Chapter 13: A Talk With Steven/Teleporting Cartoon Network Heroes Home

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(At Ryo's Mansion, Zane is seen walking towards his locker as he grabs the towel to wipe his sweat, but then he notices Steven sitting completely saddened. Leonardo comes in and notices that too.)

Leonard: What's wrong with him?

Zane: I don't know, let's ask him.

(They approach Steven as they breathe heavily.)

Leonard: Steven?

(Steven yelps as he turns to see Zane and Leonard as he sighs in relief.)

Steven: Phew, glad it's just you guys.

Zane: What happened to you, Steven? Why so sad?

Steven: (sighs) Let's say my life is... sad.

Zane: (confused) Huh?

Leonard: How sad?

Steven: I used to live in my mother's shadow due to her legacy. Even though I surpassed her by ending the authoritarian practices of the Great Diamond Authority and establishing peace across the galaxy... the truth is that my mom made mistakes... and they continue to haunt me, and everyone I care about.

Zane: (gasps) Now that's terrible.

Leonard: Well, everyone makes mistakes, but nobody can force anyone to pay for their wrongdoings, especially family.

Steven: Yeah, but that's the sad truth though. As my friends and family continued to grow and started to go out into the world and beyond, I had begun to struggle with my self-identity and what I wanted to do with the rest of my life.

Zane: Man, that's messed up. But know this. There are people who care about you, people who like to have fun with you, protect you from dangers. That's what all families do. Like Ohana, meaning family and family means never leave behind.

(Tears come out of Steven's eyes as he hugs Zane, who hugs back.)

Zane: (smiles) It's okay now, Steven. You just need to be yourself.

Steven: (smiles in tears) Thank you, Zane.

Zane: (smiles) No problem, Steven. We will always be there for you.

Leonard: Now, let's get you back to your world.

(Meanwhile, Yuno's Team and Shiro are building the teleportation machine to send the Cartoon Network Heroes and Villains back to their universes.)

Yuno: Okay, it's ready.

Jack: (smiles) Time to go.

(So Te Yon drags all of Cartoon Network Villains and send them to their machine as Jack teleports them back to their respective worlds. As they open the portal again, they notice one of them is missing.)

Adam: Who's missing?

Rex: I believe it's Kara.

Gumball: Is she coming?

Zane: (comes in) Nope, I believe Livewire is still on loose.

Blossom: (eyes widen) We forgot about her.

Juniper: She could be somewhere.

Robin: Indeed, but we need to get back to our worlds. Slade's not the only one we should be worrying about after all. Cyborg, how long will the portal last?

Cyborg: If my calculations are correct, five minutes.

Robin: (nods) Good.

Beast Boy: Well, I guess this is goodbye, Mr. Ultraman.

Zane: (chuckles) You don't have to call me mister. Just Zane is fine.

Starfire: (smiles) Okay, friend Zane.

Samurai Jack: (smiles) It's good to meet you guys.

Sonic: Let's go home!

(Sonic goes first as he dashes through it.)

Sonic: Green Hill Zone, Sonic is back!

(Rex walks towards the portal as he waves goodbye at them.)

Rex: Goodbye, guys. (faces back) Time to go back to action!

(Blossom flies through the portal as well.)

Blossom: (smiles) Time to go back to Townsville!

(As she flies, Gumball is next to go through it.)

Gumball: (smiles) Nothing like coming back to my amazing world!

(Gumball returns to his world as Robotboy flies through the portal as well.)

Robotboy: (smiles) Next stop, the Bay Area.

(As Ben walks through it, he turns to Zane.)

Ben 10: Tell the other me, I said hello. (faces back) I'm coming home, guys!

(Samurai Jack waves at them as he goes through the portal.)

Samurai Jack: Gotta get back, back to the past, Samurai Jack.

(The Teen Titans go through the portal as well.)

Robin: Jump City, the Titans are back!

Cyborg: (smiles) BOO-YAH!

(Finally, Steven returns home to find himself.)

Steven: Beach City, here I come!

(As everyone returns home, except for Supergirl, Jack closes the portal to let it rest as they set to find Livewire.)

Zane: Now to find Livewire so we can defeat her and Zetton.

Jack: Yeah.

Kunio: Where are Ryo and Kara?

Zane: He said he's taking Kara to a tour... (eyes widen) Oh no!

Leonard: Livewire will ambush them!

Adam: We've got to warn them!

Zane: I'll go. You guys stay here.

Leonard: (nods) Got it.

(As Leonard goes outside his house, he prepares to transform into Ultraman.)

(He becomes Ultraman and flies as fast as possible.)

Ultraman: I gotta find them.

(As the screen fades out, Ultraman flies away, pulling a sign saying "To Be Continued" on it.)

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