Prologue: Love and Adventure

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Bert POV

Hi I'm Bert but most call me Sora, right now I was with my girlfriend Kairi to see Master Yen Sid.

Kairi: So So- I mean Bert, sorry that's going to take time to get used to.

Bert: No problem, so what's wrong dear?

Kairi: Well I'm still thinking what does Master Yen Sid wants us for?

Bert: Only one way to find out.

We made into Master Yen Sid room

Yen Sid: Ah, Kairi and Bert I'm glad you made it.

Bert: So what you need us for?

Yen Sid: You see I need you two to go to this world called Remnant and prevent a darkness from spreading.

Bert: That's it, no problem.

Yen Sid: But before you go Bert I need you to take this.

He than made a black suitcase appear and it felt heavy.

Bert: What is it?

Yen Sid: These are outfit that has a power you'll need on your journey.

Bert: Sweet.

I than left and came back in my new outfit

Bert: I'll admit it does look better than my old outfit.

Kairi: I agree, it makes you more handsome and dashing than before.

Bert: ( Blushes ) Thanks.

Yen Sid: Now I'm going to need to perform some magic.

He than performed some magic on us and Kairi glowed Pink and I glow Silver.

Bert: What was that?

Yen Sid: In this world has something as aura which is like a sheild, you'll need it.

Bert: Alright, anything else?

Yen Sid: Indeed there will be some people you've meet coming with you.

Bert: Alright then, let's go Kairi.

Kairi than latched onto my arm as we exited the tower. When we exited the tower K was tackled to the ground and looked and saw who it was

Bert: Yuffie?

Yuffie: Hey Bert, long time no see handsome.

She than let go of me and saw who else is there.






Bert: Tifa, Aerith, Aqua, Namine, Xion? You are coming too?

Aerith: Acourse, your going to need our help.

Bert: But Namine you don't have a keyblade?

Namine: I know but I have the ability to use magic without a keyblade and with the ability that Master Yen Sid gave me should help too.

Tifa: Correct, and thanks to Aerith she helped her use that magic.

Bert: Alright then. Aqua you sure  want to come, don't you want to spend time with Ven and Terra?

Aqua: Don't worry, I told what I'm doing and they understand and with this darkness could spread as a duty as a keyblade master and us as keyblade weilders we'll have to do something.

Bert: Ok then. Let's go than!

Me, Namine, Xion and Kairi got into my ship while Aqua, Aerith, Yuffie and Tifa into another ship.

Bert: Alright, let's go!

I than opened a portal and flew into the portal and made our way to Remnant.


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