Chapter Sixteen

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John's Perspective (he's baaaaack-)

"You got a detention? John, how'd you get a detention?!" I heard my mom's voice say over the phone.

"Mom, calm down." I started, trying to keep my voice calm. "Thomas just- tried to break my ukulele and-and I couldn't help myself and I uh....I ended up tackling him to the ground."

I heard her sigh. "I understand that you can be reckless and impulsive, and that you can't control that, but you should at least try. For me, okay?"

"Okay," I say, "Love 'ya, mom."

Somehow, I can hear her smile from over the phone. "Love you too, Jackie. Now I gotta get back to work. I'll see you at home." And with that, she hung up.

I guess I should explain something, since this all probably makes no sense to you. Like, at all, since I'm just now telling this.

So I was just walking back inside with my great talk with Alexander, to both get my stuff and get to class. But then as I walked in, I discovered two bodies huddled around where I sat at lunch. So I walked over there to see what I was doing.

The two bodies turned out to be James Madison and-you guessed it-Thomas Jefferson. They turned out to be snickering at the fact that Thomas was about to.....he was about to smash my ukulele to pieces.

Without thinking, I tackled him to the ground, trying to snatch the ukulele out of his hands. I've always been the reckless type, but nobody really....sees it since I try to act like my best self, which doesn't include the recklessness.

By now, James had already ran off, and both Thomas and I were struggling, me with getting my ukulele back, and Thomas with trying to keep it.


"What is going on here?" A stern and angry voice had suddenly said behind us. I looked up, fearful, and my stomach suddenly twisted into a knot, seeing the stern face of Mr. Washington.

"My office." He angrily spat out. "Now."

And that's how I ended up calling my mom and telling her about a detention. That wasn't really that....interesting. Oh well! I should probably head to class, since the period is almost over and I don't want to miss any more classes.

I pick up my ukulele and swing my backpack over my shoulder, and I start to head down the hallway. It's kind of nice, all the quiet in the halls when it isn't crowded with loud and rude students.

Maybe I should switch some of my books quickly, since I have time. Yeah, I should do that.

I walk over to my locker, unexpectedly bumping into another body.


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