Meet Kaede

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Hi everyone! I'm Kaede Umehara, and I'm 17 years old! I go to Sagara High School, and everything is going great! All except for one thing: I have a crush on two boys at the same time! Is what I was going to say, but that isn't true at all! The plot may want that, but I most certainly don't! The truth is, I don't want to pursue a relationship with anyone right now, but I really love making new friends, and learning new things! However, there are a few guys that have been trying to pursue me these days.

"Kaede-chan~ Where have you been? Did you miss me yesterday? Cuz I sure missed you!" Boy #1 cried.

"Don't call me Kaede when I've only known you for 2 days!" Kaede snapped angrily.

"That's 2 days and 40 minutes, I'll have you know!" Boy #1 affirmed.

"Ugh, and so precise too! You wanna know where I've been? I've been in class, you fool! Where else would I be? Some of us actually want to pass, instead of just dreaming of it. And how could I possibly miss you, when I literally just saw you yesterday?! What's there to miss? The only thing that I'm missing is your name and the rest of my sanity." Kaede ranted with waving arms.

"Whoa, whoa. That was a lot! Are you done roasting me yet, I think the chicken's getting cold." Boy #1 jested.

Kaede's face seemed to change as it shifted from a slight frown to a full-on death stare. A death stare so powerful that it could bring anyone to their knees.

"Ok, ok I'll tell you! Just stop looking at me like that. You're reading me like a book! My name is Kaito. Kaito Igarashi. Nice to properly meet you!" Kaito announced while pointing at himself.

"Nice try wise guy, but shouldn't it be Igarashi Kaito? How'd you get your own name wrong?" Kaede chuckled blissfully.

"Haha, very funny Kaede-chan. You know that this was written by an American right?" Kaito asked in a knowing tone.

"Ohhh good point. Kaito is it then! You can officially call me Kaede! Nice to meet you Boy #1! Even if it felt like you were stalking me." Kaede replied with a mischievous smile.

"Stalking?! Boy #1? What's that all about? Just how many boys do you have?" Kaito asked in complete confusion.

"Good question Kaito-kun! That'll be answered very soon. If we're lucky, we'll find out next chapter! However, I highly doubt that's gonna happen." Kaede replied with the drop of her head.

"Hmmm alright then. But how can you be so sure? And so confident too?" Kaito asked once more.

"Kaito dear Kaito. The thing is, I'm not confident, I just have eyes." Kaede confirmed with a smirk.

"Well yeah, so do I! I'm looking at you right now! What do eyes got to do with anything?" Kaito asked with a puzzled look.

"No no, keep that energy for a banter scene. What I'm trying to say is that I'm aware of my surroundings. And my surroundings make it painfully obvious that someone likes me. Like go over to class 2-A and hear what the boys are talking about. Not to say that it's all about me, but once the boys start talking about feelings, they start doing their best tsundere impression. Well, the boys that actually like me for me and not just my looks and three sizes." Kaede explained thoroughly.

"Hey, I'm aware of my surroundings too! Well, semi-aware anyway. But that's not point! The point is that not all the boys like you! If they all did, then I'd have way more rivals to fight. And we don't have enough staff or budget for that! I don't even know if we'll make it pass 5 chapters!" Kaito yelled as he emphasized with hand gestures.

"Woww Kaito-kun, I'm impressed. You actually are self-aware. Congratulations! But even if they all don't like me, I'm sure that there's some that do." Kaede reassured.

"Don't you 'Congratulations' me! I'm smarter than I look! But if there really is someone, then who?" Kaito asked in curiosity.

Kaede laughed a bit, then switched her gaze over to another boy. The other boy. A brown-haired boy with freckles and a radiant smile, laughing and joking around with his friends.

"That's the fun part, you don't even have to look! Boy #2's right over there! Stalking me from afar." Kaede proclaimed while pointing a finger his way.

"What do you mean stalking? He's just sitting there with his friends, or is sitting off-limiting these days?" Kaito questioned in annoyance.

"Yeah, standing is all the rage these days. Man you're out of touch. But it looks like he's not the stalking type. I lucked out on that one! That trope is just plain scary! But I can tell that he's the one." Kaede insisted.

"Haha, are you serious? Out of every guy here, it's that one over there? Like what do you mean 'the one'? The only one I see here is me, myself, and I!" Kaito smirked while pointing at himself.

"If only that counted as one. But yeah he's definitely "Boy #2". The music always changes when he walks by, whether he's with his friends or not. His very presence scream ML since everyone seems so drawn to him." Kaede gushed happily.

"Oh really?" Kaito asked in a doubtful tone.

"And I may have bumped into him onto the way to school when I was late." Kaede confessed honestly.

"With the toast, coincidental meeting, and classic awkward position?" Kaito asked hopefully.

"We were out of bread that day so no, but you got the meeting and awkward position part right!" Kaede beamed with a smile.

"Ah man, just my luck. He really is a ML!" Kaito groaned with a heavy sigh.

Now that only leaves one question, the main question, left hanging in the air. The same question that they were both thinking in their heads: what kind of male lead is he?

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