Nostalgic favors - Mandy x Lou

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Mandy hummed and she slowly woke up.

Her eyes blinked as the sunlight flooded into her bedroom window.

Why is the sun up so early? She thought as she sat up and glanced toward her night stand.

Mandy's heart skipped a beat as she saw what time it was.

"I'm late!" She panicked.

Mandy quickly rushed out of bed and slipped on her uniform, rushing toward her door to get to the meeting she had been asked to join.

It was her first day as Lou's personal assistant and she couldn't believe she'd slept in.

Mandy rushed out the door once her uniform and shoes were on. She ran to Lou's office as quickly as she could.

Mandy made it to his office just before the time the meeting was scheduled.

The spy girls were standing in front of a desk in the room and looked over as Mandy stopped right next to them.

Mandy panted for a moment before straightening up to stand at attention like normal.

Suddenly the spy girls started to giggle to themselves.

Mandy looked over at them in confusion.

"What?" She asked. "Why are you laughing?"

"Isn't it obvious?" The blue haired girl asked, a smug grin on her face.

Mandy gulped, her nerves acting up as she looked at the girl.

"W-what is it?" She asked.

"Did you even try to get ready?" the purple haired girl asked.

"Just a tip." The pink haired girl grinned. "Lou doesn't like it when dolls don't take proper care of their appearance."

Mandy blinked and took a look at herself.

Her face flushed as she realized her shirt was inside out, and her socks were uneven.

Mandy gulped and went to brush a part of her hair behind her ear, when she realized she didn't brush her hair either.

This is bad. She thought as the spy girls continued to giggle and sneer at her teasingly.

"Lou is going to be so mad." The bluenette continued to tease. "You're gonna get in so much trouble."

"Not a very good first impression, is it?" The pink haired girl chuckled.
Mandy bit her lip as she tried not to cry.

M-maybe I could sneak away to fix this. She thought, glancing toward the door. As long as I get back before-

Just then, Lou walked into his office. Once the door opened, the spy girls stopped giggling and stood straight, Mandy quickly following suit.

Lou walked to his desk, stopping in front of it as he turned to the girls.

"Kitty, Lydia, Tuesday, you three know your assignments for today, yes?" He asked, looking toward the three girls.

"Yes, Lou." The spy girls said in unison as they nodded.

Lou nodded as well as he then turned his attention to Mandy.


He stopped upon seeing her appearance.

Mandy desperately tried to remain still as she felt Lou's eyes scan over her with burning judgment.

As though brushing off whatever his thought process was, Lou waved his hand slightly as he went on.

"You will be staying with me today." He explained. "Since you're new, I'll be giving you a tour and instructing you on your future responsibilities."

Mandy blinked, surprised that Lou didn't say anything about her appearance.

"You three are dismissed." Lou hummed, waving his hand dismissively.

The spy girls turned and walked away, but not before the bluenette sent another smug sneer at Mandy.

Mandy gulped and fidgeted as Lou then turned to her.

"Mandy, follow me." Lou instructed, walking out of his office.

Mandy quickly obeyed.

Even if he didn't say anything, that doesn't mean I'm safe. She reminded herself. I will still likely be punished for my appearance.

Mandy didn't know much about Lou, but what she did know was that he did not tolerate imperfection.

The whole point of the institute was to make every doll completely perfect. If they weren't perfect, the dolls were sent to the recycling bin.

Mandy bit her lip as she followed Lou through his house.

Is that where he's taking me? She worried. Am I being sent to the recycling bin?

"Woke up late this morning, did you?" Lou hummed, an amused tone in his voice as they walked through the halls of his mansion.

Mandy gasped and flinched at his voice.

"H-huh?" She stammered. "I-I um..."

Mandy gulped and gripped her arm.

"H-how could you tell?" She asked.

Lou chuckled.

"Well, your shirt is inside out, your socks are uneven and of course," Lou listed, turning to look at Mandy. "Your hair is both unbrushed and unstyled."

Mandy's grip tightened on her arm.

"You weren't late to the meeting." Lou went on as he turned to continue through the hall. "So, the only conclusion is you woke up late and didn't have time to get dressed properly."

Mandy felt her eyes tear up.

"A-are you going to punish me?" She asked, fearful tears shaking her voice.

Lou stopped and looked back at Mandy, a look of shock and slight offense on his face.

"What?" He asked. "No, of course not. Everyone oversleeps now and again."

Mandy blinked at him as he turned to continue forward.

"It's okay to sleep in now and then," Lou hummed. "The only thing I ask is that you look presentable. I'd rather have you be late than be a mess."

Lou turned into a room, motioning for Mandy to follow.

Mandy followed Lou obediently.

As soon as she entered the room, Lou gently ushered her behind a changing screen.

Mandy yelped in surprise as Lou quickly pulled the divider to separate the two of them.

"Now, fix your shirt and socks and then come out." Lou instructed.

Mandy blinked, glancing around for a moment before slowly doing as Lou asked.

Her cheeks blushed a little as she slid off the vest and shirt while she could hear Lou shifting things around just outside of the divider.

Mandy fixed the shirt and quickly put her vest back on. She then adjusted her socks to be even.

Once she double checked that everything was presentable, Mandy went to step out but stopped as she remembered her hair.

She nervously tried to smooth a bit of it down, but due to her natural poof she couldn't do much.

With a shaky sigh, Mandy stepped out.
Her eyes widened a little as she saw Lou had set out some hair styling tools and products with a stool just off to his side.

Lou was adjusting the tools to be set straight and inline before he turned to see her.

"Much better." Lou commented as he waved her over and pointed to the stool. "Sit."

Mandy gulped and quickly obeyed.
As soon as Mandy was seated, she felt Lou slowly start to brush through her hair.

"Now, I don't do this often or for just anyone." He hummed. "So, don't get used to it."

Mandy was confused until she realized Lou was doing her hair for her.
Mandy's cheeks once again flushed as she nodded a little.

As Lou went on, Mandy started to enjoy how he took care of her hair.
Despite how intimidating and scary Lou seemed, he was actually quite gentle and kind.

Mandy had gotten lost in how soft Lou's touch was that she didn't realize when Lou was finished.

"Alright, there you go." Lou announced once he was done.

Mandy blinked and straightened up, realizing she'd been absentmindedly leaning back into Lou.

Mandy gulped and stood up, nervously reaching up to tuck a non-existent piece of hair behind her ear.

"Th-thank you." She stammered.

Lou nodded and turned to put the tools and products away.

"Like I said, don't get used to it." He warned, gesturing toward a standing up mirror in the room.

Mandy stepped over to the mirror.

Her face flushed lightly as she saw Lou put her hair in a simple yet elegant bun.

Mandy smiled a little as she once again tried to tuck a piece of hair behind her ear.

Once Lou finished putting things away, he went over to Mandy.

"Now that you're presentable, let's start getting you familiar with the institute, shall we?" He asked, gesturing toward the door of the room.

Mandy looked at Lou and nodded.

"Good." He hummed and walked out. "Try to keep up."

"Yes, Lou." Mandy smiled as she followed close behind the blonde.

Maybe things won't be so bad here.


Mandy blinked awake.

Her dream played back through her mind.

That was a long time ago. She thought, sitting up and fixing her glasses onto her face. Back when I first arrived in the institute.

Her cheeks flushed as she remembered how gentle Lou had been with her hair.

She shook her head.

Things are different now. Mandy thought. There's no way he would do that now.

Mandy sat there a moment before sighing and standing up.

I'm going to hate myself later. She thought.

Mandy got dressed and didn't do her hair.

She walked through the town of Imperfection, heading toward the institute side of town.

Uglydolls and pretty dolls called out good mornings to her as they passed. A few dolls commented on her stylish bed head as they went.

Mandy chuckled and waved them off.

She couldn't tell anyone what she was planning to do, otherwise they would likely keep her from getting to Lou.

After a while, Mandy made it to the front of Lou's mansion.

She looked over the building, part of her feeling guilty at how run down it looked.

Since the Gauntlet, Lou had been locking himself inside his house for days at a time only coming out to do cleaning duties.

Mandy took a deep breath before knocking on the door.

When no answer came, Mandy gently opened the door and walked inside.

"Lou?" She called gently. "Are you here?"

No answer came.

Mandy sighed and walked in, looking around for the blonde.

As she walked further toward the kitchen area, Lou's voice suddenly spoke up.

"What are you doing in my house?" The boy asked, an annoyed tone in his voice.

Mandy jumped and looked toward the stairs.

She was surprised by Lou's appearance.

He was wearing a loose t-shirt and a pair of slim sweatpants, his hair was unkempt and he looked tired.

Mandy blinked for a moment before remembering why she came all this way.

"I-I wanted to ask you a favor." She hummed.

Lou rolled his eyes and continued down the stairs, walking past the girl to the kitchen.

He didn't bother responding to the girl as he started to make some coffee.

Mandy sighed and started to fidget with her fingers.

"Do you remember when you did my hair for me?" She asked.

Lou suddenly stopped as though startled by the reminder.

"That was a long time ago." He muttered, shifting his hands to rest on the counter like anchors.

Mandy gulped, brushing part of her hair behind her ear nervously.

"Would you... be willing to do it again?" She asked.

Lou tensed.

"I told you not to get used to it." He hummed.

"I didn't." Mandy replied. "I just... got a reminder how nice it was."

Lou sighed and turned to Mandy, crossing his arms as he looked over the girl with a familiar burning judgment.

"What's in it for me?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. "I have no incentive to do you a favor after everything that's happened."

Mandy sighed and glanced away.

Lou was right of course, he didn't have any reason to justifiably do this favor for her. But Mandy was nostalgic and it would drive her nuts if she couldn't convince Lou to help her out.

Her eyes wandered back over to Lou. She then noticed Lou's hair. There were still bits of black at the ends though mainly unnoticeable, they were still there.

Mandy got an idea.

"I could do your hair for you." She offered.

Lou scoffed.

"As if I'd let someone like you touch my hair." He huffed.

"I could get the rest of the ash out." Mandy hummed.

Lou paused, his eyes looking away from Mandy as though thinking over the offer.

Mandy thought Lou was going to take it until he suddenly shook his head and sent a glare toward her.

"Why do you want this so bad?" Lou snapped. "Why do you want me to do your hair!?"

"Because it's the nicest thing you ever did for me." Mandy answered, her own tone forceful.

The room became silent as Mandy gently hugged herself.

"It's the one nice thing I've ever seen you actually do." She muttered.

Lou was quiet for a moment before sighing in annoyance.

"Fine." He growled, turning to walk out of the kitchen. "C'mon."

Mandy blinked and looked back up at him, surprised he was actually going to do her hair.

She quickly followed him down the familiar path to the same dressing room he'd done her hair in before.

Mandy stood by the door while Lou set up the tools and products like he'd done before.

Lou set the stool next to his and pointed to it without looking back at Mandy.

"Sit." He ordered.

Mandy walked over and sat down.
Lou went on to start brushing Mandy's hair without a word.

It was just how Mandy remembered it. Lou was still gentle and it felt just as nice as it had before.

She closed her eyes as the nostalgic feeling flooded back through her.

Part of Mandy worried Lou might try to do something petty to her hair in retaliation or revenge, but he didn't. Instead Lou went on brushing and styling her hair gently.

After a little while, Lou finished.
"There." He hummed, turning to start putting the tools and products away.

Mandy blinked, feeling her cheeks heat when she once again realized she had been leaning into Lou.

She stood up and turned to Lou.

"Thank you." Mandy said, bursting a hand over her hair.

Lou hummed in acknowledgement as he went on clearing the tools.

Mandy gulped and glanced away, shifting on her feet.

"Shouldn't you sit down now?" She asked. "I did say I would do your hair if you did mine."

Lou stopped.

"Maybe later." He hummed. "I'm busy today."

Mandy blinked.

"But, wouldn't that mean-"

"You just owe me one, alright?" Lou sighed, turning to look at Mandy. "I'm not... feeling up to it."

Mandy looked over Lou. He was acting nervous and dismissive. Like he wanted to get her out as quickly as possible.

Mandy let out a gentle sigh.

"Okay." She hummed. "I guess I owe you."

Mandy then turned to leave the room.

"Thanks again." She said.

"Mandy." Lou called, turning to look at her.

The girl stopped and looked back at him

"Yes?" She asked.

Lou hesitated before turning to continue putting the tools away.

"If you're ever feeling nostalgic again," he started. "You can come by and I'll do your hair for you."

Mandy blinked, a small grin playing at her lips.

"I thought I shouldn't get used to it." She hummed.

Lou gave a half-hearted chuckle.

"Maybe you can." He admitted. "Just a little."

Mandy smiled and turned to leave once again.

"I'll see you around Lou." She waved.

After Mandy left, Lou felt his face flush a deep crimson red.

Why am I such a coward? Lou thought, running a hand through his unkempt hair.

He glanced back toward the door, a small smile playing at his lips.

"Nostalgia, huh?" Lou chuckled, shaking his head as he turned to put his tools away.

As he did, he reminisced on the first time he did Mandy's hair.

Lou was surprised when he arrived to find Mandy so not put together. It surprised him even more that his first thoughts weren't about how imperfect she looked but rather how adorable she was.

Letting his mind wander made Lou imagine how Mandy might have looked of she'd worn her glasses then too. If they were just slightly crooked, amplifying those gorgeous hazel eyes just enough to see them sparkle that much more-

Lou quickly shook his head as his cheeks burned.

Stop it, Louis! He scolded himself. You should not be thinking like that!

Lou sighed and looked down at his tools. He had the hair brush in his hands and lifted it up to examine it.

It had been a while since these had been used for someone else. And it did feel good to help Mandy the first time with her hair.

Lou sighed and finished putting the tools away.

As he left the room, he remembered his offer to Mandy. An amused smile slipped onto his face as he walked away from the room.

Then again, maybe things could work out. he thought. After all, Nostalgia is one hell of a cupid.

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