\~Part Three~/

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    So, Part one was a little bit on NaNoWriMo, but I figured I should write a more formal chapter fot this awesome, painful, emotional month. Anyways, here it is, all about my NaNo!
    I am writing a book called "Dreamer" and so far parts of it I'd say are really well written, and other parts I want to burn (A.K.A. almost the entire thing) I am at a little under 3.5k, but I wouldn't be as far is it were not for procrastination, forgetfulness, lazyness, and simple mistakes, I could peobably be much furthur ahead. You see, I was at the library today because of somesort of reson, and I figured that since I was there I may as well write some. It was my fist day not reserving a computer and it felt really weird, but any way, we were doing a write deck and as usualt I lost, and I was getting ready to copy it, but my dumb elbow hit the backspace button. That was a very emotional time.
     Like I was saying, I know I won't be able to finish, so that is why I am planning on the next NaNoWriMo, which I think is in April, and I have really high hopes for it. But until then, I will be trying to get 5k for this story. Anyway, here is the basic concept of my Upcoming NaNo.
    There is a guy who works as a milk man for a small town. Everyone respects him and they all say he is the friendliest person in the town. Then this one kid comes around and treats him like crap, calling him "Poor and Pathetic," Well, what the kid didn't know was that he was actualy very wealthy, but that is not important. The man brushes it off, thinking that he was just having a rough day, but this keeps hapening until one day the man bets so fed up, he somehow kills the child (Secretly of course, the deah is still undecided.) He doesn't know he realy did it because the anger had taken over him and he was unable to think clearly and control himself.
    The next morning, he s sitting at his table drinkng coffee and watching the news, when the news about the dead boy came up. The man had forgotten about and only remembered when he saw this headline. He deides to keep it quiet and not to worry about t, but he can't. The thought haunts hime and evenually he becomes a serial killer nd they End. That is the basic plot.
    So, this was a bit longer than the others, and so I hope you liked it!

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