Anaraxin's Losers

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Anaraxin as a youngster wasn't a shy baby. He had the confidence of one million dragons. (I'm obviously exaggerating) He was like this because his father constantly praised him, and so did the majority of his kingdom. Something that isn't really known is that Anaraxin is some sort of prince? He was supposed to be the heir to the throne, but due to a rebellion, he now lives far away from his past home. Anaraxin was basically raised in a kingdom that battle and strength meant everything. If you could fight, you were special. And being the son of the king, a lot was expected out of Anaraxin. He didn't disappoint though, Anaraxin was an exceptional fighter. Along the way, he actually made a few friends.
(Some of these dragons might look familiar to a few people)

Xipilli was Anaraxin's best friend. Xipilli is a scrawny, small dragon. But he is known for his stealth and ability to kill silently. He takes being the prince's best friend seriously, and often jokes around by wearing a crown and saying that his title deserves it.

This is Temple, his name doesn't really match him, but he was named that because on a patrol, there was an abandoned egg found by a temple. The queen took in the egg, and called him Temple. Although he isn't really accepted as an adopted son of the queen, they both care about each other as if they were family. Anaraxin and Temple were raised together, and sort of accept each other as brothers.

This is Irvine

And this is Siny

They are both close friends that met Anaraxin during an attack. Someone was attacking the outer borders of the kingdom, and the king sent a few dragons to figure out the situation. Irvine and Siny weren't supposed to go, but they did. While they were fighting, Anaraxin was impressed by their ability to fight together. He spread the word to his father, and Siny and Irvine were invited to train in a program that train future warriors and guards. (Note that all of the dragons shown are in this program, it's how Anaraxin kept in touch with them)

This is Khaadila
Anaraxin's older sister.
Although they look absolutely nothing the same, they are actually siblings. She's a more serious and smart dragon. She doesn't join the program, she instead focuses on healing others, just like her mother. She loves her mother way more than her father. For reasons that will later be explained.

This is Tiger (full name Tiger Lily, but no one calls him that)
He is the royal advisor, and often watches over Anaraxin and any dragon in the warrior training group.
He is perhaps the only "friend" of Armono's. For some reason, Armono respects this dragon, which is extremely rare. Tiger does the same. It is thought that Tiger and Armono must've been friends since they were young, and Armono never forgot him.

This is Samudra (can also be called Queen Samudra)
She is a very forgiving and kind dragon. She focuses on healing, and often gives classes involving it. She does not speak to her husband unless forced to, she does not love her husband. But she's forced to stay with him. Her love for her children is far more greater than her love for her husband.

And then Armono (can also be called King Armono)

He is an incredibly blood and battle thirsty dragon. He loves to raid other villages and kingdoms in order to add them into his large kingdom. He isn't very fair to his people. But he isn't stupid, he shows that he is the most strongest, while at the same time keeping his people moderately happy. No one questions him, and if you break the rules or anger Armono, you're basically dead.
The only people he's been seen to love or respect is his son, Anaraxin, and his advisor, Tiger.

This is information that is based on Anaraxin's past, as of now it's unknown what happened to all these dragons after Anaraxin and Khaadila left the kingdom.

I know this is a lot of information lol but before I write the little story, I at least want people to know a bit about some of the dragons that are gonna be mentioned.

And if you guys have any ocs you'd like to ship with any of these babs (except for Samudra and Armono)
Then just pm me, maybe we can start a lil roleplay
But I can't promise that things will work out, these ocs are very special to me and if I were to ship them with someone else's oc, id like the person to care about their ocs as well

Fun fact: I finished making all of these yesterday and today
Sorry if there's any typos or anything, I was kinda rushed making this

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