Holiday disaster

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Moxy: you're lookin' for a holiday

Moxy: and there are a million things to celebrate

Moxy: your life is exhausting right now but that's okay

Moxy: Prepare your minds to get blown away

Ox, Lucky bat, babo and wage: you're lookin' for a holiday, a million things to celebrate (x2)

Moxy: Holla! day!

Moxy: Holla!

Uglydog: Day!

Uglydog and moxy: Holiday!!

Uglydog: Break it down moxy!

Moxy: alright trolls the first thing we're showing you today is a little thing we call "confetti-palooza"!

Moxy: homie ox take the mic!

Ox: when you wake up whether it's stormy or clear waiting right outside the doors a blast of confetti on your face like it's the last thing you'll ever want to do!

Uglydolls: confetti-palooza!

Uglydolls: confetti-palooza!

Uglydolls: confetti-palooza!

*a blast of confetti accidentally blasts branch, sending him to a random wall*

(Omigosh I'm so sorry for this)

Branch: Oh yeah oh that got me there ughh, man that hurt

Poppy: uhm okay not really that type of thing but continue!

Moxy: okay poppy! Alright babo! tell 'em 'bout Peggy hour!

Branch: Peggy?

Babo: everybody loves Peggy so that's why there's Peggy hour, he can creep up behind you and scare you!

Branch: what?-

Peggy: SURPRISE!!!!!!!!!!!

Branch: AH!

Uglydog: uhh okay not your type of thing!

Moxy: Yo Kitty, Lydia and Tuesday! Show 'em another one!

Kitty, Lydia and Tuesday: Everyone will scream hooray at the party, party day! like a regular party but 10 times better!!!!!

Kitty, Lydia and Tuesday: Flip a little switch get a bubble!

Kitty, Lydia and Tuesday: 'Cause a party ain't a party without lasers and foam

Kitty, Lydia and Tuesday: Lasers and foam (x3)

Kitty, Lydia and Tuesday: Foam and lasers!

*Deadly lasers started appearing out of nowhere poppy and branch started to avoid the lasers*

Branch: Whoa! AH! Okay, a little too much moxy!

Poppy: Yeah You learned way too much from me!

Uglydog: uhh okay not the type of thing you're going for!

Moxy: well that's okay because we're halfway through!

Branch: you have got to be kidding me!

Lucky bat: All your family and friends will gather round To enjoy the majestic sound A chorus you will hear from miles away, For 24 hours it's balloon squeal day!!

*the uglydolls squeal balloons while uglydog looks at branch and poppy which lets them know that they are clearly not having it with balloon squeal day*

Uglydog: uhh hey everyone how about we take a cool five?

*uglydog tries his remix again but it's horribly remixed making moxy cover her non-existent ears*

Uglydog: still didn't get it right?

Moxy: nope

*poppy and branch were getting all the stuff off them while branch was whispering to her*

Branch (whispering to poppy): poppy this is getting way out of hand

Poppy (whispering to branch): I know and I'm trying to get her to stop but she isn't listening!

Branch (whispering to poppy): I wonder who that reminds me of...

Poppy (whispering to branch): don't try and bring that up you know what Bridget had to do when I once did that!

Branch (whispering to poppy): that's the point poppy one way or another you have to put your foot down

Poppy (whispering to branch): oh I don't know...

Branch (whispering to poppy): it's okay you have to do it

Uglydog: erm...Moxy this whole thing has been great

Moxy: Thank you!

Uglydog: and you're great for doin' it

Moxy: *blushes* Aww thank you again!

Uglydog: But it's a desastre

Moxy: What does that mean?

Uglydog: It means "Disaster"

Moxy: Ohh oka- wait what?

Uglydog: Y'know the old wise saying "Ve a lo grande o vete a casa"?

Uglydog: I think maybe we should go-


Uglydog: Okay that is not what I meant

Poppy and Branch: WHAT?!

*Then moxy goes into the double-speed round with a bunch of holidays until poppy couldn't contain it anymore and-*

Poppy: STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*Then the uglydolls immediately froze while lucky bat blows out a firework fuse*

Poppy: *Gasps* Omigosh I never screamed that loud before in my entire life 

Branch: 0_0 Yeeah I'm just gonna-

*Branch pulls an 'imma head right out' because he needs to give poppy a minute or two to calm down*

Moxy: What's wrong bud? you don't like it?

Poppy: Well it's just that all the glitter, fun

*A firework shoots past poppy*

Poppy: and the fireworks, I mean don't get me wrong this...well It's amazing Moxy

Moxy: Duh yeah it is

Poppy: heh yeah well uhm I was maybe wondering if you could stand somewhere I'm not?

Moxy: oh I see so

*Moxy moves to the left and backs up a little*

Poppy: Uh no

Moxy: How 'bout here?

*Moxy moves right and backs up a little bit more*

Poppy: Nope

Moxy: Ah well how about over here?

*Moxy moves to the center and backs up*

Poppy: Uh okay good but maybe a bit farther?

Moxy: wait are you mad at me?

Poppy: What? pfft no I'm not mad, I'm just feeling a bit unhappy

Lucky Bat (whispering to uglydog): What's happening?

Uglydog (whispering to lucky bat while hanging on a cord): I dunno this is like, the nicest Fight I've ever seen

Moxy: Popps I think I know what you're trying to say

Poppy: Oh *Sighs in relief* thank goodness I really didn't wanna have to say it

Moxy: You want me...

Poppy: yes

Moxy: to step back...

Poppy: Uh-huh

Moxy: So we have more room...

Poppy: Yeah!

Moxy: To show you more holidays!

Poppy: Ye- Wait What?! No!

Moxy: Like Fuzzy ugly-kitten day or race to the sunset day-

Poppy: Moxy Enough!

*Moxy stops rambling*

Poppy: You are NOT listening to me!

Moxy: Well what do you want me to do?

Poppy: Uhm well uh, well I think maybe you should....*closes eyes tightly* Leave?...*Opens one eye*

Moxy: Oh...I see...okay

*Moxy tries to walk out the backdoor but her costume gets in the way*

*Then she turns sideways and walks out the door and closes it*

Narrator: The Presentation had ended as it started

Narrator: Feeling bad for what she had done

Narrator: Moxy left heartbroken

*The narrator said as moxy wiped her tears and ran away sobbing while throwing off her costume as the others watched her leave*

*Uglydog could only watch her, his heart wrenched to see her leaving, he felt awful for her*

A/N: Sorry about the long wait I forgot I made this book

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