Chapter 6: Reaching beyond Limits (PART 2)

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Hey everyone! It's me, Shadow 264 and WELCOME to the sixth episode of Ultraman X x RWBY: Cyber Gomora Reade x Ruby Rose! So, to recap, I DO NOT OWN RWBY AND I DO NOT OWN ULTRAMAN X!! RWBY is owned by RoosterTeeth and Ultraman X is owned by Tsuburaya Productions. So, now sit back, enjoy and let's RISE!!!!

At Salem's Domain,

Greeza's POV:

It has been a few hours since I deployed Tsurugi Taijitustalker into the field to take care of that certain someone whom I knew that pushed me into the blackhole. Now, here I am, lying in bed, waiting for results from the Tsurugi Grimm.

As I waited, the doors of my room opened to reveal Salem walking towards me as she is now standing before me. She then sat down on the bed beside me as she spoke.

Salem: So, Greeza. Which Grimm did you send out this time? Don't deny it as I--

Me: Tsurugi Twin TaijituStalker. A fusion of King Taijitu, Death Stalker, an Ancient Kaiju; Twin Tail, and my Dark Thunder Energy. If we want our Grimm to be stronger, we must put newer ones to the test by deploying them into the field. Just like what I did to my world once....

(A/N: Tsurugi Twin TaijituStalker. A full body of a Death Stalker fused together with Twin Tail. Ensure that the scorpion pincers have the texture and the details of Twin Tail. At the tail of the Death Stalker, replace its tail and stinger to Twin Tail's tail fused with King Taijitu's heads and serpent bodies to give it the Tsurugi Kaiju Grimm's resemblance of Twin Tail. Ensure that the details and feature of Twin Tail are on the Kaiju Grimm to give it the resemblance of the particular kaiju used for this Kaiju Grimm.)

I said. 

Salem: I see.

Me: Yes.

Salem: So, you still have resolve in destroying worlds by your own fingers.

Me: That is.... correct.

Salem: Then let us, make that happen. My faction, and your Tsurugi Army, the two of us.

Salem said.

Me: No!

Salem: Hm??

Me: Just the two of us, for you and I have the same objective now.

Salem: And that is?

Me: Rule and destroy this world.

As Salem heard this from me, Salem simply smirked at me, knowing that I am the only one who can solve her problem discarding the people who will be opposing her and me soon.

3rd Person's POV:

The Grimm got closer as you felt a really strong breeze coming from where the sound of that screech came from.

(y/n): Alright, let's see who do I have to fight today.

You said.

After preparing yourself for the upcoming fight, you heard the rustling from the leaves getting even louder, for you to equip yourself with Crescent Rose via Ruby Rose Card while donning your defensive stance. After preparing everything for the upcoming battle with whatever is about to emerge from the green, you suddenly realized that everything went suddenly too quiet, to your confusion.

(y/n): Hmm?? Nothing?? Eh, I guess it's just the gust of wind. That was easy.

You implied.

You then lowered your weapon, feeling assured that it was only just the wind. However, as if right on queue, just as you lowered your weapon completely, a loud 'THOOM' was heard behind you, for you to swiftly turn to look behind.

After looking behind, you see a huge Deathstalker, but what confused you is that when you look up, you expected to see a huge long tail and stinger but instead, you heard loud hisses from above to see a black snake on the left and a white snake on the right, cladded with Deathstalker's shell/armor to be the scorpion's tail. You look down to see that the Deathstalker had a head feature of a King Taijitu and two jaws of a King Taijitu to increase its biting strength.

While looking at the new Grimm's features, you sensed a huge sum of Dark Thunder Energy within the Grimm as you noticed it having more spike all over its body, arms, legs and its new tails which you bet to yourself that the snakes' teeth and fangs must be poisonous to say the least.

(y/n): Okay... now that's just the biggest thing I have ever seen than that Nevermore I fought before. Bet you its fangs are poisonous, which gives this Grimm twice the poison output that could inflict on ones prey... And judging on what it looks like, I'd say it is a mix of two Grimm and a Kaiju I know of by the name of Twin Tail... Alright then... let's do this...

The Grimm screeched as it began to charge at you with its claws, for you to spin Crescent Rose around real fast by using both you hands while treating your speeding spinning weapon, the wind around you, the rose petals and the momentum of spinning as your own personal shield utilized by the Crescent Rose card, by using both you hands to deflect its claws swiftly. As you did so, the black snake soon lunged in to take a bite, for you to deflect it, for the black snake to get deflected back by the momentum and speed of your weapon while being in a daze.

Just as you were about to give another hit to the Grimm, it then smashed its large pincers onto the ground, for chunks of the ground to strike you from below, taking the hit, causing you to be sent flying backwards, hitting a tree that was close to you.

(y/n): Okay... now that's rough...

You said.

Soon, you got back up while holding onto Crescent Rose as the Grimm crawled towards you. Then, you revert Crescent Rose to its gun mode as you began to fire several sniper rounds at it, to show that the Grimm is not effected by the shots as it disarmed you off your weapon by using one of its pincers and pinned you on the ground by the use of the other pincer, causing you to revert back to your Cyber Gomora form.

As the Grimm caught you in its pincer, you used Cyber Super Oscillatory Wave at its pincer that is currently holding you in captivity into the ground, but to no avail. While blasting the same attack several times, you see the two King taijitu Heads slowly making its way towards you as they hissed at you, to your worry.


At Beacon Cliffs, Professor Ozpin is watching the students on his Scroll, overlooking the Emerald Forest when Glynda Goodwitch walks up behind him, holding her own tablet

Glynda: This Cyber being has the relic, sir.

Glynda said.

She taps the screen to show you in combat with the Grimm.

Glynda: (y/n) (l/n). He seems to be very dependent with the cards he has in possession to go against the Grimm, let alone the Huntsmen and Huntresses from our academy. 

Ozpin: Mmmm...

Glynda: It's quite interesting that he comes from a different world, and yet he managed to understand how this World works. Do you actually find that rather suspicious?

Glynda ask, only to hear silence.

Glynda: Professor Ozpin?

Ozpin doesn't answer, watching his tablet with a contemplating interest as it shows a footage of you trying to get yourself free from the Grimm's clutches, much to Ozpin's amusement.


You blasted several beams at the King Taijitu heads, weakening them while this gave you the opportunity to try free yourself from the Grimm's pincer, only for it to raise you up from the ground as it threw you to the ruins, for you to hit head first, at one of the pillars holding up the ruins that you went to, to claim the relic, causing you to feel weak and your semblance to be depleted slightly.

The Grimm screeched and hissed loudly again while you were down for a brief moment as it knew it has almost finished you off, unbeknownst to the Grimm, you are slowly getting up after that throw and that tight grip caused by the Grimm and its pincer. Once you got back up on your two cyber feet, you spat out a bluish cyber-like blood substance that was in your mouth while your eyes began to turn amber yellow.

(y/n): Your first mistake today... is for you to make me bleed....

You said.

The Grimm hissed at your comment as it did a sideway crawl from left to right, readying its next attack.

(y/n): And your second and worst mistake.... is for you to belittled me until I almost lost my power called, Semblance....

You added, for the Grimm to roar.

Then, you fished out a Cyber Card that is engulfed in flames as you showed it what card you are about to use at this very moment.

(y/n): You and your master would do well to remember...

You stopped halfway for you to slot the flaming card into the X-Devizer while slotting the Devizer onto the center of the 'X' Symbol on your chest.


After the scan is complete, similar shoulder pads, chestplate and claws digitized onto your shoulders, chest and arms as they now glow bright, based on Cyber Gomora Reyonix Burst while engulfing into flames. Then, you felt that the blue areas all over your body began to turn into the same colour as your armour while engulfing into flames, as well. Once the armour is on you,  you did a same pose similar to Cyber Gomora Armour.

While posing, you began to have vivid memories of the previous Gomora who went Reyonix Burst as you had a glimpse of its memories in battle while the transformation and armour digitization have been completed.


(A/N: Cyber Gomora Reyonix Burst Armour. Put some shades of red on it to give it the Reyonix Burst look on the Gomora Reyonix Burst Armour.)

(A/N: For the detailing and features on Cyber Gomora's human form, ensure that the dark and light blue colors are replaced to Gomora Reyonix Burst's colours.)

After the armour is completed and now on you, you stood tall while your armour claws sharpened up by itself as they turned red amber hot.

(y/n): ... I honed my skills in the pits of an Artificial Planet in the Beatstar Wars, along with Three Planets and a Graveyard in the Reyonix Wars!!!!!!!!!! And since you want to dance that way like you did just now,... ALRIGHT!!!!!!!!! LET'S CHA-CHA!!!!!!

You yelled as you finished.

The Grimm then screeched louder as it crawled towards you, for you to do the same as you ran towards the Grimm. As soon as the both of you are close to each other, both of you then clashed claws and pincers with each other. While clashing claws and pincers causing them to lock them in place during the clash, you looked at the Grimm, dead in its eyes as your horns began to illuminate amber orange while more flames began to engulf your three horns.

After a while with your horns glowing extremely bright, you lunged forward for a huge amber beam to emit from your front horn as it struck the Grimm right in its face, causing it to get dragged backwards, breaking the clash. The Grimm shrieked in pain as it now had burnt marks on its head and pincers due to the clash and horn beam. While the Grimm was shrieking, the two Taijitu heads for tails lunged into try sink their fangs onto you, only for you to jump backwards to dodge the white one and strike the head one, injuring its left eye.

After injuring the eye of the left one, it shook its head violently as it hissed in pain, giving you the opportunity to thrust your burning hot claws on its gauntlets into its head as you lift the entire Grimm up, spinning it around in circles for it to strike every tree it hits. After a while, you released your hold on the Black Taijitu head, sending the Grimm flying while destroying some trees in the process.

(y/n): Hmph! Time to bail to the main objective...

You said as you head towards another ruin further away from the ruins where you took the relic from its podium.

Meanwhile, the Grimm that was thrown to the trees got back up on its legs as it hissed angrily as it followed you closely from behind, not wanting for you to notice it.

At the Canyon, 

You stopped at the edge of the canyon as you see a ruined structure in the middle of it. As you admired the view, you hear loud rustles from the green for you to turn around to see the same Grimm crawling towards you, for you to sigh.

(A/N The ruins at the canyon.)

(y/n): Round 2, I see? Hmph. Alright then... I'll make this one quick....

You said.

The Grimm's tails aka, the two Taijitu Heads lunged in to sink its fangs on you once again, for you to dodge them while scarring their eyes, blinding them for the heads to shriek and hiss in pain, hastening their attacks as it lunged in really fast for you to jump backwards. As you were getting close to the edge of the cliff of the canyon, you stopped dodging, attacking and defending, for you to be cornered.

Just as things are about to get worse, the Grimm arched forward, for the Taijitu heads to lung forward, opening its mouths to show its fangs at you, for you to smirk, mysteriously. As they got close to you, your claws glow hotter as you thrusted your armour claws deep inside each other heads' mouths, for the heads to clamp onto your arms while its fangs to rarely miss you by an inch, causing the Grimm to shriek in pain.

Then, you thrust your claws to the ground, for your molten hot claws to pierce through the lower jaws of the Taijitu heads and into the ground, for the whole Grimm to shriek out even more. Soon after, you raised your arms and claws off the ground as you forcefully pulled back, ripping the Taijitu heads off the Scorpion Grimm, for it to shriek an errie scream, earning a faint growl coming from the green, for you to hear it.

You then shook your arms roughly for the heads for tails to come off as you ran towards the Grimm, for a flash of light to swipe its way through the Grimm while you ran past it, silencing the Grimm. After a few seconds later, the Grimm falls onto its stomach while its head popped off from its body, withering away in the process behind your back, knowing that the Grimm is now long gone, for you to breathe heavily while another apendage was seen replacing your right claw, as an announcement from your X-Devizor announced;

(A/N: Jaune's armour and sword to be utilized.)


Slowly, you turned around to see the Grimm no longer behind you, lowering your blade of Crocea Mors, revealing that you are also utilizing Jaune's Armour to be in the mix of Cyber Gomora Reyonix Burst Armour.

You soon smiled that the fight against one of Greeza's monsters have been vanquished and decided to head to the center of the ruins at the center of the canyon, not before you heard a growl behind you, for you to turn back to several nevermores, a pack of over a dozen werewolves and several ursas began to advance towards you.

(y/n): You too? (Looks at the ruins) Hmmm... So many surprises and advantages, today. Well then, come on.

You said to attract them towards you.


At Beacon Tower,

(A/N: Beacon Tower.)

In Ozpin's office at the top odf Beacon Tower, you stood before Professor Ozpin while he is seen seated in front of his desk as he began to stand up to give you a short debrief on what future brings you, with Professor Glynda Goodwitch by his side. Ozpin after standing up from his seat, walked to the front of his desk as he began to speak.

Ozpin: (y/l) (l/n). You retrieved the White Rook. Although you are the only one who went through initiation, I'll be appointing you to work together with Team RWBY.

(y/n): May I have a room, if there is still one, sir?

Ozpin: Well, there are still a few rooms vacant so, you may choose which one suits you.

(y/n): Thank you, Professors. Will that be all?

You ask.

Ozpin: Hmmm... Just this one question. Who are Daichi and X? And who are they to you?

Ozpin ask.

You were reluctant to answer his question, but due to him being a headmaster, you sighed and decided to answer his question.

(y/n): My partners. My friends.

You answered.

Ozpin: I see. Well then, I shan't hold you up. Enjoy your stay, Mr. (l/n). Hopefully you will get along well with my students here in Beacon.

(y/n): Thank you, sir.

You said.

Then, you soon walked to the elevator and made your way down and to the dorms to pick a room. After you left, Glynda and Ozpin began to discuss their matters about the Grimm and their new student aka, you.

Glynda: Mr. (l/n) is an interesting faunus. And what destructive power he has when he went up in flames.

Ozpin: His heart is at the right place, Glynda. But I fear if he uses his fire mode with no control, he will soon lose himself in time.

Glynda: That's the worse case of scenario if he keeps pushing himself, too far.

Ozpin: That maybe. But if we were to able to stop her, one must go and reach beyond limits, in which Mr. (l/n) displayed an example to that new Grimm that we have never seen before, which I'll bet our new enemy would do the same.

Glynda: And if this new enemy is here, what will happen to us? And what of her if she finds out about him?

Glynda ask for Ozpin to give it a thought about her question.

Glynda: Professor Ozpin?

Glynda ask again, for Ozpin to respond.

Ozpin: Hmmm... if it were to be the case,... then we must protect him at all cost... even if it means.... sacrificing what lies down beneath our feet of this Academy, and telling him the truth behind this world in the process.

To be Continued....

And that's all, folks! The sixth episode of our Ultraman X x RWBY - Cyber Gomora reader x Ruby Rose. If you ladies and gentlemen and other deviants really, really love it, comment down below on the comment section if you want me to try something and make up for it. So, thank you so much for reading this. And if you enjoy it, please do leave a comment and add the story to your faves cause' that would be "Muteki" awesome and greatly appreciated, but if you didn't, please do leave a comment on how I can improve myself as well.

And, if this happens to be the first literature that you have seen by me, please consider leaving a watch to become part of "Ride-Player Troopers" (It's what I prefer to call my watchers) today if you want to see more of the rest of this insert. Apart from that, thank you so much again for reading this, and I'll see you Ride-Players (readers) on the next episode of our RWBY: Yang x King of Predacon Reader! Until then! See you on the next game! Staylighted up! Stay Brave! Be Nice! SEE YA!!!

Don't worry guys. There will be an episode on what happened to the horde of Grimm at the ruins at the center of the canyon. You'll just have to stay tune, for the HUNT!!!

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