Stressful freetime

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Before class started, I went to the school security office.
Or as it's also known the lab of the ultimate security guard. I think his name was Micheal.... something with an A.

I entered. He was flipping through cameras on his array of monitors.
He was wearing a purple security guard uniform; he had a utility belt that had everything a guard could need—keys, a taser, etc. He had short blonde hair and blue eyes.
"You need something?" He asked me.
"Oh yeah, I need the footage from the headmaster's office when he hung himself," I said. "You have those feeds, right?"
"Of course" He took his chair to a monitor and selected a camera in the office.
"Ok, go to about five minutes before we found him," I said.
He reminded the footage; there was my uncle sitting at his desk, messing with his computer.
"Now let's watch," He said.
We looked at the footage. It kept the same he was at his desk and only got up to mess with the file cabinet.
Then the screen turned to static.
"What?" Micheal said, confused. "That shouldn't happen."
"Well, fix it," I said. Please don't be broken.
We got the picture back.
But it only showed my uncle hanging from the noose.
"Ok, so the camera glitched, that happens sometimes," Micheal said.
"What? How many times does it happen?" I asked worriedly.
"Like, every other year?" He said.
"What?!" I yelled, confused.
Then I remembered Daniels's behavior.
"What about Daniel Slaaves lab?" I suggested.
"Oh, I've tried spring on his lab, but he always covers the camera lense." Michael explained.
He switched the camera to show a white screen.
"Great, nothing, sorry for wasting your time," I said.
" It's ok," He said calmly.

I went to class; then, I noticed that Daniel and Henry weren't there.
Another meeting?
"Where are they?" I asked.
"Oh yeah, the council retreat started today, so Headmaster Henderson took the student council to the Washington lodge," Victoria explained.

What?! Nikolai is alone with them?!?
"How long does the retreat last?" I ask.
"At most a day." Victoria said.
Ok, I hope that he can't do anything to them in a day.....right?

After the class was over.
I went to talk to Sebastian. He seemed equally worried as I was.
"Sebastian, did you know about the retreat?" I asked.
"Well, yeah, but the council can chose which teacher to be the supervisor," Sebastian said," Its the first time someone had chosen the headmaster."
"Oh, God, I'm scared, what is that monster doing to them?" I asked.
"Well, don't worry, Washington Lodge is a famous lodge; it gets hundreds of visitors every year," Sebastian said," So they aren't alone."

Okay, at least I know he won't try anything.

"Now, we need to discuss the elephant on campus," Sebastian said. "How did Nikolai even get here?"

"Well, I have a few theories, one of which is that he made a second version of himself," I said,"But I have no proof of it."
"Well, sometimes an idea is better than nothing." Sebastian comforted me.
"You have anything?" I asked.
"Well, we shouldn't work on an empty stomach, come on, there's a fantastic local restaurant I like to go to," Sebastian said happily," let's talk there."

He gave me the address.
We met after about an hour.
The restaurant was locally owned and managed.

I walked inside.
Sebastian was sitting in a booth against the far wall.
He had already ordered.
"Ms.Pheonix!" He yelled.
I walked over to the booth and sat in front of him.
I saw there was a meal between us.
"I got us something" Sebastian said " It's my favorite"

"What is that?" I asked.
"Oh, it's cooked potatoes covered with Bacon," Sebastian explained. "Its actually really good"

"Well, ok," I said. "Now about Nikolai," I was going to continue. But Sebastian stopped me.
"Stop worrying, things might work out," Sebastian said," And you can't worry every day, your heart could give out."

He has a point. I can't worry.
Besides, the lodge is probably crowded.
What could he do?

I was about to start eating; then I noticed Laurence near outside.
"Wait here," I said.
I got up and walked outside.
"Laurance, did it go?" I asked.

"Not even as a friend." Laurence cried. "He hates me now"
"I'm so sorry," I said.
" It's not your fault; it's mine," Laurance said.
I was about to invite him to eat, but.
He just ran off. Tears coming from his eyes.

Tomorrow is another day.

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