The Reason- Lou x Moxy

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(Song-fic: The Reason by Hoobastank)

Every doll in Perfection and Uglyville gathered to watch Lou's concert they were invited to.

Moxy fidgeted nervously as she stood in front of the crowd with her closest friends near her.

Lou had sent her an invitation specifically, he wanted her there more than anyone else.

The lights dimmed into a slight glow.

Everyone, on instinct, looked to the top of the stage.

Except there was no spotlight, or Lou there.

Everyone soon saw Lou walking from the side of the stage, on the ground where the crowd was standing.

Lou spotted Moxy and raised his hand in a motion that seemed as though he were about to snap his fingers.

Everyone looked to Lou, thinking a spotlight was about to shine on the prototype.

Lou snapped his fingers.

A spotlight landed on Moxy.

Moxy quietly gulped in fear as everyone looked to her.

Lou kept his eyes locked onto her.

Music began to play as Lou walked toward the nervous uglydoll.

Everyone that surrounded the two watched with anticipation, muttering among themselves.

Lou soon stood in front of the pink uglydoll. 

Moxy fidgeted with her hands and kept her eyes on the floor.

Lou gently took one of her hands into his own.

Moxy glanced at their joined hands.

Lou took his other hand, cupping Moxy's chin, and raised her head to get her to meet his eyes.

"I'm not a perfect person." Lou began to sing.

Hearing this, the crowd was shocked into complete silence.

Moxy froze as Lou continued.

"There's many things I wish I didn't do."

Lou kept his gaze on Moxy's eyes. Moxy noticed that Lou looked like he was about to cry.

"But I continue learning, 
I never meant to do those things to you." Lou continued in his song.

Moxy felt Lou's hands shaking slightly.

"And so I have to say before I go,"

Moxy felt a twang of confusion. What does he mean before he goes?

Lou closed his eyes to fight the tears threatening to spill as he continued.

"That I just want you to know." Lou looked into Moxy's beautiful eyes.

Moxy saw the desperation in his gaze.

"I found a reason for me,
To change who I used to be,
A reason to start over new."

Lou took hold of Moxy's other hand.

"And the reason is you."

Moxy felt sudden tears leap into her eyes.

Lou quietly continued his song as he rubbed his thumb on the back of one of Moxy's hands.

"I'm sorry that I hurt you.

Lou looked away from Moxy's eyes as he sang the next verse.

"It's something I must live with everyday."

Lou felt the tears again, but fought to stay strong as he looked back to Moxy.

"And all the pain I put you through."

Lou saw the tears that gathered in Moxy's eyes.

"I wish that I could take it all away."

Moxy couldn't hold the tears back any longer and let them escape from her eyes.

"And be the one who catches all your tears." Lou continued as he cupped Moxy's cheeks, wiping away the tears that had fallen.

"That's why I need you to hear."

Lou rubbed his thumb on Moxy's cheek comfortingly as he continued his song to her.

"I found a reason for me,
To change who I used to be,
A reason to start over new.
And the reason is you."

The crowd that surrounded the two dolls were staring in awe at Lou's confession.

Lou stopped singing for a moment.

He looked into Moxy's eyes and she saw the pain and guilt he felt within.

"I'm not a perfect person." Lou sang quietly to Moxy.

"I never meant to do those things to you,"

Lou kneeled in front of Moxy as he continued his song.

"And so I have to say before I go,
That I just want you to know."

Moxy felt tears welling in her eyes.

She listened as Lou continued his song, his own eyes seeming to prick with tears.

"I found a reason for me,
To change who I used to be,
A reason to start over new.
And the reason is you."

Lou began to quiet his song as he continued to sing to Moxy.

"I found a reason to show,
A side of me you didn't know,
A reason for all that I do."

Lou sounded on the verge of tears as he sang.

He looked to the ground as he sang the last part of his song in a near whisper-like voice.

"And the reason is you."

Lou looked into Moxy's eyes as he stood slowly.

The crowd around them held their breath waiting for Lou's or Moxy's next move.

Moxy's breath caught in her throat.

Lou's eyes were filled with so much sorrow, it looked as though he could drown with the guilt they held.

"Goodbye, Moxy." He whispered quietly as he turned and walked away from her.

Moxy was frozen in place as she watched him go.

Lou walked to the side of the stage where he had left a bag. He lifted it as he passed and slung it over his shoulder.

Moxy suddenly realized what he meant when he sang "before I go."

Lou was going to leave.

Moxy couldn't control her body as it began to run after him.

The spotlight following the pink uglydoll.

She found her voice as she called out to him. "Lou, wait!"

Lou stopped and turned toward Moxy.

Moxy crashed into Lou as she embraced him.

Lou was able to stay standing as he caught Moxy in his arms, slightly confused.

Tears flowed freely from Moxy's eyes as she kept her arms around Lou's waist.

Lou looked down at the shaking uglydoll.

"M-Moxy? Wha-"

Lou was cut off by Moxy stepping away from him, grabbing his collar and pulling him down to her height.

Lou was about to protest when Moxy crashed her lips into his.

The crowd gasped around them.

Lou's mind went blank for a second.

He dropped the bag he was carrying onto the ground as he kissed her back.

Lou wrapped his arms around Moxy's neck as Moxy wrapped hers around his waist.

Lou pulled back after the kiss to look into Moxy's eyes.

"I-" he started. "I don't understand."

He looked at Moxy with confusion. "Why-"

Moxy cut Lou off before he could finish his question.

"Because I love you, Lou." Moxy shifted her gaze from the perfect doll. "I have for quite a while now."

"But," Lou glanced toward Ox in the crowd. "I thought-"

"I didn't think you would ever feel the same way." She spoke quietly.

Lou turned his gaze back to Moxy. 

He soon realized that this doll had been harbouring the same feelings he had.

Lou smiled softly at the beautiful pink doll in his arms.

He gently lifted Moxy's chin, causing Moxy to make eye contact with him.

"If I didn't feel the same way," Lou spoke quietly to Moxy. "Would I do this?"

Lou closed his eyes as he leaned down once again to capture Moxy's lips.

Moxy kissed back almost immediately.

This time the crowd around them cheered loudly at the kiss.

After a moment, Lou slowly pulled away from the kiss, opening his eyes to look at Moxy.

Moxy did the same and looked back at him.

"I love you, Moxy." Lou said as he stared into her eyes.

Moxy felt happy tears begin to prick in her eyes.

"I love you too, Lou." She whispered to him as she hugged him tight.

Lou hugged back with a gentle smile forming on his lips.

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