Chapter Fourteen

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hello guys, gals, and non-binary pals-
please stick around towards the end I have an important note at the end.

Warnings: Cussing,

Alex's Perspective

I head out of the lunch room, trying to get out of there as quickly as possible.

I'm not even sure why I want to get out as quick as I can today. My feet just seem to carry me wherever.

That is, until I bump into someone.

I look up, and see the familiar darkish brown curly hair and practically perfect freckles on his skin that seems to be a bit tanned from the sunshine.

Shit. It's John.

You do realize he hates you, right? And now you should leave, right?

I know that! Your right, like always. I really should go-

"Oh my gosh I'm so sor-" He rapidly began to say, soon stopping once he saw me. John's face grew into a smile. "Alexander? Hi! How are you?"

Well fuck.

"I'm doing...." I paused for a second. Should I tell him about Thomas? And the debate team? And that girl?

He doesn't care. Lie to him, you idiot.

"I'm doing something, that's for sure." I finished, which caused him to let out a bit of a laugh.

"That's great!" John smiled. "Can I ask you something, though? In private?"

"Oh...sure." I smiled, and he started to lead me out of the cafeteria.

Peggy's Perspective (a/n: ..... plot-)

He followed him out of the cafeteria. No surprise that he sees him out of all people.

He hasn't noticed me in weeks. I don't get it. Although, I kind of do. I'm a bit....forgotten when your the sister of two great people like popular Angelica and quiet but nice Eliza.

Well, I've always been....not seen, anyways. Most people don't notice that I'm there unless I speak or if they squint hard enough or if I do something good with people like John.

Maybe I should explain something.

Look, I stopped hanging out with John. I mean, not purposely. Originally I just wanted to see if he'd notice.

And he didn't.

So then one thing led to another and.....I slowly faded away from him. I slowly took different hallways to avoid him, so I won't get any questions from him as to why I don't sit with him at lunch anymore.

I'm practically worthless, anyways.

Nobody sees me.

I'm just.....there.

Watching, observing. Noticing things others don't.

I've tried doing things with my sisters, like try and sit with them and their "friends" and friends at lunch.

But....that didn't exactly....end well.... They ended up badmouthing....certain people I care for. The people who are actually nice.

I tried to get Angelica and Eliza to help, but Angelica wasn't at the table, and Eliza was busily starting at Al-

You know what, I should stop thinking about this. I need to just head to class and not think about John. Or Alex.

I pick up my backpack from the ground and swing it across my shoulder. I smooth out my sundress and head off to class.

Not like anyone would notice, anyways.

a/n: hey shisters-

so, uh, yeah I updated again. that's cool I guess.

look, I'm gonna be honest here. I may not always update on time since mental health reasons and school and stress and......ahhhh-

believe it or not, I've actually been in Alex's shoes. as in...the self harming. and I won't go into detail, but....things have been happening and I've actually been starting to slip back into doing it more and more and I'm trying to break the habit.

please don't be mad if I always don't update on time.

your author,

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