Chapter 16: Zetton Is No Longer

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(Theodore Oliver (Green Ranger Form) managed to rescue Wonder Woman, Batgirl and Katana.)

Batgirl: Damn, who knew that robot could be so tough...

Wonder Woman: That Galactron guy was really in another level.

Katana: I should've known it was a machine, because it didn't have a soul.

Green Ranger: Come on, let's get you inside.

(As they get inside, they are greeted by everyone.)

Yuno: Hey, it's Kara's friends.

Te Yon: I thought they...

Green Ranger: (shakes his head) No, they ARE looking for Livewire.

Adam: (confused) Who are you?

Green Ranger: I'm Theodore Oliver, son of Tommy Oliver.

Santiago/Fernando: (bow in unison) Our condolences to your father.

????: Same.

(Everyone turns to see Ryo Shimizu and Zane Frost.)

Ryo: While I was touring Kara around the town, Star Bem Gyeron came out of nowhere and captured her. We need to get her back.

Zane: Before Livewire calls the other Supervillain Girls to take over this world.

Wonder Woman: Where could she be?

Zane: In a warehouse, where my archenemy Zetton lives.

Wonder Woman: Okay sisters and brothers. Let's go!

(Theodore summons a dimensional gap.)

Green Ranger: Come on, let's fight the Supervillain Girls and Ultra Kaijus before it's too late.

(They walk through the dimensional gap to save Supergirl.)

(Meanwhile in the warehouse, Star Bem Gyeron is seen holding Supergirl as Livewire and Zetton come in.)

Livewire: Nice work, Star Bem Gyeron. And now...

(Then a portal opens up, revealing Giganta and Harley Quinn, who come out of it.)

Giganta: (smirks) Finally.

H. Quinn: (pouts) Why didn't we bring the rest of our team though?

Giganta: Ha! Who needs them. We have those giants now!

(Zetton then realizes that he's been tricked, and tries to command the kaijus to destroy them, only for Star Bem Gyeron and Galactron to backstab him. Then inside of Galactron, a familiar voice is heard.)

????: Kiete Karekareta!

Zetton: (eyes widen) Celebro?

(Suddenly a Megatron Medal is forcefully inserted into Zetton, who then feels his body being transformed. Then the real leader of the Supervillain girls reveals herself as Sunny Tennyson possessed by Celebro.)

Sunny (Celebro): (smirks) From now on, you're no longer Zetton.

(Zetton then is transformed into a different version of himself with parts of Megatron.)

Sunny (Celebro): (smirks) Kiete Karekareta! NOW GO! ZETTATRON! 

(A/N: Credit goes to KaijuMaster20)

(Zettatron then goes for a rampage while Sunny (Celebro) uses the Geed Riser to summon some kaijus.)





(Then four kaijus are summoned.)

Sunny (Celebro): Now, Ultra Kaijus. Go and distract those heroes while I command Zettatron to destroy some civilians for fun.

Kaijus: (bow) Yes, ma'am.

(As they leave, Sunny smiles evilly.)

Sunny (Celebro): Don't worry, girls. Your enemies will die soon. Nothing can stop us. Destruction will reign. Muhahahahahahaha!!!

(Outside the warehouse, Theodore, Ryo, Zane and the three Superhero Girls come out of the dimensional gap, but they see Eleking, Star Bem Gyeron, Fire-Draco, Nova and Pandon.)

Theodore: (glares) Shit! More Ultra Kaijus.

Wonder Woman: (eyes widen) Great Hera!

Zane: We need to distract those six. Hey Ryo.

Ryo: Yes, Zane?

Zane: Me and Theodore will handle those giants. You and the girls stop the Supervillain Girls.

Ryo: (nods) Got it.

Batgirl: Let's go, girls!

Katana: For justice!

(As the four go to save Supergirl, Zane and Theodore prepare to transform.)

Theodore: It's Morphin' Time! Tigerzord!

(Theodore becomes White Ranger while Zane becomes Ultraman.)

White Ranger: Are you ready, Zane?

Ultraman: Let's fight these monsters!

(They get in their fighting stances as they prepare to save the world from Celebro.)

(As the screen fades out, a new Super Hero Boy comes in high speed as he uses his heat vision to write a "To be continued" on the screen.)

A/N: I need four OC heroes as a cameo to help Theodore/Master Morpher Ranger and Zane Frost/Ultraman to fight the six kaijus.

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