Dialogue Exchange

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Amber: Ranger, keep an eye on Red today. She's going to say the wrong thing to the wrong person and get herself punched.

Ranger: Sure, I'd love to see Red get punched.

Amber: Try again.

Ranger: I will stop Red from getting punched.


Wraith: I'm hot.

Red: I'm hotter.

Flame: *lights herself on fire* Do I even need to say it?


Wraith: *muttering to a group of pigeons*

Wild Card: What is she doing?

Ranger: Apologizing to the birds for not inviting them to your party.

Wild Card: Why?

Joan: In case they're related to you.


Red: Are we friends again?

Amber: No.

Red: ...

Amber: We're sisters.

Red: That was terrifying don't pause like that


Flame: Do you think there's a hall of fame for all of the things I'm good at?

Wild Card: Yes it's called prison


Wraith: What if I implement a no-pets policy in the house?

Wild Card: Well heck, you can't throw Joan out like that


Joan: There will come a time when you have a chance to do the right thing.

Flame: I love those moments. I like to wave at them as they pass by.


Ranger: I wasn't injured. I was lightly stabbed.

Amber: I'm sorry, you were stabbed?

Ranger: Lightly stabbed. I didn't want to frighten you.


Wraith: I've got an idea.

Amber: We're not going to murder anyone.

Wraith: I don't have any ideas.


Red: Making my way downtown

Red: Walking fast


Red: Walking faster


Morrigan: Every time I talk to you people, the conversation gets more and more absurd.

Flame: You say 'you people' as if you're not already part of the family. Well, I got news for you: You're already on the Christmas card.


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