the readers are like: (¬_¬ ) Bruh you gonna say that with every pairing??? XD Don't worry I promise I won't--)


Lou x Nolan:

😅 Okay, so this is the one that's probably going to be surprising to a lot of people. Despite the fact that there's stuff about Nolou in this book, I don't actually ship this one.

Maybe it's because it is just a tad bit overused, or bad memories from the ship wars I mentioned at the beginning of the chapter, but I think the main reason is because I like the idea of Lou and Nolan being friends more. Those plotlines where Nolan sees through the 'bad guy' archetype and realize that Lou's suffering doesn't make him feel any better? Yeah I still like those, just without the necking.

There's also the trope that I see a lot of times in more "canon" forms of media like TV and books, where the relationship is barely hinted at and a lot of the relationship is left up to the viewer/reader's imagination. I get it, we all want our favorite pairing to cut through the sexual tension and "JUST KISS ALREADY!!!!" (← SilentReadersMatter, probably 1 million times in the past). Heck, a lot of fanfiction is directly because of this frustrating custom. Sure, it's overused in the media, and sure, a lot of times it's because a TV network doesn't want to risk their ratings going down by comitting to a certain pairing. But I'll say that there's something to be said for a more subtle form of romance. Fanfiction may get a bad rap from a lot of people, but the truth is that there are some very good writers on this site and in this fandom, and it's a shame that this literary tool isn't used more. It doesn't have to be an infuriating tease, in fact if it's done right it can be oddly satisfying. Need an example? RobinTo2 's  Landy fanfiction The Flaw With Perfection ends on a very subtle note, and yet it still leaves the reader with an overall satisfied feeling (if you haven't read this one, I recommend it, it's SOOOO good even if you don't ship Landy!!!).

I'd like to take this opportunity to further explain by addressing a small idiosyncrasy that I have. I debated whether or not this was off topic, but in the end I decided that this probably does have a big influence on what I ship and what I don't. You see, I happen to think that romantic relationships in general are a little overrated in the media, and other types of relationships suffer for it. Romance is depicted to be "true love", the ultimate end goal, and the natural assumption is that friends, family, and others just can't love you as much as your partner does, and that's simply not true. But sadly the natural consequence is that when two characters show affection for one another, fans jump immediately on the ship boat when really it could be a lot more nuanced than that. I'd always noticed this a little bit, but it really hit me the hardest this when I was big into the Yuri!!! On Ice fandom. The creators of were trying to theme the anime around the different types of love and how all of them are relevant. The main character even says something akin to, "My feelings don't need to have a label. I like being around Viktor, and that's enough for now." But of course the fans categorically rejected that message, declaring them boyfriends right away. I want to be clear: I have absolutely no problem with romantic relationships, as is demonstrated by many, many entries in this chapter 😂😂, but it's just a small personal oddity of mine that I actually geek out so much more about a well-written friendship fic. It's not just Nolou either, if I found a well thought-out and in-character friendship fic, even if it was one of my OTPs, I would actually say 😍😍😍😤. I'd even be happier in a lot of cases to see a story like that than I would to see my OTP get together. I'm not kidding, I will GEEK the frick OUT over a good buddy comedy, slice of life, or especially a character study bc they are so. Rare. Yeah, I'm just that weird 😂😂😂.

And I think this is especially relevant where Lou is concerned. If you think about it, what Lou needs really isn't a romantic partner, what he needs is a family, or at least some solid friends that will be there for him. If Nolan promises to love Lou, and doesn't give up on him, and the two essentially grow up together and help each other with their kids when they need it, that's still a deep and valid love, isn't it? Does it really detract from that love if they don't want to put their tongues in each other's mouth? I for one don't think so.

So while most Nolou fans see Nolan and Lou together and are like:

I'm just that one person over here like:

Absolutely no hate to Nolou shippers though. I don't hate this ship, I just can't get myself very excited about it either. Idk if this is going to make sense, but it's not like, "EW WHAT THE HECK NO!!1!11!! 👿😤😤", it's more like, "Nope, sorry. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯" But there is some really cute and well thought-out Nolou stuff out there, and you'll find quite a few of them in my reading lists.

Now for the fanfiction side of it, since I do still read it. I don't think it's unheard of to say there's evidence that Nolan probably does have a crush on Lou before the climax of the movie, though as I said with Mandy, literally who doesn't have a crush on Lou? I mean, he's Lou!!! The most perfect doll in perfection!! (Answer = lesbians. Well, okay, you got me there 😂). I find it a little harder to swallow that Lou secretly had a thing for Nolan the whole time. I mean, yes, he did say that he loved him, but he was dripping with insincerity when he said it. Of course Lou is just repressed in general, so I won't say it's impossible. Needing to be perfect but secretly attracted to somebody he's declared, "ugly"? Just one more hardship Lou has to endure. I also think that fans who note that Nolan logically should be angry with Lou after Lou publicly humiliated him do have a point. Stories where Lou apologizes and Nolan immediately says "Oh, ok (✿◠‿◠)" do stretch my suspension of disbelief a lil' bit. Or ones that pretend he was only acting like he was against Lou so the uglies would like him. I mean, he was against Lou enough to be the one to suggest the washing machine in the first place, so. Nolan, if you were pretending, you didn't have to be such an overachiever! 😂 Same with Lou, Nolan is the one who basically ruined what (tiny) chance he had at getting a redemption from the uglies and the pretties. Like it looked like they were actually thinking about it and then Nolan had an idea. And idk, I can't see Lou just forgiving that. Not right away anyway. So in my opinion (even though I don't ship it and thus have no rights), the best Nolou stories, just like the best Moxlou stories, Landy stories, Lou/Ox stories, etc. etc., are the ones where they don't get along at first and they have to push past their issues to see eye to eye, starting from the moment Lou steps out of that washer. Those to me are the most believable and in-character, and that's what I go for, so.

RIP to my fingers, they are literally so tired from typing all of that 😂😂😂🤣🤣. ONWARD!!! 😂😂😂

Lou x Ox:

This one just makes logical sense to me, what with their backstory and all. I think the only reason why I don't ship this more is that they are 100% my brOTP, and like I said in the above, nonromantic pairings really make me geek out! It makes me so happy to see this friendship rekindled once again!

Really to me the kicker for this one, regardless of whether it's romantic or.. bromantic (..? Uh ok moving on 😂) isn't the physical affection part of it. Kissing, hugging, or God forbid anything farther than that (😳), I could honestly care less if there's any of that, it honestly wouldn't be a deal breaker if there was none at all! Well, okay, okay, I do like me sum Lou/Ox cuddles. But really the thing I'm here for is the emotional connection. The two of them resolving their past issues. Ox giving Lou his second chance, not to mention some basic freaking kindness. Lou looking after Ox. Ox recognizing Lou's behavior as the accumulation of a crippling fear of being abandoned and a need to for control because he feels like he has none. Lou conceding that Ox didn't try to leave him on purpose, he was just following the inborn desire of every doll. Ox and Lou swearing to be there for each other and to never leave the other behind ever again. That's my jam, more than any makeout session could ever be. Still the bro cuddles tho. Those are nice too.

That being said, the dramatic breakup/homicide jokes are my bread. 😂 Like, "The face you make when you find out that your ex not only survived your attempt at a dramatic murder/breakup, but has also spawned an entire town." 😂😂😂🤣🤣

Lou x Tuesday:

I guess you could say this one is neutral. I don't mind it. But I'm not especially attached to it either. Fics and memes where Lou gives poor Tuesday the brush off are of course delightful, though the notion of Tuesday actually getting her happy ending for once is also of interest to me.

Yandere fics and/or parodies of the Steven King book Misery could also be fun, I feel like Tuesday is one of the only dolls that is capable of genuinely scaring Lou 😂.

Lou x Lydia:

It was a fanart during Uglydolls Week that first made me think of this one. The drawing was actually of what it would look like if Lou and Lydia had swapped roles, not of them as a couple, but seeing characters I don't generally see close together (at least not without Tuesday, Kitty, and Mandy as a buffer) made me realize how good they look together.

I'd place this ship somewhere in between Lou/Kitty and Lou/Tuesday. My feelings toward it are pretty close to the way I feel about Lou/Tuesday, except for the fact that I haven't seen any stories with this pairing at all, and lowkey I'd really really like to, so that bumps it to an ever-so-slightly higher rating.

Lou x Michael:

Yeah, neutral again. I will say I'm surprised how underrated these pretty boys are given the popularity of both Nolou and Milan.

Lou x Meghan:

I started shipping this one after reading a collab comic/expansive AU by eckro and e_is_for on Instagram called Doll Jail AU, even though the comic itself is Nolou-centric with hints of past Lou/Ox. I fell in love with the way they portrayed Meghan's personality, and it's influenced the way I see Meghan as a character even now.

Lou x Lucky Bat:

I... I have nothing to say to defend myself 😅😂😂😂

Lou x Uglydog:

I've seen some people shipping this on Instagram and DeviantArt before. I'd say I probably ship this one less than I ship Nolou. Just because even though I'm not really into Nolou all that much, at least I can see why other people would, whereas I don't really understand this ship in the first place. Not to say I hate it, that's not it at all, I just don't understand, really. I mean, Uglydog and Lou don't seem to interact in the movie very much at all. Maybe it's something to do with their personalities? If there's any Lou/Uglydog shippers reading this, I'd love to see things from your point of view! Help me to understand!

I've also seen posts about these two being drinking buddies, and I have mixed feelings about that one. On one hand, it's a very entertaining mental picture, and I could easily see it being so. Not to mention, any sort of backstory about how the two went from basically enemies to drinking buddies is bound to be interesting. But then on the other hand, I also hc that Lou avoids drinking in public so the dolls of Perfection won't find out he's an emotional drunk.

Lou x Wage:

Not many people even think about this one at all, it's a rarepair for sure 😂. I can't even say I really ship it. However: IMAGINE THE SASS. Wage could hold her own against Lou, of that I am 100% certain. And for that reason, even though I don't see them much as a romantic couple, it's a shame that there aren't more scenes with these two characters interacting with each other. 😂😂😂

"I'm sorry you're so ugly."

"Boi, I don't wanna hear it from a doll who's eyebrows don't even match his hair. You have no right to talk."


Lou x Babo:

Yeah, I'm going to put this one under "no", unless something comes along to change my mind...

If that happens, I'll let you guys know, but for now, nope 🥴.

Lou x Wedgehead:

The first time I ever saw this pairing as a concept was in a fanart by coreyriffinrulez  using the designs from a rewrite of the movie by muse_stars and makkinmecrazy (sorry if I misspelled either of those 😅) on Instagram. (the rewrite, btw, was sadly archived before I could read it 😭. If there's anyone out there who was already in the fandom when it was posted and was able to read it, don't be shy about filling me in on the basic outline, I'm v curious, it sounded like it was really good!) This pairing had never even crossed my mind before that point, but now that it has I've got to say, I'm really digging it! Their personalities do seem to be compatible with each other. And besides that, I really feel like Wedgehead didn't get enough love from STX. She got, like, 5 or 6 lines?? It really feels like she was supposed to have a larger part but was sacrificed for time. So any excuse to see a lil' more of her around is good in my book!

I will say though, another idea that seems to originate from that same rewrite is the idea of Lou and Wedgehead being biological siblings, and I just--!!! I can't just choose which theory I prefer over the other!!!! THEY'RE BOTH WAY TOO INTRIGUING, WHAT THE HECK IS THIS I LOVE THEM BOTH--

Moxy x Mandy:

I can clearly see why people ship them, and there's some dang cute stuff out there, but tbh I've always seen them more as friends.

Moxy x Wage:

I see them more as friends.

Moxy x Babo:

Again, I see them more as friends.

Moxy x Uglydog:

Yes, I ship this, they're so well suited to each other! I don't really know what else to say beyond that 😂😂🤣.


Moxy x Ox:

It depends. I've seen Moxy and Ox as a couple, and I ship it, but I've also seen Ox as a father figure or an older brother figure to Moxy and I like that too. Usually I default to seeing them as brother and sister, possibly because I wasn't in the fandom for very long before I first heard about Ox having a sister named Moxy. It turned out later to be a different Moxy, and even a different Ox in a way, but that little bit of trivia stuck with me. So to sum up, I like them as a couple and as siblings, but not at the same time.

Moxy x Wedgehead:

While I'll admit that their personalities are well-matched, I don't particularly ship this one.

Moxy x Tray:

On first glance this might look like a crackship, but you may be surprised. It doesn't do much for me, but I could see where others would ship this because (and I'm guessing here) Tray shows up a lot in the movie, but STX kept, in fact I didn't even know her name was Tray until I saw her in the credits. I didn't know whether she was meant to be male, female, or otherwise until I started seeing her show up in fanfictions. Despite all this ambiguity and all the things that were left unclear by STX, what they do seem to make clear is that she's on friendlier terms with Moxy. The example that stands out the most in my mind is during the reprise of Doesn't Get Better Than This when Tray gave Moxy that flower.

Moxy x Nolan:

Only in this one very specific AU of mine which I will likely never get around to posting bc I write at the speed of 🐌

RIP random AU u will be missed ☠ 😂

Lucky Bat x Ox:

Prove me wrong: Lucky Bat, Ox, and Moxy are the real definition of a love triangle, not that other crap with only two options to choose from. No matter which combination of these three characters you choose, it still somehow works. An actual triangle 🔺 😂.

Granted I'm not quite as into this "side" of the triangle as the other two, but it still makes sense to me logically.

Lucky Bat x Uglydog:

A lot of people ship this one, but it's another one that I'm not especially into. It probably has something to do with the fact that the first time I saw this ship, I got the impression that people who shipped Moxy/Ox and Babo/Wage were just putting Lucky Bat and UD together bc they were the ones left over. That might not be the case, but it's the impression I got way back in May and it's affected the way I see Lucky/UD. A dumb reason, I know. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Lucky Bat x Ice Bat:

It's a similar situation to Moxy/Ox. Some fans portray them as cousins, and I'm a fan of that. Others see them as lovers and I like that too. I like them both, just not at the same time.

Lucky Bat x Mandy:

I've already made a comic explaining this one 😂. If you want to refresh your memory, it's posted in this book on the last day of Uglydolls Week.

Uglydog x Wedgehead:

My Uglydog ship of choice. The main reason is because their personalities seem well-matched, but they did also have that once scene midway through Doesn't Get Better Than This (¬‿¬). UD jumped at the chance to show Wedgehead around, and they seemed to enjoy dancing with each other well enough. Depending on how you look at it, in a way Wedgehead is the first character in the movie Uglydog flirts with.

Uglydog x Wage:

I like this one. Y'ever notice how Wage is always interrupting and/or quipping at Uglydog whenever he tries to flirt with other dolls?

Uglydog x Lydia:

WitchycandlexX  is the one who got me into this 😂. More than neutral, less than OTP so whatever the heck you'd call that 😂😂😂.

Uglydog x Meghan:

Yeah, that first doll who UD tries to pick up in Perfection? That was Meghan. This one's neutral for me.

Uglydog x Mandy:

For those fans who could feel the electricity between Uglydog and Mandy in the supply shed. 😂 Another (mostly?) neutral. It's kinda cute now that I think about it..

Wage x Babo:

Ngl, I was mostly neutral to this for a long time, like, "Wage and Babo? Oh ok it could be good." But now that I've started watching the full longplay of An Imperfect Adventure, I'm starting to get into it!

There's a scene in the game where Babo's acting all mopey bc he's worried about Wage, and when they find each other, Wage is like, "Didja miss me?" and Babo's like "(¬ ///_ /// ¬ ) Maybe...", and I was just like "🥺😍Awww!!"

Mandy x Kitty:

Never really considered it to be truthful. Honestly, I see the Spy Girls and Mandy sort of like a clique of high school girls. I can see them being friends. I can also see them being enemies. I can see them setting each other up on dates, talking to each other about their crushes (hellooooo Tuesday x Lou!), gossiping and even being outright two-faced to each other, but I don't really see them getting together with each other in a romantic way. Not my interpretation of them, at least. But just like Nolou and Kitty/Tuesday, I can see why others would ship this.

Mandy x Tuesday:

Nope sorry, see the above ↑↑↑.

Mandy x Lydia:

Nope sorry, see above the above ↑↑↑. 😂

Mandy x Michael:

This is another one I didn't think of much before, now that I am thinking about it it still doesn't do much for me. I feel like my mind could be changed on this one though.

Mandy x Meghan:

It's the exact same as Mandy/Michael, Ion' feel like retyping it though 😂.

Mandy x Nolan:

So. I like them as a couple, and I also like them as friends, a sibling-like relationship, or mentors. It's not only their personalities that fit together really well (though that's definitely true, these guys work so well together 💚💜🥺🤎💕✨) They also share the common bond of being the "imperfect perfect dolls". Mandy with her glasses, and Nolan with his... well... yeah. 😂😂🤣

I've seen art before of these two reaching out to each other for comfort/moral support, and I just 😍😍👌

Mandy x Tray:

⚖ The defense rests, your honor. 😌

Mandy x Ox:

I saw this one in an Instagram post and it hadn't occurred to me before, but once I thought about it, I really liked it. Imagine a romance forming while these two are being the new leaders of Imperfection together. 😊

Kitty x Tuesday:

Same category as Nolou. I don't quite ship it, but I do understand it. Actually, when I was watching the movie for the first time and observing the banter between Kitty and Tuesday, I seriously thought to myself, ( ͡• ͜ʖ ͡• ) Yeah, I bet people are going to ship this. ( ͡• ͜ʖ ͡• ) That's right, SilentReadersMatter knows whats up. 😂😂

I also thought to myself that Lydia seemed weirdly left out, on a random note...

I will say one thing for them though, they do make a good looking couple. STX designed Kitty and Tuesday to look really good standing next to each other, probably because they're working double duty being both teammates and direct foils.

Kitty x Lydia:

Sorry, no, for the same reasons as Kitty/Mandy.

Kitty x Michael:

Somebody 😈 out 😈 there 😈 please 😈 just 😈 consider 😈 this!

Whether it's as a straight-up villain couple or if one or both of them is more innocent, this ship has the potential to be so great! 🤩😍

I find it aesthetically pleasing as well, at least to me. The pink and blue right next to each other makes a snappy contrast!

Kitty x Nolan:

Weirdly enough, I didn't really think of this one until I started making this list.

I have mixed feelings. On the one hand, Kitty's more calculating demeanor and "mean girl" traits pair well with Nolan's innocence and "soft UwU boy" vibes. But on the other hand, the dynamic is reeeaaally similar to Nolou, who as I've already said, I see more as friends.

A friendship fic featuring Kitty and Nolan could be really epic given their personalities and the fact that Kitty seems to dislike Nolan as of the beginning of The Ugly Truth. The author could even ship Kitty or Nolan with other characters if they wanted to. Bonus points because there are hardly any friendship stories out there between a boy and a girl that don't end in the two falling in love.

Kitty x Jase:

K, so here's the rub: The Tenors don't get very much screen time in the canon movie. As such, there are some things about them we don't really know. Y'know, insignificant little details like their names, their personalities, stuff like that. 😂 Now, I've made it no secret that I love these boys, and I'm fully planning on them having a larger role in UglyDolls: Redux. So I know what they're going to be like in my version of the movie, but since I write at a speed that could rival George R. R. Martin, if I randomly dropped in stuff about them prematurely, it would probably be pretty confusing for you guys. (Side note here, but fun fact: Martin started writing his first draft for Winds Of Winter before I was even born and he's still not finished, eventually he turned over the rights to the Song Of Ice And Fire series to HBO bc he's probably going to die before he finishes his manuscripts. And that's a MOOD, stg 😅) It's like my character playlist. I included the Tenors in that, and out of context, I can imagine there was probably some head scratching. So for now, I'm going to be as brief as I can on my opinions on the Tenors, until I can get some info on them published as context.

So, Kitty x Jase: Yep, ship it. Can't say why yet. (¬‿¬)

Kitty x Conner:

Not as much as the above, but I don't hate it. Neutral, I guess you'd say.

Kitty x Howie:

I can see this one too, for different reasons than with Jase tho.

Tuesday x Lydia:

Not really. See my explanation for Mandy x Kitty.

Tuesday x Conner:

Yes, I ship it. 💙💙

Tuesday x Jase:


Tuesday x Howie:

You know... Actually, I'm still undecided about whether I ship this or Tuesday/Conner more... They're about even I suppose...

But yes, I ship this too. 💙💚

Tuesday x Michael:

Neutral, though it has the potential for greatness. Interestingly enough, I've also seen fics (usually it's Nolou ones) that feature these two as a villain couple, and I am all about that! 😍🤩💙💙

Tuesday x Nolan:

I ship it and I think it's very underrated! Tuesday and Nolan both have the capability to be a little quirky, and Tuesday's tendency to be... well.. a little ditzy (I'm sorry Tuesday, it's an unpleasant truth, yet a truth just the same. Still love you tho 💙) is a good compliment to Nolan's wide-eyed, child-like innocence. The "opposites attract" trope has been done and redone over and over again. Which isn't to say I'm not still a total sucker for that sort of thing, I mean, just look back at my take on MoxLou and that should give you all the information you need on how I feel about opposites. But it is interesting to see a different take on a relationship every once in a while than just the pat "love/hate relationship" or "childhood sweethearts" or "softcore UwU babies", etc., and that's part of the charm of Noluesday. They're not exact foils, and yet they're just different enough for it to be interesting.

Lydia x Howie:

So originally when I was hashing out my headcanons for the Tenor's personalities, I shipped all of the Spy Girls and the Tenors together (Well, together separately, I mean. Like 3 couples, not one giant love hexagon.) and in those pairings, I'd imagined Lydia and Howie together. But that ended up not working out quite, because of certain reasons 😂.

I'm going to give this one an "I like it," But I think it's kind of funny because I've ended up shipping Howie more BOTH with Kitty and with Tuesday than I do with Lydia 😂😂😂.

Lydia x Conner:


Lydia x Jase:

I guess it's possible, but this one doesn't really do much for me.

Lydia x Meghan:

I have to say I find this one intriguing because the version of Meghan we saw in the trailer looks really similar to Lydia. Like, way similar. (Hmm... long lost twin plot twists in the making?? Maybe??)

That being said though, nope, not really.

Lydia x Ox:

She 🐰 loves 🐇 bunnies! 👯‍♀️👯‍♂️🐰🐰🐰🐇🥰🥰💖✨

Howie x Lou:

"But why," you may be asking, "is Howie the only one who gets a Lou option?"

Answer = BECAUSE REASONS-- *shot* 😂😂🤣 Again, can't say quite yet 😂. It's just barely possible. Y'know. As for shipping it? Eh, I ship it probably on par with Lousday,  so yeah 😂.

Howie x Conner:

Sorry, this one's not for me.

Howie x Jase: 

I mean, in my imagining of them, they're brothers, so no. Other interpretations where they're not related, still don't really ship, sorry.

Conner x Jase:

Again, not my cup of tea.

Nolan x Michael:

Neutral I suppose. I don't hate it, it can even be cute if it's done right, but I really get so much more enjoyment out of seeing them as buddies.

Nolan x Zara:

I don't really know why, but I find this one very cute! Or at least having the potential to be cute, even though Zara is another character with no established personality. We only see her in one, maybe two scenes and she has no lines at all. If I had to guess at her personality, I imagine her to be a lot like this one OC named Emily, who belongs to chunchisluna on Instagram (and who I suppose upon further reflection I also ship with Nolan. I hadn't even thought about listing her here, that one's a freebie.).

For those who don't know, Zara is my name for one of the dolls Lou cuts down during The Ugly Truth. She has blonde curls with a little pink running through them, the same design as Meghan but different colors. She's the one with the "tiny freckle".

Michael x Meghan:

Y E S. The answer is yes. (❤ ω ❤)

Not OTP, but I still love it!!! Super super cute!!!!! (❤'艸`❤)

Wedgehead x Ice Bat:

You know, it's funny, I can't seem to think about the movie version of Wegehead without also thinking of Ice Bat being nearby. Kind of like with Lou and Mandy, whether it's as girlfriends or best friends, for some reason these two just seem to go together.

Wedgehead x Ox:

I ship this one. It's not up there with my OTPs, but I do ship it. Like 85% because of the fact that in the toyline canon, Ox and Wedgehead are hardly ever seen without each other, and the other 15% is from this snapshot from the Uglydolls' Perfectly Imperfect Guide To Life:

Dolliver x Cook:

Yeah, no. 😂😂😂

Dolliver x Soup:

🍲 AT LAST I'VE FOUND MY OTP!!! 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣 Okno

Gibberish Cat x Uglydog:

I'm undecided about this one. I'm caught somewhere in that grey area between "neutral" and "it's cute".

Gibberish Cat x Lou:

Again, undecided. I truly feel like it has the potential to be really cute, but the fact that I headcanon that Gibberish Cat acts more like a cat than a person is what's giving me a hard time with this one...

Gibberish Cat is one of those characters where I'm not quite sure how I see him. There are elements of his character that suggest "personhood" or at least a humanoid personality, like Uglydog, but then there are other elements that make him seem catlike to me, and I'm sort of caught in the middle. It's like (to reference a completely different fandom) characters like Perry the Platypus from the PnF universe. When he's with his owners, he seems like an animal. But when he's an agent of OWCA, he acts more like the show's other human characters. That's sort of the dilemma I have with Gibberish Cat. Cat? Person? Maybe a furry? I'm not too sure. What do you guys think? Did anyone else see the movie and think of him like a cat, or did y'all have no trouble seeing him in the same way as Moxy, Uglydog, and the rest? Or am I just thinking way too much about minor characters who only get 3 lines total (yeah, probably 😂)?

Idk, I actually think of these two together more than you would think (probably because I really like both of these characters a lot), but generally it's not in the context as a couple, or even like friends, really. It's honestly more like Gibberish Cat being like Lou's pet cat and doing catlike things, like sleeping on his face, or shredding his prized possessions, or laying down on top of Lou's books when Lou is trying to use them.

Exposition robot x Individualization Scanner:

I SWEAR IT STARTED OUT AS A JOKE!!! Public service announcement, never ship something ironically bc one day your brain might short-circuit and be like "Jk, unless...?"

But yeah, this one is mostly a joke to me, brings new meaning to the term "crackship", because literally the only likely place I can imagine this being pheasable would be in a crackfic, crack video, 💩post, etc. 😂😂🤣

Lou x Robot Baby:

I HOPE this one is a joke. The answer is no. 😒😅😂

Robot Dog x Uglydog:

Ah, I get it, because they're both dogs! Yeah, I really see Uglydog less like a dog though, despite the name and the fact that he walks on all fours.

Well... Thinking more on it... I'm not certain whether I see the Robot Dog that way as well, or if I see him more like an actual dog... I guess I haven't seen enough content, canon or otherwise, of the Robot Dog to get a firm grasp on his character.

So yeah, this one falls under, "Sorry, no."

Robot Dog x Gibberish Cat:

Hmmmmmmm... 🤔

During the credits of the movie, there's a still frame of Robot Dog chasing Gibberish Cat, and the first time I saw it (once I had pulled myself together after seeing what happened to Lou, the poor boyo) I thought to myself, "Oh, that's really cute. That's a nice touch, the dog chasing the cat around. I bet they're friends."

So I would say, "I like them as friends." But...

Considering there's a little bit of confusion on my part about both of these characters at the moment, I'm going to have to go with "unsure".


Babo x Tray:

Another pairing that just seems right for each other. Seems like Babo is just there for Tray a lot, like when Tray was disappointed that the moon isn't made of blueberry pie (fyi it's made of raspberry pie 😂), it was Babo who found her a piece of blueberry pie to cheer her up. Not only that, but Babo is mentioned in Tray's bio. It's about him bringing her rocks instead of food, but still! 😂😂😂

Not to mention, in the page of Hi! It's The Uglydoll Ugly Guide To Being Alive And Staying That Way that's dedicated to marriage, Babo and Tray are pictured as the bride and groom. (¬‿¬) 👰🤵💒🍰

Male!Wage x Niimah:

I LOVE IT I LOVE IT I LOVE IT, ANOTHER OTP! 😍🥰💜🧡💜🧡😊 Niimah needs her happy ending! I ship this, hardcore!

For those wondering why I specified only male Wage, it's not for the reason you might think. If you go back and look at the older Uglydolls content, you'll soon realize that they changed a lot more than just his gender, his entire personality is new! The Wage that Niimah fell for is not the brightest bulb, but he's always willing to lend a helping hand, he works at Price Hike even though he's not on the payroll, and in his spare time he drives a tow truck. It's nothing like her nervous yet sassy character in the movie, if anything OG!Wage is more similar to movie Babo. So much has changed that I've begun to think of male!Wage and female!Wage as entirely different characters, and the same goes for Ice Bat and Wedgehead (Heck, pretty much all of the characters. Trust me when I say, the movie changed a lot of things). I don't think Niimah would be as into the female Wage as she is the male one, just because of the drastic shift in personality.

Male!Wedgehead x Ox:

BROS FOR LIFE!!! Up to no good! 😂 If we're talking toyline canon only, these guys are both my favorite characters and my brOTP since Lou doesn't exist, but in the bigger picture they come second to Lou/Ox.

Anything that has these two together in it, I'm bound to love!

Babo x Niimah:

Another crackship of mine 😂. Okay, okay, I know that mostly everyone ships Niimah with Wage (me included), but hear me out! (Keeping in mind that this will make infinitely more sense when I get a chance to post my reaction pictures of the four comic anthologies). In the comics, Babo is always the one who talks to Niimah, even when it is to push her towards confessing to Wage. He sees right through Niimah in the comic "Secret Crush", and he tries to convince her to tell Wage how she feels. And in "My Hero?" he's the one who discovers she's been putting her cat up in a tree on purpose so that the volunteer fire department (which both Wage and Babo happen to be members of) would have to come to her house. Babo catches her in the lie, but wrongly concludes that Niimah has a crush on him. And lastly, I get the vibe from this pairing that Babo is probably the best friend that Niimah goes to when she needs a shoulder to cry on over her unrequited love. Wouldn't it be something if she started out crushing on Wage and then realized that Babo's been there for her the whole time?

This one could also work with the movie version of Babo, because as I said before, out of all the uglies in the movie, Babo is the one who is most similar to the original Wage.

Ice Bat x Dream Bat:

I don't ship them, because they are brother and sister.

Dream Bat x Ninja Batty Shogun:

So I can't give my thoughts on this pairing without first addressing Dream Bat.

Dream Bat does not appear in any of Horvath and Kim's Ugly Guides, the comic anthologies, or any of Horvath's other books featuring the uglies. She also isn't in the movie even as an extra, at least I haven't found her thus far. Supposedly this is because Dream was one of the last Uglydolls ever to be released, but then again so was Gorgeous, and she showed up in the comic books, not to mention somehow landing the part as star of the UglyDolls movie. But anyway, back to the point. The only clues we have to Dream Bat's personality is what's written in her bio, but even that doesn't give us much to work with. Just that she's Ice Bat's twin sister and she makes dreams come true, except for dreams about donuts.

With so little detail from the manufacturers, I've been left with no choice but to fill in the missing pieces in my head. Since Ice Bat is depicted as a deadpan snarker sort of character, I've been picturing his twin sister as more of a soft girl. A 🥺 girl not a bruh girl. What with her being a Dream Bat, I imagine her to be- well- dreamy. Spacy. Head in the clouds, really strong imagination.

And after that ridiculously long qualifier, I can say that yes, I do ship Dream with Batty.

OG!Moxy x Male!Wedgehead:

😂 So maybe I just like the idea of Wedgehead having a thing for his best friend's little sister. 😂😂😂 You go, Wedgehead! I'm cheering you on!


Lou x Y/N:

It really depends on what you mean by this. If I'm actually replacing Y/N with myself, then no, I don't ship it. I love Lou to bits but I don't think it would work out between us for real if he actually existed 😂. But, I mean, I still want to hug him and cuddle and comfort the poor boyo and brush his silky hair at night, so there's that 😂😂😂.

But if I'm treating Y/N like an OC, then it depends. I take each reader insert on a case by case basis. Some of them I'm really a big fan of, like Sharaug 's Y/N and hungrypotato_31 's Y/N just to list a few! (The fact that my favorite reader inserts seem to all get discontinued is just my curse I guess 😭😂😅) Others I think would have been better off as friends. I'll admit it though, once the story gets rolling most of the time I'll swing around to shipping Y/N with Lou even if I hadn't before, though there are a few exceptions.

Lou x Molly (property of KocharianMonika ):

Key smash time once again!


💜💜💜💜💜 I love them!! 10/10, as long as I remain in this fandom, this ship will always have a special place in my heart!!!

Lou x Venellope VonSchweetz (Wreck-It Ralph):

No. Possibly the closest thing I have to a nOTP? (Except for maybe Lou/Robot Baby, if people actually ship that non-ironically.) I just don't understand this one at all. I mean, I love both characters separately, but to me at least they don't seem all that suited to each other. It's fine if anyone out there ships this, but unless I have a drastic shift in point of view, this pairing gets a no from me.

(SPOILERS FOR THE MOVIE WRECK-IT-RALPH UP AHEAD!! And for UglyDolls too I guess, but if you've made it this far in my book I've already spoiled pretty much every part of that 😂)

So I guess people ship Lou with Vanellope because as a prototype, Lou can never leave the doll factory, just like being a glitch prevents Vanellope from leaving her game. Even though I already said I don't ship these guys, this little bit of information did get me thinking. Toward the end of Wreck-It-Ralph, it's revealed that if Vanellope's game resets, she won't be a glitch anymore. Vanellope does eventually cross the finish line of her race track, thus resetting the game and making it happen just like Sour Bill said it would. And in the sequel we see that now she's able to leave her game and go pretty much anywhere she wants to now. So that makes me think: Hmmm.... How does one go about resetting a doll factory... 🤔🤔🤔

Lou x Taffyta Muttonfudge (Wreck-It Ralph):

I like the idea of them being friends, but I don't ship it.

Lou x Lou 2.0 (property of eckro on Instagram and tumblr):

I need to take a brief moment to fangirl about these two characters individually, because AAAHHH I JUST LOVE THESE TWO SO MUCH, TAKE MY ENTIRE HEEAAART 🥺🥺 NO JOKE I LOVE THESE BOYS!!!!!!!

As a couple, I'm gonna be 100% honest, I'm undecided about how I feel about it as of yet. So uh,

-----------------→ To be continued, I guess.

Any combination of Lou, Luca, and Leroy (Luca and Leroy are property of lonerubyreader ):

Brothers, so nope. Love these boys tho.

Leroy (again, property of lonerubyreader ) x Mandy:

Yeah I ship these two. They would make such a cute couple!

Yeah it's a crackship. Deal with it. ( •_•)>⌐■-■ → (⌐■_■) 😂😂😂

Lou x Sophie (property of EstherGsmTheArtist ):

Yaaaas I ship it. Or I should say, I ship it moreso before the dramatic thing that happened in Sophie's backstory (there's a comic on Instagram, gsm_the artist is the account name). Now I see them more as exes.

Ox x DJ Suki (Trolls):

So, I haven't actually seen Trolls, but I do happen to know that this one came about because the voice actor for DJ Suki is Blake Shelton's wife, Gwen Stefani. I think the concept of shipping two characters because they are voiced by each other's spouse is adorable, but I can't say for sure that I ship this since I don't know much about Trolls or DJ Suki's character.

Lucky Bat x Ninja Batty Shogun:

So why do I have this one listed as a crossover ship when they're both from Uglydolls? Well, what with there being so many differences between the two canons, plus fans from each side that only like one or the other, it really does feel more like two seperate sister fandoms, rather than one fandom with two sides.

I like the idea of Ninja Batty Shogun and Lucky Bat hanging out (no pun intended) some time, probably also with Ice Bat. I would love so much to see the way their different personalities bounce off each other, since I get the strong feeling that Lucky's character was largely based off of a combination between Ice and Batty Shogun. I really feel like Lucky is like a calmer version of Batty 😂.

Imagine these two doing weeaboo and/or koreaboo things together, like "Konnichiwa, do u even speak Japanese? Judging you~ ✨✨" (Yes I know Lucky's VA is not from Japan, he's 2nd generation Taiwanese and was born/raised in America. Taiwan and Japan are not "basically the same", no not at all. It wasn't really the Japanese part that I was referencing so much as the attitude in general.) Like I bet Batty shogun collects power rangers 😂😂🤣. (No hate intended to otakus and others who enjoy Asian forms of media, I'm actually one of you, so 😂. I also feel obligated to acknowledge that Otaku and Weeb are actually not the same thing at all.)


Ig to make a long story short, this one is in the "only as friends" category.

Ice Bat x Ninja Batty Shogun:

I'm actually super into this one, I love Ice Bat and Ninja Batty Shogun together! 😍😍😍

Lucky Bat x Dream Bat:

Like I said under Ninja Batty Shogun x Dream Bat, I can really only go off of what it says on Dream Bat's tag, and even that doesn't give much information on her personality. But: This. Could. Be. So. Freaking. Good. If. You. Play. Your. Cards. Right. 💖😊🥰🥰

Male!Wage x Female!Wage:

Wagecest? 😂 Well, not really Wagecest bc I see them as entirely separate characters.

The nerd side of me thinks it's a fascinating concept, but I'm not sure how compatible these two are 😂😂😂. Would Female!Wage lose her patience with Male!Wage? It's entirely possible 😂. Imma say neutral bc I have my doubts, but it would be very easy to swing me to this point of view. 😂😂🤣

Male!Wedgehead x Female!Wedgehead:

And if Wagecest catches on, may I present? Wedgecest! 😂😂🤣

Same as above, fascinating in theory, but not really sure it works in practice.

Before you make any hasty judgements about this one, friendly reminder that David Horvath and Sun-Min Kim used a male and female Wedgehead as their avatars in the bio section of one of their books:

Gato Deluxe x Lou:

👌✨✨Ok ok but go back to the chapter with the OG characters' tag bios and read Gato's, just try and tell me it don't give you major Lou vibes--

Lou x Daniel (Camp Camp):

Camp Camp is on my list of shows to watch that I haven't gotten around to yet. From what I hear and see though, Daniel and Lou are.. essentially the same character? And that's the charm of this pairing 😂😂😂. More Lou is more better!!

Lou x Gideon Gleefull (Gravity Falls):

😂 Imagine the   t e r r o r   that could've ensued if Lou had passed through the portal and wound up matched to Lil' Gideon. 😈 (¬‿¬)

Don't ship it as a couple, but the thought of Lou being Gideon's doll strikes me as funny 😂.

Lou x Pacifica Northwest (Gravity Falls):

This one could actually work, they're well-matched, as wealthy as they are lonely and all that. Though I still don't really ship it. Another amusing possibility for Lou's kid.

Lou x Mabel (Gravity Falls):

It's undeniably cute, but if you think about it it's also basically the same thing as MoxLou, so why not just ship MoxLou in the first place?

Lou x Monoma Neito (BNHA):

Again, I've never seen the show, but from what I have seen from memes and such, these two seem well-matched. 😂

Lou x Pickey (or any of the other real-life Uglydolls prototypes):

Yep, in the chapter in this book about Pickey, somebody in the comments section mentioned shipping them with Lou. I assume the principle of this one also carries over to the original Wage, Aquatic Wage, Dragon Catcher, or any of the other prototypes that never made it into mass production. Personally, I am all about this one! It appeals to both my nerdy side that appreciates an out-of-the-box concept, and my side that wants to see Lou receive some happiness for once!

Lou x OG!Ox:

I N T E R E S T I N G (¬‿¬) (¬‿¬) (¬‿¬)

Okay, so the dynamic between Lou and Ox changes completely when it's the Ox that Horvath first imagined instead of the Southern mayor he was somehow translated into. The fact that they're both basically their universe's main villains is intriguing, what makes this extra interesting though is that OG!Ox has no history of friendship with Lou, and I'm not sure their characters in this version would get along in all honesty. Maybe I'm missing the mark, but if Lou suddenly ran into OG!Ox sometime, I could see them at the very least starting out as rivals or even enemies. Can you imagine, if Ox and Wedgehead tried to pickpocket Lou? Like, i sEe yOU HaVe chOsEn dEAth... 😂😂🤣

I might even try to dash off a oneshot or comic about these guys meeting each other sometime. ಠಿ‿ಠ


Oof that was a lot of typing! 😩💨 😂🤣🤣 If there's any ship I missed, lmk! I might do a part 2, or I might just reply in the comments what I think of each one individually, depending on how many there are. Be warned though, if it's a crossover ship, there's a chance I might've never heard of it.

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