edan prime

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Daniel: walks through the portal creating small tremors with each step so this is edan prime, it's beautiful

Suddenly multiple gunshots are heard causing Daniel to rush over and see two men in black armor with one having red and white on the right arm, along with a woman in white and pink armor being over run by geth and husks

Daniel: quickly rushes over the ridge line and brings out his chainsword and jumps onto a geth crushing it under his feet and slashes three husks in two while also killing geth in one shot with his bolt pistol

(No one POV)

White and pink armor: what the fuck is that, some kind of rouge geth!? Quickly smacks a geth away with the butt of her rifle

Red and white arm stripe: no idea Ashley, kaiden help it out with a stasis on some geth! Continues firing on geth

Kaiden: fires off a stasis freezing a geth that was about to shoot the giant in the back

The giant would look back and give a nod as thanks and continue the slaughter until the geth retreated

(Daniel POV)

Daniel: face me cowards! Fires off a few more bolt shots at the retreating geth but stops once they are out of range and turns around to the three alliance soilder is anyone injured?

Ashley: we're ok, but who are you? What are you?

Daniel: grabs his helmet and removes it showing a man who looks to be in his mid 40s with three metal studs in his forehead and scars littering his face my name is Daniel, what is your objective?

Shepard: I'm commander Shepard of the alliance, we're here to acquire a prothian beacon

Ashley: I say he comes with us commander, I mean look at him he looks like he could benchpress two makos

Daniel: I was planning on joining you regardless, who knows how many of these machines are guarding it

Shepard: welcome aboard the crew Daniel

For the next ten minutes they would slaughter geth and husks and rescue civilians and also uncover a minor smuggling ring eventually they would stumble appon the body of nihlus

Daniel: dammit, this is getting out of control

The team would press on after they recovered the stolen grenades from the dock worker they would go to the service lift and be taken to the beacon but had to disarm mining bombs set to destroy the colony

Two minutes later

Daniel: is searching around the area and double tapping any geth he thinks might be playing possum, but suddenly he hears the beacon activate and drag shepard towards it NO!!!! He rushes over to try and save him but the beacon explodes knocking out shepard

Kaiden: Kaiden to Normandy we need pick up, shepard is injured and the beacon is destroyed also we have two new people to add to the ranks.......Jenkins is KIA

Three hours later

Daniel: is out of armor and having a drink and sees shepard come out the medical bay shepard I see your doing better

Shepard: ya, head still hurts but nothing some aspirin won't fix, wow you are really tall thought it was just the armor that made you like that

Daniel: nope I'm biologically engineered to be a killing machine, just point in the direction of the enemy and they will die

Shepard: I also noticed you use different weapons then us, why is that?

Daniel: no offense but your guns would not be able to kill the things I've faced, which is why I use these bolters takes a bullet out of the clip and puts it on the table which shocks everyone who can see it sense it's a massive round

Ashley: what do you use this thing on thresher maws?

Daniel: something that makes those look like big dumb worms

Joker: over comms hey command why don't you and our guests come up here and see the cidital

The three would go up to the cockpit and see the massive structure that is the cidital

Daniel: 'seen bigger'

Ashley: that's amazing

Soon they would dock at the cidital and they'd make their way towards udinas office, though Daniel was given multiple looks from all races due to his staggering height and bulk

In udinas office

Udina: do you have any idea how bad this makes humanity looks shepard?!

Shepard: no but I imagine you'll tell me regardless

Udina: you blew up a prothian beacon, got nihlus killed not to mention this rouge geth goliath! Continues ranting and if you listen carefully you can hear his blood pressure rising

Daniel: takes his helmet off I'm no geth you fossil

Udina: your human?!

Daniel: shouldn't we go to the trial soon

Anderson: I agree, udina and I will go on a head and wait for you, search around the place and get acquainted with everything

The two would head off while Daniel, shepard and Ashley would go and explore the persidium, encountering barla von an info broker for the shadow broker, and the asari consort who requested shepard help her deal with septimus but they had to abandon that quest for the moment sense they where summoned to the council chamber

Daniel: will this thing even hold my weight?

Ashley: ask the V.I. over there how much the lift can hold

Daniel: walks over to A.V.I.N.A V.I. how much weight can the lift handle

A.V.I.N.A: elevator can hold a maximum of 1600 kilograms

Daniel: really pushing my luck with this walks back over ok so you two will have to alone while I wait for the next one

Shepard: fair enough, see you there Daniel

Twenty minutes later

Daniel: finally steps out the elevator I hate that thing

The three would walk together with Daniel making small thuds with each step until they encountered a familiar turian trying to get his superior to stall the council

Chief: I can't stall them garrus, you know that

Garrus: but I need just a little more time then three hours to get a lead on someone like saren

Chief: sorry my hands are tied

Garrus: notices the three ah command shepard, names garrus vakarian I'm the lead detective on the saren case

Shepard: got anything we can use?

Garrus: only that before becoming a specter saren was a very vocal racist to anything not turian

Daniel: that works agaisnt use

Ashley: how so?

Daniel: he could play it off as us using his past to try and pin the blame on him without proof

Garrus: exactly and sense I can't access anything from his specter reports you've got nothing except the testimony of a traumatized dock worker

Daniel: thank you for your assistance garrus, we will handle this from here

Needless to say the trial went horrible sense the only eye witnesses died in a hover car crash on the way to testify

A,councilor: with no witness we cannot do anything

T,councilor: but onto other matters the giant human behind you shepard, why is he so tall and what are those metal studs in his skull?

Daniel: why I'm so tall is classified, the studs are a mark for years of service to the emperor

A,councilor: 'emperor?'

Daniel: the gold studs represent one hundred years each, the silver represents fifty years

S,councilor: your saying your over 250 years old?!

Daniel: yes and should I not fall in battle I could out live the asari

A,councilor: how long do your people live for exactly?

Daniel: no one knows when our lives end naturally, the oldest of my brothers in arms lived to be 1500, there was one who had live 60,000 years but he belongs to another chapter

A,councilor: chapter?

S,councilor: who are you exactly

Daniel: who I am doesn't matter, know this even without the proof needed I will still hunt down saren for all the people he's killed

T,councilor: then you'll be arrested for making death threats

Daniel: try it and there will need to be new councilors let's his bloodlust be known which causes everyone to become terrified and walk away from the shivering council, unknowingly he caused the asari councilor to have a different kind of shiver

A,councilor: 'he's so powerful, aria would love him~'

(The end of chapter one, also I know I'm gonna piss off some warhammer fan who gets butthurt over everything so here's my advice DON'T READ IT IF YOU DONT LIKE IT!!!)

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